I 100% agree. A place like this forum is wonderful to share experiences, outcomes, bedside manner, perspectives on providers and so forth. But complications need to be addressed immediately by your provider. I can’t tell that this is infected. No one can from these photos. But infections can be serious can change quickly. With any suspected infection on the skin the first thing anyone should do until they can contact a provider is to use a topical antibiotics cream. In this case use a cream not an ointment. And contact your provider asap. And put some gauze on that area so that the sleeve doesn’t continue to rub it.
The likely reason this has happened to you is because you have “scrotal webbing” which is skin from your scrotum that comes up higher on your shaft. I can’t determine that from the photo but 99% of the time that’s why someone had irritation and rubbing like this. It’s an abrasion. Try to protect the skin in that area with something clean and soft and again call your provider asap.