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TOPIC: PRP and Shockwave for girth

Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 2 years 2 months ago #1308710164

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After a fair bit of back and forth and much consideration, I’m booked in for 19 December 2022 at Androfill to get PRP to hopefully address some minor erectile / performance issues, and also HA for a modest Girth enhancement.

From past reports it seems like treatments of 8-10mm seem to give good results in terms of firmness and avoiding nodules etc. Also sounds like Androfill have made great advances in technique particularly with the cannula. I’m uncut so keen to make sure the material doesn’t end up in the Foreskin.

Has anyone done both HA and PRP at the same time? How was it?

Does having fillers make future PRP treatments harder due to needing to go through the layer of filler?

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 2 years 2 months ago #1308710169

HorndogJim wrote: After a fair bit of back and forth and much consideration, I’m booked in for 19 December 2022 at Androfill to get PRP to hopefully address some minor erectile / performance issues, and also HA for a modest Girth enhancement.

From past reports it seems like treatments of 8-10mm seem to give good results in terms of firmness and avoiding nodules etc. Also sounds like Androfill have made great advances in technique particularly with the cannula. I’m uncut so keen to make sure the material doesn’t end up in the Foreskin.

Has anyone done both HA and PRP at the same time? How was it?

Does having fillers make future PRP treatments harder due to needing to go through the layer of filler?

I am pretty sure having PRP after filler won't be a problem. I had it myself after having dermal graft.

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 2 years 2 months ago #1308710342

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Hey HorndogJim, how did it go?

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 2 years 2 months ago #1308710382

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We couldn’t go ahead with PRP on the day because Dr Horn didn’t have the centrifuge at the clinic that day. As that was the primary purpose rather than girth we didn’t go ahead but I’m booked in for 9 Jan.

He’s recommended Botox in the corpora cavernosum in addition, since a recent study found decent results on improving erectile function in guys with issues (more severe than mine) for 3-6 months. Looking at trying this at the same time.

My initial thinking is to address one thing at a time, as I’m already 5.25” girth naturally, my size isn’t a pressing issue. While the HA seems pretty mature and straightforward as a procedure now, Auguste’s experiences with softness and the fact I have a very mobile foreskin and retract a lot when exercising (I don’t mind this, it keeps it out the way) makes me wonder if I risk some of the downsides (accordion effect, smudgyness) to fix a problem I don’t really have.

@skeptical_one happy to have this moved to the other procedures thread since it isn’t primarily a girth thread any more.

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 2 years 2 months ago #1308710395

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Why start with PRP for ED? Have you tried shockwave yet? Arteriogenic or vasculogenic?

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 2 years 2 months ago #1308710402

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Not really got to the bottom of the cause. I’ve had a Doppler (without an induced Erection) recently and the doctor said the inflow was reasonable but not super high so could be better. I have slightly high blood pressure (on medication for this which doesn’t appear to affect erections either way) and I have slightly high cholesterol (despite being fit, exercising regularly, healthy diet, healthy weight) and perhaps that’s had an effect over the years. I’m 40 and it’s got gradually worse from about 32 onwards.
On the vasculogenic side I have mild bilateral varicocele and varicose veins run in the family, so whether there’s some deficiency there, it could be.
Viagra and the other pde5 meds work pretty well but it’s a pain being reliant on them.
I’m based in Hong Kong and can’t find a shockwave provider there, I’m in London until mid January and thought I’d give prp a try. Bangkok might be the next option for shockwave / future rounds of prp and it’s a short flight.
Keen to hear your thoughts on treatments that might help.

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 2 years 1 month ago #1308710517

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Hey Jim, did you get the PRP in the end?

Your ED sound similar to mine - varicocele on left testicle here and respond well to PDE5 inhibitors most of the time, but noticed a progressive decline over the last few years.

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 2 years 1 month ago #1308710518

joc91 wrote: Hey Jim, did you get the PRP in the end?

Your ED sound similar to mine - varicocele on left testicle here and respond well to PDE5 inhibitors most of the time, but noticed a progressive decline over the last few years.

If you have not done so already, I suggest you do a penile doppler ultrasound, and blood tests. You might be aware of any medical history you might have that cause ED, but in that case the doctor might be able to adjust the medications.

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 2 years 1 month ago #1308710521

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Hi guys,

I went ahead with the procedure yesterday, 10 Jan 2023. We also did 100 units of Botox into the corpora cavernosum.

Was reasonably painful as a procedure but only for a few seconds for each jab. There were four, near the tip and near the base on left side and right side.
I believe he used two syringes on one needle (PRP then Botox) but I didn’t feel I could look at the time.

After that minimal pain or discomfort, and no pain even after the numbing wore off.

Some tiny pinprick marks and very slight bruising but nothing major, and just under 24 hours later some slightly strange feeling under glans, but it’s fading fast.

Penis was slightly swollen after the jabs and feels full in the Flaccid state. I did some gentle massage and it started getting Erect quicker than usual already, which is probably due to local ‘trauma’ and psychological factors around getting the treatment finally.

Took 50mg of Cialis to increase hang and blood flow. On stimulation got a pretty stonking and persistent Erection, was able to walk to the bathroom, wash hands and come back and still had a decent Erection, which would normally not happen. So initially it seems to have had some good results and tends to suggest I’m in the ‘quick responder’ group for PRP which is great.

However I think full results need to be assessed at 2 and 4 weeks.

Dr Horn suggested that typically with PRP, pumping is recommended for a month, but the inclusion of Botox is likely to do the same thing around increasing blood flow. That said I have a bathmate which I’ll continue using gently, and I’ve bought an LA pump and will use that going forward.

Woke up with a long and full but not rock hard penis this morning.

I think the Botox will take two weeks to show an effect too.

Given the study on Botox in the penis came out three months ago, this is pretty new stuff. Dr Horn asked me to update him by email. Guess I'm kind of a test case! But both individually are pretty established and safe treatments for various conditions so let’s see.

Also going to get shockwave treatment in the next few months.

Did get a blood panel done:
Testosterone 22.66 nmol/L Reference 21-49 y/o: 8.33-30.19 >=50 y/o: 7.66-24.82
FSH 4.53 mIU/mL Reference 0.95-11.95
Prolactin 8.32 ng/ml Reference 3.46 - 19.40
Estradiol (E2) 36 pg/ml Reference 11-44
Testosterone, Free 0.0891 nmol/L Reference <12: 0 - 0.0159 12-18: 0.0006 - 0.0800
19-55: 0.0035 - 0.0981 >55: 0.0024 - 0.0744

So all normal or good, I think. Perhaps E2 is on the high end. I could try Arimidex to reduce this.

Will report back as I progress.

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 2 years 3 weeks ago #1308710783

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Hey Jim, how’ve you found it? Any good?

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Androfill - PRP and Botox for flaccid size and eq - photos attached 2 years 2 weeks ago #1308710873

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Hi guys. One month update.

I can report the Botox and PRP has been a reasonable success. Within hours of the treatment I noticed that I was getting erect with gentle manual manipulation, quicker and easier than previously. Since then there have been real improvements, and it’s continuing to get better.
I’ve been doing two 5 minute pumping sessions at 5in/hg daily.
While on holiday 19 days post procedure, erections were coming on quickly and easily during the early stages of intimacy, which obviously facilitates sex with my partner. Erections, once obtained, stick around for longer which makes the mechanical aspects of commencing sex much easier.
My partner has definitely noticed the improvement and perceives my erections as continuing to get better over the last week, and also noted that my improved confidence in my erections makes things much better too.
I was able to have sex without any pills at all on day 18, with better performance than how I would have been on 50mg of viagra previously. My performance was similar to how it was 10 years ago!

Size: Flaccid it generally hangs larger and fuller, with a more meaty feel. The shaft is now visually as thick as the glans, whereas before my glans was wider. It makes my cock look more impressive and more balanced shaft to head. Looking at the photos my balls are also hanging a lot lower than before, perhaps the botox has a general effect in the area.

My penis can still retract when cold, but its default position is about 5-10mm longer, a quarter to half an inch longer a lot of the time. I assume this is from both the Botox and the prp. It feels like this effect has increased over the month. I guess this is probably close to the final outcome but I’ll keep monitoring. Furthermore my penis feels heavier and fuller most of the time, again similar to 5mg cialis.

Erect: I’ve noticed some small measured increase in mid shaft girth when erect, perhaps an eighth of an inch, rising to a quarter of an inch with a cock ring, but this may be due to the regular pumping. For some reason, it feels as though the middle section of the shaft has expanded the most, which is interesting because I think the injections were at the top and at the base. Not sure why. As time passes things are evening out.

At the one month mark, erections remain better better, rather as if I were on a dose of 3-5mg of cialis all the time.
Furthermore, with additional of small doses of PDE5i, eg 25mg sildenafil, performance is good. The procedure is, for me, a very effective adjuvant to the pills. Smaller doses of pills means fewer side effects which is great too.

I’ll keep pumping and have started a shockwave treatment programme. I suspect the PRP and Botox impact may wear off over time, will report back how it goes.

For guys who want a totally natural looking outcome, desire a modest 'locker room' gain, and are willing to put in time with pumping, I'd say it's worth trying. I also wonder whether botox in the shaft a month before a girth procedure could help prevent retraction and allow the product to set in place with your cock in an extended position, boosting flaccid hang and efffective distribution across the full length of your shaft.


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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 1 year 11 months ago #1308711558

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@HorndogJim . How has the Botox held up? Still getting results?

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 1 year 11 months ago #1308711569

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It’s interesting, I believe some benefits still there.

The thing about getting two procedures at once is it’s tricky to know which one caused what.

At present I would say my Dick still feels a little more engorged most of the time. It’s kind of like a 30% semi in the corpora, so it’s just a little fluffed out. It also typically hangs a little lower, maybe 5mm more length which is nice but not hugely dramatic compared to a bunch of fillers. But o the plus side it’s totally natural looking, it really is entirely your own Dick.

My perception is that the significant improvements to boners diminished around the one month mark, which under some PRP protocols is when you’d go for a top up of PRP. The Botox should last 3-6 months, which is why I think the boners were from the PRP, the ongoing chub and longer hang is from the Botox. Worth noting it can still retract fully eg running a half marathon, it was retracted fully, which is how it always was, but typically it hangs a little more than before. I also just notice a bit more of a bulge through pants than I used to have.

It’ll be interesting to see if the hang stays after the Botox wears off - has the pumping and hang stretched the ligament and this is permanent, or will it wear off and the tone will revert to baseline?

I’m thinking I would do the PRP again, but I’m on the fence about the Botox at the moment. I did see a rat study where Botox / scrotox led to worsening sperm quality, although the dose versus body weight was something like 30x greater so hopefully no impact there.

For about three weeks it kind of totally fixed any Erection issues, and frankly that has gone now. So it’s kind of expensive if it really is a short time period only.
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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 1 year 11 months ago #1308711570

HorndogJim wrote: It’s interesting, I believe some benefits still there.

The thing about getting two procedures at once is it’s tricky to know which one caused what.

At present I would say my Dick still feels a little more engorged most of the time. It’s kind of like a 30% semi in the corpora, so it’s just a little fluffed out. It also typically hangs a little lower, maybe 5mm more length which is nice but not hugely dramatic compared to a bunch of fillers. But o the plus side it’s totally natural looking, it really is entirely your own Dick.

My perception is that the significant improvements to boners diminished around the one month mark, which under some PRP protocols is when you’d go for a top up of PRP. The Botox should last 3-6 months, which is why I think the boners were from the PRP, the ongoing chub and longer hang is from the Botox. Worth noting it can still retract fully eg running a half marathon, it was retracted fully, which is how it always was, but typically it hangs a little more than before. I also just notice a bit more of a bulge through pants than I used to have.

It’ll be interesting to see if the hang stays after the Botox wears off - has the pumping and hang stretched the ligament and this is permanent, or will it wear off and the tone will revert to baseline?

I’m thinking I would do the PRP again, but I’m on the fence about the Botox at the moment. I did see a rat study where Botox / scrotox led to worsening sperm quality, although the dose versus body weight was something like 30x greater so hopefully no impact there.

For about three weeks it kind of totally fixed any Erection issues, and frankly that has gone now. So it’s kind of expensive if it really is a short time period only.

I did try PRP, and it seemed to have had some effect for a few weeks maybe? It is interesting that it is being used and studied in so many different areas, but a doctor who works closely with researchers who study the use of PRP, told me that he believes the potential benefits to be abysmal.

As for Botox, I have muscle spasms due to a condition, and I had huge amounts of Botox injected in my neck, shoulders, upper back, lower back, and even temporalis and masseter muscles. It is incredibly effective for this, and it is what Botox was originally developed for.

I just cannot fathom how Botox could be used for penile enhancement. In my mind, it is something that you inject, and then all the muscles go numb.

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Androfill - HA for girth and PRP for erectile function 1 year 11 months ago #1308711580

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It appears to bind to certain receptors causing the relaxation of the smooth muscle which blood vessels are made of, allowing better inflow of blood. This undoes some of the vascular insufficiency which prevents firm erections by better compressing the outflow veins against the tunica. The blocking is a different mechanism than for skeletal muscle but appears to have some effect which I’m still experiencing now three months later, but I wouldn’t say it’s a night and day difference unfortunately. Also, a recent study on humans showed on average 2-3mm of lengthening after 12 weeks in both the Flaccid and Erect states from 100 units of botox and that seems about right based on my experience, I probably had slightly more lengthening. Will report if it sticks around.

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