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TOPIC: PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15

PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 11 months 6 days ago #1308716698

I joined this forum to gain information on what to expect with PMMA and wanted to give back and document my progress as well as ask some questions of the community.

I'm scheduled for my first PMMA session April 15th, so 11 days from when I'm writing this.

About Me:
42yo - 6'2" - 200lbs - Little belly (~16% body fat according to Dexa Scans'), lift 5 days a week to stay healthy.

I've been using the PeniMaster penis stretcher with weights for about a full year from Nov 22 - Nov 23, only stopped because I was too busy during the Holidays and I had a Circumcision on Jan 04, then a corrective Circumcision on Jan 24 to prepare me for the PMMA which I have been planning to get now for about 6 months.

Right as I stopped stretching, I only measured for length, and I was ~8" BPEL. After taking ~6 months off, I'm now closer to ~7.5" BPEL and 5.25" circumference. Little disappointed to lose gains but plan on starting back up once I'm all healed from all procedures and hope to get them back.

I overall like the appearance of my penis, but feel it's a little thin in the shaft that makes it feel a little less impressive. I'm hoping to get up to ~6 - 6.5" circumference which I hope will still be in the camp of plausibly natural (don't want to go so big that everyone just knows it's fake and/or so big I might lose out on sex partners because it's uncomfortable for them).

I plan on taking and posting some before and after pics along with status updates as I heal and I will share them here.

Here are some questions I'm hoping to get help with:
  1. What is the difference between 10% and 30% Filler? Does it effect the final firmness of your penis?
  2. How long do people typically refrain from sex? If it feels good to have sex after a week, can you have sex without causing cosmetic imperfections in your penis?
  3. I'll be doing the Boobs Cruise in Cancun where people regularly skinny dip about 30 days after. Should I expect to see much volume by then? Or how long does it usually take people to start seeing growth?
  4. I see references stating you should keep your penis stretched after the procedure to help the collagen form evenly. Should I buy something to wear to help do this ahead of time? Should I buy anything in preparation to help ensure the best outcome possible?

Thanks for help everyone.

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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 11 months 6 days ago #1308716701

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Here are some questions I'm hoping to get help with:

What is the difference between 10% and 30% Filler? Does it effect the final firmness of your penis?
How long do people typically refrain from sex? If it feels good to have sex after a week, can you have sex without causing cosmetic imperfections in your penis?
I'll be doing the Boobs Cruise in Cancun where people regularly skinny dip about 30 days after. Should I expect to see much volume by then? Or how long does it usually take people to start seeing growth?
I see references stating you should keep your penis stretched after the procedure to help the collagen form evenly. Should I buy something to wear to help do this ahead of time? Should I buy anything in preparation to help ensure the best outcome possible?

I had my first PMMA session on March 11. Here's how I see things:

1. From what I read here, yes it does have an effect on the final firmness. But it also has an effect on how firm the implant feels under your skin when Flaccid. I had 15ml of 30% and 7 ml of 15% and I can tell you that even though it looks "ok" or good on pictures or just by quickly looking at it, it doesn't feel natural to me. My wife touched it a couple of times and she said that she doesn't feel it that much, to her it just feels "plumpier", but I do feel the implant and I'm reminded everyday that I have something in there that's not quite right and it does feel weird, believe me. Do I regret it? On my 12th day, I absolutely regretted it. At the moment, I don't know yet, I'll have to wait for at least 6 weeks to assess the final result. Now, there are some men who would like to have some additional Girth at all costs, but that's not my case. If I were you, I would ask to use mainly 10% PMMA. If it's not enough, you can always get a second session and add some PMMA gradually. Also, try to communicate to Dr M. exactly what you want and what your limits are.

2. You're supposed to refrain from sex for at least 15 days, but the longer the better. I still had some swelling when I had sex on my 23rd day post PMMA, and the next day I felt a little bit more pain and it was a little bit more swollen. I think 30 days would be more conservative and safer.

3. Wow I didn't know such a thing existed! Oh yes you'll have more volume that's for sure. The PMMA itself causes some volume, and then collagen is supposed to gradually add volume around the implant for the next 6 to 8 weeks following the procedure. So you should be fine 30 days after the procedure.

4. Just make sure that you have enough boxers (not boxer briefs) and a couple of loose fitting pants. But to my knowledge you don't need to do anything about that before the procedure.

Hope this helps, good luck! Don't hesitate to pm me if you have more questions!
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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 11 months 5 days ago #1308716703

the percentages are concentrations
i.e. how many of the little PMMA microspheres you're going to find in a given volume of the carrier, if that makes sense.
the microspheres are tiny irritants, like sand in an oyster, that our skin makes collagen to basically wall off same way oysters make a pearl
the concentrations are going to affect how many spheres get deposited in a given surface area (all other things exactly equal), for example a 1 Inch by 1 Inch square (working in 2 dimensions for simplicity) that had, say, 1000 microspheres from 10%, would have 3000 microspheres per 30%. Of course, they dont all lay flat in one layer, but that's sufficiently demonstrative hopefully. Now picture 1x1000 sphere layer, vs 3x1000 sphere layers on top of each other - you need more collagen to wall off the latter, thus, the collagen encapsulation is thicker.

Collagen is collagen, the firmness of type 1 collagen (or type 3, etc) will be consistent period, with some caveats. The question is how MUCH is created, more will be needed to encapuslate 3x the spheres, and i would presume it would take longer, BUT, the collagen itself should be the same firmness (once all swelling is gone); whether the overall firmness of the Dick remains the same, YMMV i guess.

Pretty gross simplification but that's part of why 10% is more controllable aesthetically while 30% tends to put down 3x the spheres by volume and yield more Girth.

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Last edit: by itgoesthud.

PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 11 months 5 days ago #1308716706

Thanks for the info, curious to get a little more clarification from @moes .

I'm curious how your current state of hard feels compared to how it felt before? When I'm hard it's on a spectrum. If I'm wearing a cock ring, I soon reach a 10/10 hard where I feel like I could hammer in a nail with it. Normally I'm at like a 7-8 and sometimes I get to 8-9 if the mood strikes right.

How would you rate yours at the moment vs before? How much more girth do you have now from before?

I feel like I'm most worried about a natural looking penis that can get rock hard, or at least really close. Is there a strategy to get these results? How the penis feels in a natural state is less important to me as I feel like I'll get used to it either way. I'm getting used to being circumcised and so far love the new feeling.

=== Insert break where I google PMMA concentrations ===

While writing this I googled 10% vs 30% and found this url: Big 10 vs 30% PMMA concentration Summary/Collection Thread .

After this read I feel like I'm most interested in and inclined to try purely 30% for my first session and then take Dr's suggestions for additional sessions. I'm of the opinion that women prefer a harder penis during sex, so that is the primary goal. A review of the data seems to suggest 30% filler produces the hardest erection. The primary downside I see is that people report a more firm penis when flaccid, but until this reaches the point of obnoxious, I almost feel this as an additional benefit. Nice to look a little bigger even if your not quite at the hard stage yet.

I understand that some state there is a higher risk of nodules with 30% but from my reading it seems like nodules can be broken down with a follow up visit. Also seems like the better you are with aftercare, the better your results. I'll be taking the week off after my appointment to focus on aftercare so I hope that this reduces the chance of nodules.


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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 11 months 5 days ago #1308716711

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I'll try to answer only from my own experience.

The current feeling when hard is almost the same, just bigger. Why? I'll need to explain how it feels when Flaccid first.

When Flaccid, over half of the skin around the injected area feels thicker, akin to the sensation of having a pimple or bruise beneath the skin. This thickness extends from the pubic bone to approximately halfway along the shaft. The left side appears normal. However, on the right side, it seems as though the PMMA was injected more superficially, resembling a custom piece of chewing gum placed under the skin. Consequently, when Flaccid, I can grip and manipulate this "piece" of firm chewing gum, which exhibits some mobility.

However, when in the Erect state, everything is compressed under the skin and barely moves, feeling as hard as a natural Erection. In this state, my wife can't even discern where the implant begins and ends. Overall, I would rate the naturalness of the Erect state as 9 out of 10. There are slight bumps and it's not perfectly even, resembling the texture of a melon or a cucumber. Interestingly, my wife mentioned feeling that unevenness, comparing it to a typical penis. My rating drops to 5 out of 10 for the Flaccid state because of what I described previously and because it resembles more of a balloon that has an elliptical shape.

So yeah, if you're in for Girth and are more preoccupied by the Erect firmness, going for a combination of 30 and 10% would be fine I guess.

The primary downside I see is that people report a more firm penis when Flaccid, but until this reaches the point of obnoxious

Regarding the firmness when Flaccid: I don't retract as much as before, resulting in a larger bulge. Consequently, I'm feeling a bit more self-conscious around children (or when I'll be wearing swimwear, I suppose), but that's just my personal experience. Others' opinions may vary.

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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 10 months 3 weeks ago #1308716856

Wanted to log my progress here even though I started a new conversation to ask "Can PMMA go from penis to Balls sack? Pubic mound?"

26 hours after my apt I noticed that my ball sack was a lot larger than I remember and in the center it seemed like it had a bulge in the center, from what I thought could be PMMA that has migrated down south. Also I felt like my pubic mound was puffy than normal, and I was afraid I was pushing PMMA into it and that I would develop a large mound and lose length. I was a bit nervous so I asked the question here to see if I could get any advice from others to hopefully hear something like, "That's normal, it will go away soon".

About 90 min after posting I had a scheduled follow up with Ian at Avanti and he informed me that the swelling is all from inflammation and not from PMMA, so I should be good. He also let me know that I have a high amount of swelling so he prescribed me some prednisone to reduce it then wrapped my penis to help reduce and asked me to check on it in 3 hours.

I have another follow up with him tomorrow morning before I fly home, so crossing fingers that swelling goes down.

Overall added 22cc's of 30% and 1cc of 10% with the hopes of getting another 1" of growth. Crossing fingers...
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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716908

day 3:

Scrotum is no longer holding a 3rd ball and a majority of the swelling has gone down, but it still has a different tactile feel to it and it's pretty red, so I'm doing better but not back to normal quite yet.

Yesterday, I was using the PeniMaster extender all evening while watching tv which I believe helped keep things stretched and smooth but when I took it off, with all the swelling I had, it was leaving an indent on the sides of my penis from the extender rods. The indents where pretty minor, but as a level of caution I decided to change to using the Hanger today, turn up the heat, and just go pantless to ensure no retraction and avoid the PMMA building up near the glands.

Overall the PMMA seems pretty much set as in I can no longer easily move it around unless I remove the Hanger for a period of time I notice it causes plumping near the glands, So after doing this I have been going to the bathroom and using the plastic roller pin AD provides and rolling my penis, pretty forcefully I should add, to get it back to a state where it's consistent.

I read on this forum that it's pretty much set after 72 hours, I'm at 75 hours now, so I feel like I'm playing sudden death with penis monitoring to ensure I don't get an un-natural disproportionate amount of Girth near the glands vs the base from retraction or indents from being compressed in my underwear. I'm not sure if I'm being overly paranoid but as the saying goes, "Only the paranoid survive" so I feel it's better to be cautious and lose a little bit of freedom over the next couple days vs taking a risk and regretting it later.

Anyone have any experience with this? Hoping someone will say that they had a bulge near their glands when Flaccid but Erect it's arguably proportional.

I haven't bothered to take any measurements as it seems to stay pretty swollen through the day from constant massaging, which I believe is causing some of the disproportionate bulging near the glands, and because of that I feel that data is useless and pointless to log. Looking forward to massaging my penis without swelling, or minimal swelling, so I can feel like I'm getting close to being recovered.

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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716909

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When I went to AD Ian told me to keep massaging for at least the first 5 days, so the PMMA might not be completely set; it might be more difficult to move and manipulate though.

At this time of the process, there is still lots of swelling so it can be difficult to determine what is the real result of the PMMA and what is nothing more than just plain swelling. If you read my thread, I was still swollen at day 11. I didn't have a bulge near the glans, but I would say that from my own perspective, everything was just a big bulge during my first days and that's why I freaked out and even thought about having a surgery to remove it ASAP. It turned out that I had lots of swelling and it just took more time to go away than what is usually reported here. However, I can confirm that I wasn't satisfied with the swelling near the glans, and now at day 39, it's getting much, much better.

All in all, yes it can be a good idea to be cautious and all, but emotional regulation and patience will be just as decisive. By checking my log file (an excel file), I can confirm you that I had ups and downs in pain and swelling up to the fourth week, and I'm now at my fifth week. Even now I still get small periods of pain once in a while!

Would you mind adding some pictures?

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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716914

ot of curiosity, for eitehr of yall, how long did it take for your entry points to close up and stop leaking?
I ask because it seems this is the marker for when it's safe to start maybe doing some Erect massage/manipulation.

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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716928

day 4:

Overall today almost feels like yesterday. I still am not sure if the PMMA has completely settled and if I'm moving any PMMA when I roll out my penis. I'm still a little paranoid that there is still some movement so I try to stay on top of it by rolling out my penis every hour or so and trying to move any bulging near the glands towards the base. I am getting more of the mindset that the bulging is mostly swelling at this point and I'm not moving much, if any, PMMA. To add to the neuroticism, in the morning my penis does seem to bulge near the base, and if I massage it and roll it, that seems to go away, so it does provide a suggestion that there is a little bit of movement.

As of now I have been messaging my penis regularly through the day and it's a bloated mess. Starts out looking decent after initial morning massage and through the day gets more and more swollen. I plan on taking some pictures on Sunday since I have people over tonight and will have an early start tomorrow. I plan on massaging regularly tomorrow as well so my penis will be mostly swollen I suspect. Sunday morning should hopefully show a decent 6 day progress report.

Balls are still pretty red and still feel a little off. I have noticed that the skin is pealing a little, but not bad, so I'm not sure what would cause that. Overall it's not enough of an issue that I'm alarmed, just noticing the difference.

As for any leakage, I haven't noticed any today, but I for sure noticed it from just 1 of the 6 holes yesterday. So I assume my balloon is water tight.

As for Erect massaging, I'm Erect when I wake up in the morning, but the massaging isn't that pleasant, so I don't stay Erect long. I'm not sure what the correct way to massage is, but I'm trying to seek out any bumps or lumps and ensure they get smushed into nothing. So far I have been lucky and haven't found anything, everything is pretty smooth.

I won't check in tomorrow (as it's 4/20) but will check in on Sunday.

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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716962

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What’s the latest? Any new updates?

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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716965

day 7:

Balls are almost back to normal. Skin tone is nearly what it was before and to the touch the skin almost feels normal, still feels a little off, but close. I could live with it in it's current state, so no complaints.

Balls and penis are itchy, but I assume this is from the healing. I felt pretty itchy after the Circumcision, so I assume this is the same.

Skin is pretty dry looking, also similar to what it looked like after my Circumcision, so I assume it's all part of the recovery process.

I should note that I don't really have any pain and have started to resume having daily sex a couple days ago. I do have a dull pressure feeling from the PMMA and swelling, but since it doesn't hurt, I don't see the harm in having sex.

When I measure myself I'm currently at ~6" Girth and still at 7.5" length when Erect. Overall pretty pleased with it's functionality in it's current state. I hope I land near 6" Girth but will see what happens when the swelling goes away and the PMMA does it's magic.

The only issue I have from an ascetics perspective, is how my penis looks when I initially pull it out Flaccid. Poor thing is bulbous near the glands and looks all smashed with dents and it' has to be stretched out and massaged to regain a desirable look. I'm assuming this is from swelling and will go away. It does make me question if all the PMMA has settled yet, as when I massage it heavily it gains a desirable look, the reason I check on it hourly and massage it, in the chance that it is still settling and I'm helping create a better result.

I checked and I guess I didn't get any before pics, bummer... I thought I did but I can't find any. I might try to ask Avanti Derma if they can send me my pics.

Here is what current progress, 7 days out, I assume slightly swollen from the said massaging.
  • HA dermal fillers comparison.jpg
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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716967

Looks like they did a great job and you’re doing your part with aftercare. Congrats! Hopefully any swelling dissipates soon.

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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 10 months 2 weeks ago #1308716976

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Looks pretty natural to me!

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PMMA @ Avanti Derma 4/15 10 months 1 week ago #1308717066

day 13:

Starting to get more and more nodules, so far I have noticed maybe 5. I'm curious how people go about working them to break them down? I think I was a little over zealous and I was attempting to work a Nodule laying in bed while it was dark and noticed in the morning I rubbed the skin raw.

Do you work at it for 5 min every hour or so? Do you just work it a few times a day and it goes away over the course of a week or so? Or do you just need to keep working them till they break down in the single sitting?

Also, I was swelling up a lot every time I tried to massage my penis to the point it was making me nervous. I measured the bulge and it was 7" while I was at only 5.25" before. So I was getting nervous that maybe having such a swollen penis for so long is causing the collagen to fill the void and causing me to get an oversized penis, at least large than what I was wanting. To help combat this I started to wrap my penis in compression wrap only removing every 3-4 hours for about 30 min then rewrapping. I'm not sure if this has contributed to the increase in nodules but it did make me feel better about the size as the compression wrap would remove the swelling and it would measure in at ~5.5" Flaccid with the wrap. Far better than the 7" before.

As I'm working nodules, I'm still getting regular swelling, but it doesn't swell up near as bad as before. Right now I'm swollen and Flaccid and now measuring about 6".

Overall, things are moving in a positive direction. If anyone has any advice on Nodule Removal, I would appreciate it.

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