I started going down the rabbit hole of enhancement last December, was looking hard at Penuma hard. After finding some that it didn't work out for (e.g. total nightmare) some people sex life completely ruined and implant in nutsack issue. Lots of reddit posts wish I never did this, complications down the line. Yeah not worth the risk imo.
I elected for injections and focusing on girth looked at PMMA and HA, HA definitely makes the most sense for me with minimum risk as cost doesn't matter as much. Phallofill is a great network, liked what I saw. Btw, using an advanced urologist benefits someone who knows everything about advanced penis surgery incase anything happens is very, very nice benefit think about it. Not just an injector... Also, if it matters, a nice benefit you could use medical spending HSA its an urology bill.

That's 40% off I didn't do it at the time, but would on my next two purchases.
Anyhow, my research of ideal girth is 6.25-5.75, yes I see some of you guys in your 7-8" quests hats off to you i'm good with 5.75 - 6.25. Wife was definitely informed ahead of time, I see some of you guys thinking maybe I'll get this procedure and not tell lol. Sorry she is going to know penis enhancement would be pretty impossible to hide, not sure why you would anyhow. So appointment pre consultation with Jonathan pretty easy, but forgot my wallet, was :teaching kid to drive and he kept my CC when pumping gas. Luckily wife texted me copy and they took payment. Pretty accommodating place I obviously was nervous out of my mind.
I definitely freaked seeing the needle, he was good at pulling it off tricking me thank god. I was a little embarrassed about being a pain in the ass, he gave me the sleeve (hardest part of process) and told me to take his card (3 times )tand email with questions concerns (I left by accident). I didn't think I would need any help, sure enough the sleeve needs to stay on 3 days but it slips off twice first night. Once a small turtle effect I needed to readjust, then while asleep. I contact Phallofill, since I didn't have email. I was really, really worried. Ben (Phallofill guy) helped me here (A LOT). This is definitely a good company it was late like 8:45. I was thinking I need a smaller sleeve but by day 2-3 it blew up quite nicely. In the two weeks I have had the sleeve I questioned if it was too big, then too small, then did I stretch the fucker out ha. The sleeve is easy if your working from home computer, easy to adjust.. Started taking small dose of viagra to reduce turtling worked perfectly. I would make sure you have this check box if you're a turtler. Sitting with sleeve isn't fun either needs to be pulled back far enough or turtling issue. Sleeve is work and must be worn 3 weeks, I wouldn't want to be running a marathon in a sleeve either, you need to make sure you pull it back far enough.
So I am 2 weeks out now, no bruising some soreness on one side. I have the lymph spot towards glans but it's reducing pretty small to what I seen here. Not worried sleeve is helping it for sure. Anyhow, I was planning on 3 week return appointment. Technically according to Phallofill you can, I would wait 5-6 weeks.
Key take aways
I would say research post op follow up with provider. This Dr Jonathan Clavell was amazingly responsive to email, I had a few small concerns brushing not on dick, turtling, etc. He responded right away. I was really worried with bruising, yes I have seen PMMA pictures but at one point I was like dam glad I have urologist because any issue I have a great resource already in the picture. Pretty sure a penis injection is child's play for the procedures a Dr of this caliber is doing regualarly.
Anyhow, Phallofill I give A++ for communication and Clavell too. Instantly feel way way more confident, wife likes it better. I am sort of glad of Phallofill not all at once approach, yes three weeks of sleeve is pain. However, I think it will be better to test waters with wife than just going A to Z. I just had sex first time wife liked it more.
If I can get to my ideal size, and just touchup 1x a year would be ideal to me (even if 5 injections). Anyhow, very impressed with results. Sure flaccid results are better honestly I am all about erect and happy with size changes. I honestly told a few close friends, as I was blown away with this. Very happy to be working with Phallofill team. I plan on repeating my 5 injections end of September (exactly at 6 weeks) and then in Jan 2025. I will reconsider and shift plan according to wife's feedback after
Two things I am researching to make my next injection better is flomax and also use of healing peptides. I know some p-shot people, I have done scp not on penis but bad wound. I healed a bad tendonitis issue with BPC157 subq not on penis and curious if it would aid in HA. It's an interesting theroy would love feedback from anyone with knowledge.