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TOPIC: PRP Gainswave after Bellafill to break up nodules pictures inside

PRP Gainswave after Bellafill to break up nodules pictures inside 1 year 10 months ago #1308708865

Good luck Yosh. Keep us posted

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PRP Gainswave after Bellafill to break up nodules pictures inside 1 year 9 months ago #1308708938

So far the two nodules have gotten softer but their size remains the same. However its definitely not as pronounced when Erect almost unnoticeable. I've read that usually it's 3 shots of Kenalog one month apart so for only one week having passed it seems to be working but I think its still to early to tell. I'll check back in in 3 weeks. I hope it doesn't compromise the small gains I got from the 8 cc's of Bellafill I received.

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PRP Gainswave after Bellafill to break up nodules pictures inside 1 year 5 months ago #1308710975

Just wanted to post an update. It's been over 6 months and things have all changed for the better. The "nodules" are essentially gone. I went in for a second round two days ago and I have to say I'm incredibly pleased with the aesthetic outcome this time around. I received another 10 syringes of Bellafill with PRP. Right away after this round I knew it was different. The size, weight and symmetry immediately after were perfect.

When I came home to measure I was at 6.75 at the thickest point and 6.25 at the lowest point. It's settled quite a bit since then. I'm now 6.25 at the thickest which is right at the midshaft and 5.85 at the thinnest which is close to the base. Glans hasn't changed it's still 5. I'm happily surprised with the outcome so far. I know that there is probably still swelling but if I settle at 6.1 and 5.75 I'd be done and perfect. I've already decided that anything over 6.25 is too big for me so I'm keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that this is the end of my PMMA journey.

One thing that I did that was a little different this time is that I did not take any ibuprofen since I read somewhere in this forum that the inflammation response in the body is good for growth. I also have not pumped at all and will not until everything settles and there is no bruising or sensitive skin. I have just been lightly massaging every few hours for about 10 minutes but frankly the results so far are so good that I don't even think it is necessary.

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PRP Gainswave after Bellafill to break up nodules pictures inside 1 year 4 months ago #1308711078

Okay its been 8 days since the procedure and I think the final results are probably in. At the thickest which is right at the midshaft I'm at 6.25, right below the glans its 5.75, so it tapers up a half Inch and then from the midshaft to the base it also tapers from 6.25 to 5.75.

Aesthetically it looks great! So much better than all my previous pics where it looks deformed. I would have liked to have a little less of a taper from the midshaft to the base so I'm considering a touch up round just to address that a little bit but I'm concerned because my girlfriend says its too big now and I don't want to accidentally make the midshaft any bigger and or make sex (more) painful for her. That is a possibility if I get rid of the taper so this might be the end of my journey.

She's already mentioned a few times that it's a uncomfortable which really sucks because I really thought I was going to be slinging fat Dick around and she was going to love every second so this was a bit of a reality check that bigger isn't always better. Reminds me of a story on here about a guy that got PMMA removed because his wife was like there's no way your touching me with that thing. Anyway I do love the new size. I hope it's a matter of both of getting used to things. We'll see what happens I'll update in about a month when things have settled down all the way.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Vinny81

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PRP Gainswave after Bellafill to break up nodules pictures inside 1 year 4 months ago #1308711101

Yoshinator, that is a great outcome. Thanks for the update. Hopefully your girlfriend will get use to the new you and learn to love it. Keep us updated.

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PRP Gainswave after Bellafill to break up nodules pictures inside 1 year 4 months ago #1308711302

Status update for round 2 week 3. Okay so having gone through the first round I would think I would know what to expect. However, like the last time I developed some nodules around the middle of week 2 and half. It's also not as smooth as it was for the first two weeks. The nodules have gotten a little mored pronounced in the last few days. Eitherway, I think I know what is happening. I'm assuming its the the carrier gel being reabsorbed and just leaving the PMMA behind. I'm hoping this should correct itself over time. With Bellafill I've read in a lot of places that the final results aren't really apparent until between 3 and 6 months and that was the case with the last time with me aswell.

Also, I've lost some Girth. I'm down to 6 right at the midshaft and 5.5 before and after. Kind of like a torpedo which I dig. I do miss the little bit extra I had but if it's like the last time it should mostly come back in about a month or two and the nodules should also get softer and start to feel less pronounced. I have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks I want to see if he recommends injecting steroids like the last time into the nodules but I think I'm just better off waiting the three months to see how it all turns out.

My girlfriend has no trouble with it now we just needed to get a little used to it. She has always been reassuring that I'm fine with my size which is great. She hated the idea of me doing this and still is only okay with it because its something I really wanted to do for me. However, I hated the idea of me going too large and making it uncomfortable for her. That really would have sucked. I will probably still go for one final touch up of just 5 syringes to try to even a few low spots out and be done. Still not sure though how the final outcome will look, so will definitely need to be patient and wait to see the final result.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Keith5575

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Last edit: by yoshinator. Reason: Bunch of typos

Gainswave after Bellafill 2 break up nodules and progress report pictures inside 1 year 3 months ago #1308711542

Okay everyone status update. I'm adding some pictures of my pre PMMA Dick, a few weeks after which I posted earlier on the top. A picture 4 months after my first procedure. Another 2 weeks after round 2 and another two I took today just shy of 1 month and 1 week after round 2.

As you can see from round 1 things looked awful a few weeks after the procedure. I was okay with the outcome but I wasn't to thrilled about the bump on the right side of my penis and I especially was not happy with the skin tare that took forever to heal and left a scar, which granted, is much less visible now. After 4 months things looked much much better especially the hard bump I had was almost gone and was no longer really palpable. This took many months to get to that point. However, I was finally feeling good about my Dick again.

After round two I was thrilled. Things looked nice and even, I had no bump, ridges or nodules just a nice torpedo shaped Dick. Two weeks in everything still looked and felt great. Enter week 3 which I will now refer to as hell week for anyone getting Bellafill. This is when you finally start to notice the nodules, ridges and bumps. I think two things play a factor in the length of time it takes for this to show up. One is that the bovine carrier gel takes about two weeks to be absorbed by the body. Two there is still residual inflation from the trauma before this date that was caused by all the poking around of your Dick. If you also added PRP it might have swelled more because you had more volume of liquid going into your penis. This is the time I always start to question my decision. While I'm happy with the new Girth I feel like my Dick looks like shit again. I can feel so much of the product especially when its soft but even when its hard there are very palpable Nodule that I can feel. This was like round 1 however I have more now than I did in round 1.

I also lost some of the initial swelled size. I thought I would stay at 6.25 at the thickest and 5.75 at the lowest since by the end of week 2 I was still around there but for now it looks I've settled at 6 and 5.5. I'm hoping this is a Bellafill peculiarity. After round one at around 4 months my Dick even seemed to have gotten fatter again measuring around 5.5 to 5.6 easily where by week three I had posted a post about loosing it all because it got so thin. I would only get to 5.5 with the best of Erection quality.

So while a little down right now I feel like a little bit of time will make a lot of these concerns better. I'm also really considering going for a final aesthetic round of just 5 syringes to try to even everything out and make it look more symmetrical. The first two rounds I did 10 syringes each. If the doctor is cool with it I might do this in another month or two. Right now I'm still keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best outcome once a little more time has elapsed. I have a follow up visit in 3 days and will report back with what the doctor updates me with.

first two pics was my original pretty Dick.
next pic is about 3 weeks after round 1 when I was like I ruined my Dick
4th pic is about 4 months after round 1
5th pic is about 2 weeks after round 2
the last two are the most recent pics which are about a month and almost a week after round 2.

I will also add more with the nodules more pronounced in the next day or two. All I have to do is manipulate my Dick a little bit and you can see a bunch of ball and nodules all over the place.

I'm really looking forward to your comments or questions.
  • HA dermal fillers comparison.jpg
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dream

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Last edit: by yoshinator. Reason: photos didn't upload and removed photos from the actual post

PRP Gainswave after Bellafill to break up nodules pictures inside 1 year 3 months ago #1308711600

Yoshinator, Thanks for keeping us updated. I've been torn between Bellafil with Rejuvall and Linnea with Avanti. From everything I read, they both can have "complications" Is there anything post care that you have done that seems to help?

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PRP Gainswave after Bellafill to break up nodules pictures inside 1 year 3 months ago #1308711602

Seems like massaging is the most important. I just saw my doc two days ago. He says some people are just more prone to nodules than others. He gave me a few small injections of 5fu they're already much smaller. He said to be patient and come back in a month if I can still feel them he'll treat again.

The last time everything resolved over time by around the 4 month mark. I thought the nodules where too much product. He said it's all collagen and its the bodies reaction. Apparently by volume there is almost no PMMA in a typical syringe and the particles are slightly larger than a red blood cell so I'm not feeling the PMMA at all just the hyper production of collagen.

He says while nodules do occur in some of his patients that treating them is fairly easy it just takes a little bit of time and even without intervention they usually resolve in a matter of months. He really put me at ease. I'll update in a few days once its been a week since my visit with him. I'll add more pics as well.

Oh also DO NOT put bandaids on entry holes. That's what messed me up the first time with that unsightly scab on the bottom right. The skin was a lot easier to break in the first few days and when I took it off it peeled some skin off that took forever to heal. He even warned me but I didn't listen. Very much a face palm moment.

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Last edit: by yoshinator. Reason: Add warning about bandaids.

PRP Gainswave after Bellafill to break up nodules pictures inside 1 year 3 months ago #1308711604

That's great information. I always hear people talking about the nodules. It makes total sense that its collagen.
Good call on not using band-aids. I look forward to hearing the outcomes.

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Gainswave after Bellafill 2 break up nodules and progress report pictures inside 1 year 3 months ago #1308711655

i think the swelling going down and the effects of the prp goes away it makes your penis look horrible after week 3 i know it did for me. Theres nothing like that feeling i got a few days after the PMMA that my Dick looked humongous now its almost back to its pre PMMA size. I have 2 pea size bumps im hoping goes away im 7 weeks into my procedure and if i can get these bumps to smoothen out i would be very happy. My doctor said if i wanted to add diluted cortisone on the bumps to degrade the bovine carrier gel faster but theres risk it could degrade the tissue so i rather wait. Is this diluted cortisone the same as the Kenalog?

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Gainswave after Bellafill 2 break up nodules and progress report pictures inside 1 year 3 months ago #1308711663

I don't think its the same but its probably very similar. The generic name is Triamcinolone. It's fairly common and its also used at hospitals as a corticosteroid. What my doctor said to me is that the lumps are always collagen formation and not pmma. I thought that was the case myself. However, the particles are too small and even though you might overfill in one area it really depends on the bodies reaction to it some people that are overfilled will just have a more round but smooth not hard section so that more filler would correct that aesthetic irregularity. With actual nodules that are hard and palpable you need to give them time and possible intervention with corticosteroid and 5fu over the course of a few months. Unfortunately it seems like some people just react more strongly than others. He assured me with time and treatment things would get better. I assume it also had to do with the fact the because things looked so good even erect I did very little after care. I still massaged daily for about 10 or 15 minutes pretty hard about twice a day but I feel like I could have and should have done more.

Here is a link where doctor talks about never having to have any other intervention except Kenalog or 5FU to fix nodule issues. Granted its on the face not where we are using it. I've also quoted it below incase the link breaks in the future.

Bellafill works by asking your body to create scar in response to the small (a little bigger than a red blood cell) beads of PMMA that are in each syringe of Bellafill. While this works wonderfully 99% of the time, aberrant scar can, on occasion, form and become a problem as in your case. I have used Bellafill for over 10 years now and I also review most of the problem cases for the maker of Bellafill, Suneva Medical. I have yet to see a case in which the product has to be removed surgically although some surgeons will just remove it without trying the non-surgical options first.

Monthly injections of small amounts of Kenalog 10 will slowly soften this heavy scar that is causing your problem. It sometimes takes 4 or 5 injections but, in my experience, this always works. 5FU is an alternative to Kenalog 10 but again it is a serial treatment over time. For 5FU to be effective, it needs to be done about every 7 to 10 days.

Do not let anyone cut out your Bellafill until the non-surgical options have been thoroughly exhausted.

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Last edit: by yoshinator.

Gainswave after Bellafill 2 break up nodules and progress report pictures inside 1 year 3 months ago #1308711715

Hi gents, that entire string of Bellafil nodules, months of healing and torn skin scared the shit out of me. I have my first round of Bellafil early next month at Rejuval. Is it logical to assume I'll be able to board an airplane and make the journey back home to CT the next day? How can you massage your member aggressively so soon after it's been pulverized? Any post procedure after-care suggestions? Thanks!

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Gainswave after Bellafill 2 break up nodules and progress report pictures inside 1 year 3 months ago #1308711716

@Dbrphallo I had heard there was sticky on this topic, But im not sure. ;)

Yes you can fly should you wish, thats a personal choice. Use a lot of heat prior to molding/shaping/massaging. keep it pointed down. Good luck

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Gainswave after Bellafill 2 break up nodules and progress report pictures inside 1 year 3 months ago #1308711718

Thanks Texas. Will do.

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