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TOPIC: ELLANSE 10ml at avanti

ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 10 months ago #1308707487

Great results so far, congrats. What is the current rate $ at Avanti per CC for Ellanse? Also you mentioned getting more under your Foreskin? You look Circumcised, I didn't notice any Foreskin? How much more are you looking to add after you've healed?
Regards, LL

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ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 10 months ago #1308707536

I can't really tell the difference between pre and post op in your photos, all of them appear to be post op with bruising except the one where you're holding the phone next to it. Is that one preop?

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ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707637

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Congrats @whynottttt, I think I can tell the difference. If it's in the order you shared them - first pics being before, last pic being after - right? And if you were 4.8 inches EG before, but are now fluctuating between 5.8 to 6 inches EG after 3 weeks of getting 10 ml, is it safe to say that maybe you are still a little swollen and that it'll go down some? Congrats either way - I'm 40 too and am at 5.2 inches EG and would like to reach 6 inches.
Also, have you gained any length? Do you still stretch today? I too have been training for years and would only really say I've gained Girth, not length so much (6 inches bone pressed).

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Poor ellanse result at Avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707706

I went to Avanti about a month ago. I got 10ml of ellanese.

I was unable then or now to schedule any follow up appointments with the doctor despite the fact I stayed in TJ an extra 9 days so I could fix asymmetry & made sure the office was fully aware ahead of time my expectation was I could fix asymmetry with them before I left to go back to California.

Ian is nice, the doctor is great, the staff is great, my procedure went smoothly. However I can’t recommend going there if you care about what your penis looks like. They refused to even *schedule* a follow up appointment with the doctor for 6 weeks to 2 months much less have the doctor look at and attempt to fix my deformed & hilarious looking penis.

I took every possible precaution, and had immaculate after care, but the filler ended up mostly in one spot. Since the doctor refuses to schedule an appointment with me I would be stuck with this result If I weren’t able to fly to freaking Australia to fix it, which I did and will post a separate Revision post.

I ended up with a 1.5 Inch difference in Girth between the thickest and thinnest part of my penis and a deep fold and crease along my circ scar. Avanti claims it would be dangerous to even schedule an appointment with the doctor for more filler anytime within 6 weeks to 2 months.

FYI I’m extremely healthy and a semi pro level athlete, I never get sick, and I had zero bruising from my visit with Avanti 2 days after the procedure.
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ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707709

Their office usually does not schedule appointments following procedures for at least 6 weeks because that is about how long it takes to see collagen formation, etc.

However, they usually allow patients to come in the following days to have someone take a quick look at things, make sure the patient is massaging and distributing the product properly. I don't know if that occurred here, why or why not, but that's the norm if requested.

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ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707710

Yes, you are right. However they did not communicate that to me when I was booking. Only once the last syringe went into my penis.I ended up wasting a lot of time in Tijuana, and, imo they didn’t put enough filler in to cover the upper part of my shaft on the first go. If they wanted me to wait a couple months they should have done it right the first time.

Other doctors don’t have this requirement to wait & want to fix the asymmetry early.

As far as I can tell Avanti has basically a 100% success rate on happy patients. I’m not super happy with how it went there, but I’m also not upset at them either. Just trying to articulate to guys planning this procedure that if you want your penis to look proper in the first few months & can afford it you should look elsewhere.

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ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707712

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Yeah I basically got the same results, the filler seems to be concentrated in the middle of the shaft with a hump on the top. I even lost some filler to the underside of my shaft and down in to my scrotum. It looked pretty good at first and in spite of my aftercare efforts things moved and migrated and settled in weird ways that will now need correction. However I am not all that discouraged since I was always planning to go back for a follow up. I suspect a lot of the amazingly perfect results we see on here are after 2 or 3 rounds. I know it’s frustrating you spend a lot of time and money and come away feeling like you have a “botched” penis, but from what I’ve seen on here things have a way of working themselves out with time. I’m trying not to be overly critical of my unit until the collagen at least has a chance to form.

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ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707713

Whynotttttt wrote: Just trying to articulate to guys planning this procedure that if you want your penis to look proper in the first few months & can afford it you should look elsewhere.

I understand your frustration but I have to make an exception to that assertion - a plethora of progress reports have indicated the high likelihood of requiring a follow-up round for inevitable (minor) revisions, with any procedure or doctor ... since the the likelihood of a "perfect" result after Round 1 is uncommon. If they failed to communicate this to you, then I will forward them this complaint as it should have been mentioned, regardless of how prevalent that information might be on the forums.

They've also made it clear to wait a minimum of 6 weeks and having been saying so for years, so this policy isn't anything new. However, you are not at fault for not possessing "common forum knowledge" because at the end of the day, the Clinic should be communicating this to you.

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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707714

The result is horrible. It’s not a minor asymmetry. My flacid Dick was shaped like a half eaten piece of pizza.

I was frustrated, then I went to go see several other doctors and am fixing it. Now I’m not frustrated at all, just disappointed and now warning other patients to not go there if tou want your Dick to look nice within the first several months and to use Ellanse.

Nowhere in their documents or literature sent to me did they say 6 weeks. It’s not common forum knowledge to me. Maybe to you who owns the forum or those who have read literally every post the last decade it is, but not to me as a well informed consumer.

They didn’t put enough filler in to cover the penis (When I was booked to see the other doctor there a year ago they were going to do more filler than they allowed me to get this time) , didn’t tell me when I said I’d be sticking around to fix asymmetry that I wouldn’t be able to see a doctor, and ultimately my pizza shaped Dick result is on them due to their not letting me see a doctor again the extra week I was in TJ.

Being seen for a medical follow up by the guy who replies to emails for the doctor is not acceptable aftercare, and there is no magical extra collagen growth from weeks 4-6 that would prevent a Revision happening at weeks 1 or 3 or 4 or 5.

Pizza shape Dick is a bad result, due to not enough filler being used, and no ability to see a medical professional for follow up.

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Last edit: by Whynotttttt.

ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707715

A lot of the good results we see here are from several visits to avanti for ellanese over a *long*period of time or from PMMA, they use a lot more filler for PMMA procedures so it covered the penis better & I see a lot of guys getting nice results right away.

I think most of the good results we see from Ellanse are not from avanti. It’s from doctors who are willing to see their patient a second time within the first two months.

Again, when the last syringe went into my penis was the first time anyone said I could not be seen by the doctor again for two months and it came from the doctor herself. Sure enough, the times Ian had me come back, the doctor was nowhere to be seen… not even in the hallways. Just had the email guy who replies to emails tell me stuff about inflammation I already knew.

That being said, if I had two or three months to wait for my penis to look human none of this would have been a major issue. I have total trust in Avanti to complete their procedures professionally and at a high level. While I was there I had several blemishes burned off my body by their Dermatologist and got a lovely facial. All of it went great and I have zero complaints or concerns about it.

Just want to add to the reviews to help people have more knowledge to make a decision. Avanti is going to work well for guys who have a long time to wait for a result, my personal circumstances meant I can’t wait and they didn’t address that when I made the appointment and told them my expectations.

By the way, skeptical one. Can I have my lifetime membership for posting a before and after?

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Last edit: by Whynotttttt.

ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707725

Just so I'm clear - by suggesting this info was "common forum knowledge" - I wasn't trying to insinuate that you were "dumb" for not knowing, but more that it is a surprise to me that it wasn't/isn't a part of any of their patient literature. So it was not a knock on you.

And yes, you definitely get Lifetime Premium Membership, just Private Message me and I'll get you situated, thanks :)

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ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707727

For sure, about the dumb thing. I didn’t take it that way at all.

Avanti is great, and they are making a lot of guys dreams come true and that leads to better lives. Just some bad communication and IMO overly conservative policies on Ellanse, but at least they are willing to use the product unlike a lot of other doctors who get scared off from it.

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ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707735

How long after the procedure did you take that picture? I had a similar look about 2-3 weeks afterward with the bulge all around the circ scar. I was contemplating contacting Avanti to see if there was an issue.

It all ended up going away with time. It was swelling and built up fluid. I can't say that yours will go away, but time takes care of a lot of things. If that picture is taken within the first 2 to 3 weeks, I believe you may have rushed it a little with already seeing another doctor.

Be safe!

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ELLANSE 10ml at avanti 2 years 9 months ago #1308707740

Inexcusable, or no excuse or whatever… no it’s not fluid. It’s filler. If it were fluid it would mean there is no filler anywhere in my penis. & no it’s not the first 2-3 weeks.

What’s causing this (Other than not enough filler and a medical professional being nowhere to be seen the moment the procedure was over) is my anatomy…. Basically I’m Circumcised but my remaining Foreskin is super stretchy so that’s where all the filler went, that + literally zero filler was put at the base of my penis.

So if you are a doctor and you:

- put all the filler in the middle and tip of penis
- put zero filler in the base of the penis
- don’t follow up with your original procedure for two months

Then you may end up giving your patients a result like this (Flacid penis resembling a a slice of pizza ?) if their Foreskin is super stretchy like me.

Again, If I had 6 months to sit around hiding my penis, or I was with a partner (I’m single and straight) who was onboard with the procedure and literally never looked at my penis this would not be an issue.

Since I can’t hide my penis for 6 months to wait to see avanti 3 times this became an issue so I’m talking about it on here and I went to another doctor to fix it.

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