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TOPIC: The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti

The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 1 week ago #1308718267

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A note of clarity - the joke is "a Dick going thud when you flop it out". So there you go. Any way, pasting this from the doc I've been using to journal this.
I'm organizing the photos as we speak, those will come separately.

TLDR Version:
Before - 7-7.5BPEL x 5.625 BSEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5.0 CSEG
Procedure: 7/23/2024, 1200PDT, 15ml 30% PMMA, 7ml 10% PMMA
Provider: Avanti Derma
1 Week After: 7.0 BSEG (+1.375"), 6.625 MSEG (+1.125"), 6.25 CSEG (+1.25")
2 Weeks After: TBD

Longer Version

I'll touch on the hotel, shuttle, restaurants, flight, etc, in subsequent posts, maybe, this is a Day 1 + Background sort of post. The pictures will come in separate posts once I determine how much I should stagger the timeline.

Background: November 2021 I found a local HA injector who looked more or less reputable (then he went over to the silicone dark side and I wrote him off), and had 15ml of Voluma XC. I'd been mistakenly saying I'd gotten Volux, was so long ago and such a nerve-blurred experience all I remember was "Juvederm, something with an X, crosslinked hylauronic acid, 15ml". Back then he did the glans as well, though, it was really a thin U-shaped bead (think caulk bead) along the coronal ridge.

There was another dude here recently who posted about being a massive guy in stature and wanting a Dick to match - that was basically my same motivation. 7+ by 5.5 would look like a big Dick on most dudes, it doesn't on me, and I have the disposable income to increase the latter number. For privacy's sake I won't put my exact build as there are only so many dudes on the planet that size from my locale. But I am the size of an NFL offensive tackle. I would like to get to 6" circumference at the circ scar, and anything above 6" between there and the base I am content with.If I got what user ‘moes’ got as far as gain (he had the same 30/10 mix, bigger starting Girth, similar starting length, and got 1 full Inch), I’ll hit the size goal in one round, and a second would just be touch-up. To that same end, if it’s a variable .75-1.0 I’m good with that, too, I don’t think a vagina is going to notice 5.75 vs 6.0 in a single part of my dong.

I was crap about measuring back then, so I don't know exactly WHAT my Girth was before that procedure. I know length-wise, over the course of being dude nominally obsessed with his Dick, as all dudes are, I've gotten length measurements from 7" on the dot, all the way to 7 15/16" when i was 100% EQ and following manual PE routines. I suspect some of that is extra glans swelling that i will NEVER achieve during intercourse, so the length is somewhere between 7 and 7.5. If I slam some tadalafil and a high dose of PT-141, I'll get to 7.5, ordinarily the 80-90% EQ that's more common for sex, dead on 7". Girth-wise before the HA, I hit 5.5-5.625ish right before the base, but was 5.0 behind the circ scar, 5 1/4ish MSEG.

After the HA in 2021, basically the 5.5 started closer to the circ scar, maybe 1/2" beneath it and i would get to damn near 6" by the time I got to the base. Fast-forward to today, and I've actually retained SOME collagen and degraded HA (Dr Morales and Ian called it "encapsulation"), and my MSEG is dead-on 5.5, base is 5 5/8", there's a margin for error in there for how tight one squeezes the tailor's tape.

Now, I retract, badly. I'll get some pictures up once we're in a better place, I'm only maybe a half hour post-procedure as I type this up (and will probably edit, and re-edit, multiple times before I actually put it on the forums). But I just had the Utmost procedure with Avanti, Haven't even been for my 16:00 with Ian yet, . Meaning I'm going to be a guinea pig for two things:
-how much aftercare can overcome a really strong retraction reflex. When I post my Dick at its worst you'll see what I mean. Looks like someone put a gumdrop on a marshmallow
-how does HA that's completely degraded affect subsequent procedures.

I am a sample size of one. So the scope of my results is limited, if I get a great result, you might have my same Dick and get a bad result. If I have a bad result, you might have my same Dick and get a good result. YMMV, caveat emptor, etc.

Day 1 - Tuesday 7/23/2024

12:00I had my PMMA procedure with Avanti. You walk in, there’s a half bath in the room - take one last piss with your old Dick, disrobe, toss your clothes on a hook, put on paper boots and a hospital gown with…the front open. I won’t lie, this is awkward as hell. I’ve gotten fat, and you’re staring at your bigass cortisol belly in the mirror with a spotlight on it, I felt like I was in the maternity ward. I’m sure they’re used to seeing fat bastards with their dicks out, I’m not used to being the fat bastard with my Dick out - once I reclined and the numbing cream went on, put my arms back and relaxed, mentally checked out, this is around the time my BP probably normalized. Whoever recommended bringing sunglasses - yes. Bring them. The lights are bright, by necessity, I barely noticed em with shades on.

I had a ton of mobile, stretchy skin, plus the "encapsulation", and Dr Morales did note that gave more space for them to maneuver. One in the "positives" column for previous HA. I know the pre-existing HA thing is a case-by-case basis, mine was so long ago I did not have to get anything dissolved, nearly the entirety of it was gone, and when I tugged at it...if you've ever seen someone who's lost like 400lbs and has loose skin on their stomachs, when I tugged it around it looked like that. Lots of room for filler.

I had 15ml of 30% PMMA, and 7ml of 10% PMMA, total of 22ml product injected, 5.2ml of PMMA microspheres. Probably not a perfect 1:1 translation, but 5.2ml of microspheres from Bellafill would entail 26ml injected (as Bellafill is 20% concentration) - just as an FYI for anyone looking into Bellafill instead of Linnea and wondering about an analogous quantity.

The Utmost also includes the PRP, glans HA, phallotox, and scrotox. I can't remember if they do red light therapy or whatever but I brought my own infrared heating pad (for helping the massages later) and my own small red light therapy device. The glans HA is the only part where I felt anything even vaguely resembling "pain", it was maybe a 3/10, and I'd wager I'm the exception. I wouldn't be at all surprised if I had some fibrosis the needle blasted through. I'm on TRT so I already have grapes for Balls, the scrotox may yield an amusing result.

Otherwise all you feel are the pin pricks of the lidocaine injections, and the pin pricks of the botox injections. Once you're numb, all you feel is a tugging sensation at the base of your Dick. Not uncomfortable, but you're trying to be professional and not get a boner while a pretty woman is tugging your Dick. I won't tell you the sad things I had to think of to it, but thinking back I can't help but laugh. I was nervous but not cripplingly so going into the procedure, once i got laid back on the table I was fine. More than fine, the whole thing is just hilarious, I put myself in Leroy Jenkins mode and figure "one life, one Dick, why the fuck not, we're all gonna be killed in a nuclear apocalypse soon any way, at least I'll die with a massive hog".

Immediately post procedure, leave it the hell alone. Go back to the hotel, eat some snacks that you were smart enough to grab from Oxxo yesterday, wait for your 16:00 with Ian. I'm going to be taking my stash of weights and urowrap to show him so he can say yay/nay, but none of them are touching my Dick until that follow-up.

As for my nutrition and supplementation regimen I'll need to make sure it's kosher sharing all of it; nothing illegal, but I also don't want to cross the line of "self administration", or telling people how to grey-market their own stuff. I have legit HRT docs that are pretty cool about prescribing me what I want so long as it's not illegal or dangerous, to include GHRH/GHRP type peptides.

1600 Meeting: change the wrap every 3 hours, when the bleeding stops you can begin shaping/massaging.
1900: bleeding looks to be stopped. Threw on the 3-ball weight, and to answer a question I had myself, no, the glans isn't so tender that it hurts supporting this silicone rope with your coronal ridge (not any more than it did before the procedure when I was practicing). Everything still seems pretty smooth, so while my Dick is stretched with the weight, I begin to rewrap. Letting it hang while my ropey back allows me to be in the office chair that's in the room, as my back starts to say hell no I'll go back to doing what i did before - attach the noose weight to some paracord thrown over my big toe, use the extension of my feet to pull the weight/glans forward. With this weight on, my NBPFSL is 6.5, so that's neat. Curious to see what my regular Flaccid length is when the botox kicks in. I’ll change the wrap again at 22:00, get an Erection, and if it isn’t painful in this wrap this will be how I sleep. Morning follow-up with Ian at 0930 on Day 2.

Day 2 - Wednesday 7/24/2024 - checkups with Ian, if your filler is out of place he’ll show you how to massage it back into place. One IMPORTANT thing I would suggest for you guys, once you’ve settled on a pattern/motion/pressure for massaging the filler around, show Ian. If you’re wrapping during your rest periods, show Ian how it’s wrapped. I was doing it wrong, and not enough pressure, and I couldn’t figure out what was going wrong; he corrected me, and I’ve had no problems since.
Also did the IPL for collagen, and red light therapy for healing. No idea how effective, but if the result works out I won’t complain. They give you those little eye goggles you use in a tanning booth, back in the gown, Dick on display, and under the light you go. Day 2 is more about bruising and tenderness than swelling.

Day 3 - Thursday 7/25/2024 - more checkups and supplemental treatments, spot correction on the massaging. Today is a swelling day more than a bruising day. On day 2 you’re thinking “that’s not that bad”, but day 3 was when the edema went into overload. On the other hand, my Dick went back to a mostly normal color, so maybe the red light does help? Or maybe the boatloads of peptides, who knows. Still some massaging imperfection, but I’m ok with aesthetic imperfection, I had an ugly Dick before, and I’ll have an ugly Dick after.

Day 4 - Friday 7/26/2024 - one last morning meeting with Ian at 0930 after my final Dick-on-sink morning massage, then my flight back home, by this point my technique has gotten better so he only had to point out a few things. I wait with my bags in the Avanti office, shuttle scoops me right up - guys, GET THE SHUTTLE! Apparently there’s some kind of medical tourism special fast lane for the border crossing, that the shuttles have access to, otherwise it’s a 3-4 hour crossing.

Day 5-6 - Saturday/Sunday
Appearance is pretty much back to normal. In fact, they talk about a low point, and it’s around this time that I’m frantically looking through PhalloBoards to see when the low point is, when you can figure out how much of your gain is going to stay, etc.

On day 6 I take my first measurement with tailor’s tape. My girlfriend was right behind me working, and she doesn’t know yet, so I’m sneakily measuring my non-stretched but non-turtled Flaccid…holy crap, yeah, if she didn’t know about the HA, she’ll know about this one.
Base - 6.5”
“Shelf” behind circ scar - 6.0”

…holy crap. Awesome. Maybe this holds, maybe it doesn’t, but that’s my unstretched Flaccid a full Inch bigger than my pre-PMMA Erection. There are pictures of this.
Didn’t measure on day 6 tugged, but if i pulled my glans to stretch out, the shelf went down to 5.5”, mid-shaft 6.0”, and base still 6.5”.

Day 7-10 - Monday - Thursday
More stretching, massaging, albeit lazily so. The filler is MUCH harder to move at this point, and it doesn’t take long massaging to cause some pretty wild swelling.

Girlfriend is still attached to my hip (for reasons unrelated to my Dick), so no real alone time, and I can’t really keep a boner that well when she’s behind me on a zoom call, but I did sneak a measurement with like 80% EQ

….are you friggin kidding me? Man if this holds, I’ve hit the collagen jackpot. No way, this can’t hold. Don’t get attached to this size, I can’t. SO, day 8 measurements, Tuesday 7/30/2024

Base Erect Girth - 7” (old: 5.625”)
Mid-Shaft Erect Girth - 6 ⅝” (old: 5.5”)
CicScar Shelf - 6 ¼” (old: 5.0”)

I’m on day 10 now, haven’t measured Erect-ish since day 8, ripping headache from unrelated things, tomorrow I’ll slam some forced-boner juice and give it a measure.

From here on out it’s just a game of massage, extend, see how much of these gains hold. Cautious optimism, it didn’t FEEL like swelling to the touch, and my subcutaneous veins were visible when I measured (you’ll see when I get the pics on here). But I just can’t let my mind race to the possibility of adding 1.5” in a single session. I’d love it if I were that one special snowflake, but that’s probably not reality.
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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 1 week ago #1308718268

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EDIT: i should point out, i put captions on the photos, so if you click you can see the dates, a few word blurb on what state it is, etc

First, the before pictures
The completely turtled up one...I know some of yall have been embarrassed about your scared turtle, guarantee you it doesn't look more ridiculous than this, shrinking down to like a 2 Inch Dick, if I'm lucky, inside of a weird bun of stretched skin, degraded HA, and residual collagen from my 11/2021 15ml HA procedure.
I have never been particularly self conscious because absolutely nobody is going to see me in that state. I'll tug it out and start helicoptering and we're good.
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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 1 week ago #1308718269

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These are various states 24-48 hours after the procedure (which was 7/23/2024 around noon Tijuana time)
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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 1 week ago #1308718270

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From my last day in TJ, around the time the entry points closed, to my first measurement this past Monday
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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 1 week ago #1308718271

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and lastly, my latest measurements, plus one of the "full glory". I still haven't bothered trying to get a full Erection since I've gotten home, a bunch of life stress stuff popped up, but this is where we are today
if it holds? well, I might need a shoehorn next date night.
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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 1 week ago #1308718280

Hell yeah, congrats on taking the leap and the awesome gains thus far! Looking forward to reading about how it shapes up in the coming weeks. I’m headed for round two next week.
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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 1 week ago #1308718296

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SIck as a dog, and yet, got pretty decent morning wood today, not quite the 100% PT141 + tadalafil boner, but a good serviceable 80-90% EQ.
Two more pictures, one so you can see more or less the aesthetics of the Erection. You and I know it's an enhanced Dick, but do others? Who knows.
As for that measurement...I mean, yall tell me, 7 1/8"? 7 3/16"? just shy of 7 1/4"? I'm pulling to remove all slack but NOT to compress.
I mean we're splitting hairs so whatever. I'm way into custom condom territory now.

I will say trying to beat off to get a good measurement, the filler implant is definitely mobile, it know those sleeve sex toys like the egg or whatever? Kinda feels like that, or like the "gliding" people with Foreskin describe. I've read elsewhere (I think?) that this mobility does settle down. If it doesn't I can live with it, if it does all the better. Guess we'll see, I'm not fucking until the full 42 days, and I may not even get off, just to keep my Flaccid hang lower and prevent retraction until it's done healing.

EDIT: one thing I will add, I do look to have lost around half an Inch in length. Now, what is that REALLY? Just not enough skin to accommodate my new Girth at the old length. So it's a fake loss, albeit a functional loss in that I can now penetrate a woman a half Inch less. Don't care. Worth it.
I have every expectation this is transient, and eventually the skin will stretch to accommodate my original length - the vascular structure doesn't change with procedures like these, nor does the ligament, It would be worth it if it was NOT transient, but, logically I know it's transient. Don't care, just excited to use my new massive titanic wiener.
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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 1 week ago #1308718302

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Another interesting perspective, side by side.
The Dick on the right is over an Inch thicker than the Dick on the left. ANd arguably MORE symmetrical.
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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 6 days ago #1308718316

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Laughing at this because I went through just about the same range of emotions with the various stages of this process. Im exactly one month post my 2nd procedure. Had a hiccup with an entry point infection that is now behind me. With what appears to be zero edema at this point in holding at 6.25 Flaccid. My goal was to settle at 6" Flaccid. I'n my experience from my first round measurements didn't really get consistent until the 2nd month. Overall I gained 3/4 first round and I'm holding at 1" gain 2nd round but I wouldn't be surprised if I lose another 1/4" by this time next month. I can get to 7" Erect and TBH I never thought I'd say this but I hope I do lose a bit more because oral was a challenge for the Mrs and that's definitely one thing I can't go without. Congrats on the success of your procedure !

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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 5 days ago #1308718330

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Yeah I'm just not an oral guy. Nor anal. I guess some of it is me screwing up my sensitivity so that I'm not sensitive enough to get off from head, part of it is I was girthy enough before it took a Paula Deen sized woman to do it right.
I only care about vag so I guess technically there's no real upper limit.
Tuesday will be interesting as that's the 2 week mark. I'm still holding 7" at the base and a lot of guys were saying anywhere from day 5-14 peak was their final. I didn't set out for 7" because that's freakish but now that I've tasted the sweet sweet nectar of circus freak size the addict center of my brain is triggered.
I'd love to be an overachiever, but I need to really not be stupid about whether a 1" gain is adequate - it's tough!
6.5/6.5/6.0 is massive. I should be ok with that. But damn if 7/6.625/6.25 isn't better!

I did squeeze the shit out of two entry nodules today, one I got completely, the other i reduced but I'm gonna be stuck relying on it to soften. We'll see. I'll update at weekly increments and or any one odds I think.

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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 4 days ago #1308718354

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Congrats bro! Looking massive. Share what the experience is like with the missus on the new size. I’m at 5.9 usually and with a Cock ring can get to 6.2. Wifey loves it. I’m thinking I might try to convince her that I need another session to move up on the satisfaction level.

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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 4 days ago #1308718355

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Odouble wrote: Congrats bro! Looking massive. Share what the experience is like with the missus on the new size. I’m at 5.9 usually and with a Cock ring can get to 6.2. Wifey loves it. I’m thinking I might try to convince her that I need another session to move up on the satisfaction level.

Absolutely will, good bad or otherwise. I'm going to do my best to wait out the full 6 weeks, likely making me the first dude ever to wait the full 6 weeks,
Day...13 today i think, depending on if you count from 0 or 1.
The bumps are starting to show but nothing world ending. The Nodule I thought I got rid of is back, so I'll be hitting things with heat and hoping for the best with the smoothing. I don't know to what extent I can still manipulate things this far on, but we'll give it the old college try.

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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 3 days ago #1308718360

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too curious to see where I'd max out on Day14, so I'll call today the 2 week update (tomorrow at noon would technically be it, 18:00 right now TJ time)
Slammed some PT141 and tadalafil earlier to force out a proper boner for measurement
Hasn't really changed the last few days, but still some marginal growth since day7. I've been here since day 11 or 12 or so.

Before: | 1 week. | 2 weeks
BPEL: 7-7.5 | 6.75" | 6.75"
BSEG: 5.625. |. 7" |. 7.125"
BS+1EG: N/A |. N/A |. 7.0"
MSEG: 5.5 | 6.625. |. 6.875 "
CSEG: 5.0 |. 6.25" |. 6.625"

SO I added a "BS+1EG", that's 1" from the base, because I feel like the base measurement is probably pulling in scrotal skin - it technically counts, BUT, it's not as useful I don't think.
CSEG = Circumcision Scar Erect Girth - the forward-most augmented area. The little stretch of unaugmented skin that they always leave filler out of is...difficult to measure, the tape is too wide, but it's still between 5.0 and 5.25

I don't really want to be any bigger than this BUT I'm going to continue diet, supplements, peptides, as though I'm trying to maximize collagen production.
Well, maybe not diet, I'm still going to eat like shit. But supplements and peptides, I'll keep those up the full 6+ weeks (the peptides I have a 60 day supply of).

No getting around it, the length has taken a slight hit, just not enough skin. I expect this to remedy at some point, but i dont care all that much. I have a huge Dick.

One "gotcha" i didn't prepare for - ingrown hairs. I shaved my shaft all the way down to the bare skin; didn't pluck, shaved. So when the filler went in, and the swelling took hold, a number of those little nubbin hairs got caught under the shaft skin. I would advise dudes not to go all the way down that low, ingrown hairs when you're worried about nodules aren't fun. Probably fine to do to the bush but the bottom of the shaft especially, annoying. Avoid the temptation to not put the guard on your trimmer, or to wax/epilate.

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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 3 days ago #1308718361

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itgoesthud wrote: Yeah I'm just not an oral guy. Nor anal. I guess some of it is me screwing up my sensitivity so that I'm not sensitive enough to get off from head, part of it is I was girthy enough before it took a Paula Deen sized woman to do it right.
I only care about vag so I guess technically there's no real upper limit.
Tuesday will be interesting as that's the 2 week mark. I'm still holding 7" at the base and a lot of guys were saying anywhere from day 5-14 peak was their final. I didn't set out for 7" because that's freakish but now that I've tasted the sweet sweet nectar of circus freak size the addict center of my brain is triggered.
I'd love to be an overachiever, but I need to really not be stupid about whether a 1" gain is adequate - it's tough!
6.5/6.5/6.0 is massive. I should be ok with that. But damn if 7/6.625/6.25 isn't better!

I did squeeze the shit out of two entry nodules today, one I got completely, the other i reduced but I'm gonna be stuck relying on it to soften. We'll see. I'll update at weekly increments and or any one odds I think.

Man, I feel like you're missing something amazing. I've come across other guys that feel the same as you regarding head and I could never understand it lol. Glad your gains seem to be sticking and you're happy.

As far as length goes, I took a hit my first round also. I had the same suspicion regarding skin being tight etc. I gained it all back within two months.

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The thud got louder in Tijuana with Avanti 7 months 2 days ago #1308718374

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VoltzZz wrote: As far as length goes, I took a hit my first round also. I had the same suspicion regarding skin being tight etc. I gained it all back within two months.

About my only complaint thus far is the almost "rubbery" feel of it even with a solid boner. Not enough for me to prefer the old way, but still.
Is it going to harden over the coming weeks? Timelines?
100% EQ with this is the hardness of like 80% EQ before. Not like a vagina is going to care but still.

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