Week 8 update:
Still holding at:
5.9” at circ scar
6.1 mid shaft
6.5 base
Got a little more length back but still down some. Going to start a stretching routine to he’ll get back some length. I’ve also put on some weight since the last time I measured before the procedure so maybe Ive just gotten fat. Going to get back into an exercise routine for the new year.
The clump on the right side of my circ scar is still there and still feels a little “grainy” when I rub it. I’m thinking that will need to be addressed by the doc when I go back.
The one on the top middle of the shaft is barely noticeable now. I think more material around it will even it out nicely.
Same for the one at the base of the right side. It’s more noticeable than the top middle but still feels like it will even out nicely.
Wife has adjusted to the new size and wants even more
Girth. She really loves feeling full and it’s very obvious to me much more vocal she is, how easily she cums, and how she now cums multiple times during sex. I wanted to be close to 7”
Girth originally based on some toys we have that she likes. She is now on board for that size or even bigger if the doc thinks it’s safe.
Depending on what the doc says about the clump near my circ scar, I’ll decide how many syringes to get round 2. I want to avoid another clump or making the one I have worse if it can’t be broken up.