I will be posting geared for people in the future to read. Meaning I will be doing my updates by editing this post so that they don’t have to dig through a long thread unless they feel like it. When I make an update edit, I will also reply to the thread to bump it. I will be attaching pictures in other posts to keeps things separate, give me a few minutes to post.
I’m looking to gain 3/4” girth. I am VERY much interested in maintaining a nice aesthetic appearance with proper proportions as much as I want girth. I picked PhalloFILL precisely because they go slow, and also use the silicon sleeve. I picked HA because it can be revised and has a safer profile. There’s a PhalloFILL in my home state but I drove to Dallas to have Mr. Moore do the procedure because he seems to really care and be interested in aesthetics as much as girth.
Starting Measurements
8” bone pressed
7” non bone pressed
about 4 3/4” girth, maybe a hair less.
Before pictures
First Visit
My first visit was Nov 13 (I’m posting this from the future).
Mr. Moore gave me 8 units, 9.6cc. He applied the silicon dressing tube and also informed me that they had started to use a lanyard style cock ring (loosely) to prevent the filler from escaping the shaft. The next day the swelling had gone down remarkable quick. I bruised lightly. I had a complication from the ring, and the gains were less than I expected. Mr. Moore is very nice. I was very pleased with my visit to his clinic. I have a couple of negative things to go over but all in all I’m happy to be working with Mr. Moore.
The cock ring was uncomfortable, but I thought it was just the sticky sleeve chaffing the base of my shaft. But, after a day and a half it started looking like there was tissue damage above and below the ring. So, I removed it, and over the course of a day the skin where it was turned into a purple brown ring around the base of my penis. After 4 to 5 days that dark skin sloughed off and scabbed over. It’s still slowly healing. I’ve still been using the cock ring but I’ve put it on TOP of the silicon tube instead of below, and slightly higher than the damaged tissue so as to not make that worse. It seems to be effective without damaging tissue this way. I want to be very clear, that this isn’t as big of a problem as it probably sounds like. It was pretty minor. Also I have not yet communicated this feedback with Mr. Moore, so to be fair it’s possible that I wasn’t following his instructions properly. It isn’t urgent so I don’t see why I should bother him with it now. I plan on letting him know at the next session.. I’m not upset, and I’m counting this as the minor cost of being on the bleeding-edge of a relatively new cosmetic procedure.
Complication pictures
I expected there to be about a 1/4” of girth gain, but there’s nearly been zero gains. Visually it looks like there’s been changes to me, but. It’s not borne out by the tape measure. My girth is still roughly 4 3/4”, but I possible gained about 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch. I was very worried about negative aesthetic changes, so despite the lackluster gains I’m still very happy because my penis still looks nice.
tells me that this isn’t too out of the ordinary so I’m considering this underwhelming result to be a ‘foundation’ that something great will be built on.
(Edit: in all honesty I’m a pretty bummed out, I had a bit of a breakdown when I saw the results, but I’m trying to stay positive. I’m genuinely optimistic about round 2)
First round + 12 days pics
Photo Index
First Round Complication
First round + 12 days