Hi everyone!
I have been a really long time lurker (since 2012!) but never a poster. I started the P-LONG protocol two months ago with Dr. Brandeis in his San Ramon office (CA), and because of the interest for the protocol I have decided to start logging my progress. Hopefully I can document if the PLONG protocol works for me, as well as help any others that are in the fence for it to have an unbiased opinion on the protocol.
Why do it?
I have lurked the Phalloboard forums for a long time. I always wanted to do a procedure to better my size but was scared of the options out there. I was about to try a temporal filler since it better suited my comfort level for a procedure, but I discovered the P-Long post. I decided to give it a try, and I am currently starting my second month. I was taking my own, loosely taken measurements, but I saw there was some interest in the forums for measurements, so I mentioned it to Dr. Brandeis in my last visit and decided to take some more strict measurements. These measurements aim to make this progress log as objective as possible, to describe my results on the protocol. As a disclaimer, Dr. Brandeis did offer a discount for some sessions I have left if I did a good, honest, objective measurement. I had a huge, unexpected medical bill so such a offer was interesting for me. However. I aim to establish a good, repeatable methodology in order to make this as objective as possible, and I hope that the quality of my data can convince any person that is worried that my measurements are done because of some financial assistance in the program.
I am already starting the second month of the program and have already paid more than half the program before the interest for progress logs in the Phalloboard forums motivated the ask for this compensation. I attach a picture of me paying my last bill on Friday July 7th. I sadly do not have any good data from when I started, since when I started I was not planning on sharing any data and any measurements were just for my own tracking. They are not up to the quality to bring trust on them.
Objective and Process
The objective of this log is to capture data that shows the progress of the P-Long protocol with respect to penis growth. I aim to perform this log and measurements in the most controlled setting I can achieve.
For this I will measure the following data:
- Penis Length (BPEL)
- Penis Girth, erect
Methodology and Instruments
Penis Length (BPEL) and Girth: I will follow the procedure mentioned in the following Thundersplace thread:
Measurements will be made with a Erection Hardness Scale of 3 or 4. If not achieved, measurements will be done the day after until a measurement is possible. EHS will also be recorded
For this length measurement, I will use a machinist's ruler. These are high-quality rules whose measurement starts at the very edge of the ruler. It is made of good quality steel, so it will not bend. If a machinist can use it to build precision components, it can measure a penis!

I use this one:
Pictures: I will take pictures standing up, with the ruler in place so a measurement can be recorded. A side picture will also be done to asses girth.
If you have a any questions or any improvements to this I am happy to hear them! I aim to post my initial measurements soon (initial as in starting "today", since I already started a month ago and have no qualifying measurements)..