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TOPIC: My 25 CC journey with Ellanse

My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704410

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I had my third and hopefully final touch up today with Dr.C.

My journey began in in December of 2019. I went to Sydney Calibre clinic. I forgot the doctors name but he was a very very nice fellow. My stats at the time were a measley 4.4 inches of EG. I hated it. I was so skinny, I knew my girlfriends could not feel me. And if they did, I knew the old saying “size doesnt matter” was simply not true. My girlfriend in high school who was an absolute sweetheart even mentioned how i had a skinny Dick. I spent years following the PE route. Id spend hours in the bathroom yanking, playing, pumping with my penis in hope my Dick would turn into a studs Dick. But that stuff never worked for me. I would dodge sexual encounters and was just downright unconfident when it came to showing my penis to girls. Even if I was just .1 believe average, who the fuck wants to live this life average??? It clawed and ate at me knowing girls I thought were absolutely gorgeous simply would prefer a thicker Dick.

So i took the plunge. My dream gol was 5.5 but i saw that may take two sessions for a whole Inch. I begged my first doctor to give me 15 mls on my first time, and he did. The result was a DISASTER. My penis looked like quazimoto. The top part of the penis had absolutely no filler, only the right side of the midshaft had filler and the other part didnt so it looked like a canyon in the middle of my Dick. I did end up going from 4.4 EG to 5.25 EG, but i didnt give a shit, because my Dick looked mutated, it looked deranged, it looked like the texas chainsaw massacare had a field day with it. I was so so soooo depressed. Knowing i had a ugly ugly penis. I thought this would be my new life, first i have a skinny Dick, now the ugliest Dick ive ever seen??

9 months later I ended up going to Dr.C and he gave me 8 ccs just to correct the penis. The result was fantastic. Although it didnt look 100% perfect, it looked natural enough and was a massive massive massive improvement. I ended up getting to 5.85 EG.

Today I went in for a simple 2 ccs. I was hoping I could end up at 6 EG but realized aesthetics to me was morr important and a Girth of 5.85 is still respectable and much better then my starting Girth. I believe they just worked around the empty gaps in the penis.

I will say I was hoping theyd be clearer with me on what they worked on and post care as the process seemed more rushed this time then last time. But i think its because they trusted i was familiar with the process already. But the truth is, this is my only penis! I get nervous and could use detailed explanations no matter how many times ive done this!

However, Dr.C and Ian are fantastic and have already saved my penis from the first procedure. I already know that this new procedure will most likely develop some sort of aesthetic problem even if minor. But i need to realize well...perfection doesnt exist! I just hope and pray my penis ends up looking as natural as possible.

Its been a long fucking journey, and I just want to say damn...its crazy. Having a thicker Dick really will change your life. Its a long journey and sometimes its very very stressful, but its been absolutely worth it.

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704413

Hi Shortywack, I'm happy to hear that in the end you achieved your goals and that you're finally happy with your new size, altough the journey has been "bumpy" ot say at least.
Let me just understand better what happened: first may I ask you where are you from? And your age?
You write that you had your first procedure in Australia at Calibre, was dr. Oates who gave you Ellansè? and with such bad outcome? He's one of the most respected professional and I wonder why you didn't go back to him to address the poor aestethic outcome, I'm sure he could have fixed that, Did you ask him exaplanations?
Then you flew to Mexico 9 months later to have 8 cc (always Elansè I guess) from Avanti Derma, and doctor C fixed the problem to your satisfaction.
Today you had an other 2 cc (always from dr C, right?) just to work on some specific spots still to be corrected?
Thanks for sharing your experience

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704414

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Hello Tritera
Im from the US. And I am 23. Yes I had it at Calibre, but Dr.Oates was not my doctor. So I did not have a relationship with him, and quite frankly I wanted to try something different if the first outcome was far from ideal.

Please note I am not here to talk shit about any doctors.

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704416

ShortyWack wrote: Hello Tritera
Im from the US. And I am 23. Yes I had it at Calibre, but Dr.Oates was not my doctor. So I did not have a relationship with him, and quite frankly I wanted to try something different if the first outcome was far from ideal.

Please note I am not here to talk shit about any doctors.

Yeah perfectly understandable, didn't want you to talk shit to anybody, just curious to understand why you travelled so far when you had other good options much closer home.

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704426

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So I wanted to initially go to Australia because well, i thought Calibre was simply the best and to be honest, with all of the crazy news the media reports about Tijuana, Mexico, i was scared of going to TJ. Stupid, ignorant, yes. But keep in mind i am a young lad and was even a younger lad when I decided to do this. I thought Sydney was just a safer as well as the better option because I heard great things about Calibre.

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704430

Calibre is a fantastic Clinic and I've seen many good examples of their work. The lesson here appears that your best bet is to seek out a qualified practitioner local or regional to you, so that revisions can be performed, because after all, undesirable results can and do happen, with all the Major Clinics. You could have easily gotten an undesirable result in Tijuana and found yourself flying to Australia for correction in the same vein.

In other words, I think it's a bit unfair to give an assessment on a procedure that require secondary appointments, and since you decided to travel so far (over reasons that were as equally unfair to Dr. C), Dr. Oates was not given an opportunity to correct the issue (in other words, if Dr. C could fix the issue, so could Dr. Oates, but you were simply too far to justify a second chance travel).

If you're going to make such clamor about your results performed by a Clinic represented on this site, it'd suit you well to be a bit more mindful of your own decisions along the way: if you had to BEG for 15cc's, do you think Dr. Oates was comfortable with it?? - perhaps a lesson for Physicians on this board not to consider higher volume for out-of-area travelers.

Some benefit of the doubt would be appreciated is all I'm saying.

As for the Ellanse, you would have seen success either way, but you made life more expensive and complicated by not taking the word of hundreds of posters here about the safety and practicality of a Tijuana trip; regardless, it appears the forum enabled you enough resources to make things come full circle.
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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704431

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Where in my post did I say Calibre was not a great clinic? If you read my post carefully I clearly said I am not here to talk shit and that I also took partial responsibility because I begged for the 15 cc to be done. Also DR Oates WASNT MY DOCTOR. I think your response to me is quite unfair. I have done this 3 times already. Yes I was clueless the first time and now I feel much better and in tune with everything. However, this is MY post, this is MY journey, these are MY experiences. Also, I am basically done in my Ellanse journey for the new future as my penis has been touched up. So what is the point of you telling me everything I should have done different in the past? The past is over and I have arrived at a desireable and my dream destination. The only one making a clamor about me and Calibre Clinic is YOU. My penis was deformed after my first visit. It could have been due to many many things and I never solely blamed the doctor. If you want I will gladly post a picture of it.

Skeptical_One wrote: Calibre is a fantastic Clinic and I've seen many good examples of their work. The lesson here appears that your best bet is to seek out a qualified practitioner local or regional to you, so that revisions can be performed, because after all, undesirable results can and do happen, with all the Major Clinics. You could have easily gotten an undesirable result in Tijuana and found yourself flying to Australia for correction in the same vein.

In other words, I think it's a bit unfair to give an assessment on a procedure that require secondary appointments, and since you decided to travel so far (over reasons that were as equally unfair to Dr. C), Dr. Oates was not given an opportunity to correct the issue (in other words, if Dr. C could fix the issue, so could Dr. Oates, but you were simply too far to justify a second chance travel).

If you're going to make such clamor about your results performed by a Clinic represented on this site, it'd suit you well to be a bit more mindful of your own decisions along the way: if you had to BEG for 15cc's, do you think Dr. Oates was comfortable with it?? - perhaps a lesson for Physicians on this board not to consider higher volume for out-of-area travelers.

Some benefit of the doubt would be appreciated is all I'm saying.

As for the Ellanse, you would have seen success either way, but you made life more expensive and complicated by not taking the word of hundreds of posters here about the safety and practicality of a Tijuana trip; regardless, it appears the forum enabled you enough resources to make things come full circle.

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704433

I misread your reply regarding Dr. Oates - you mentioned it was another physician at Calibre. My mistake.

I said: "If you're going to make such clamor about your results performed by a Clinic represented on this site, it'd suit you well to be a bit more mindful of your own decisions along the way", it was my opinion based on what I saw as a baffling logistical mess, not an insult or condemnation. If it came off that way, it wasn't the intention.

Your story isn't being doubted or disregarded, and that's precisely the advantage of this forum - In all honesty I'm sensitive to topics regarding the better Clinics providing these services because this industry is marred by a lot of unscrupulous physicians who are making good Doctors look like they're associated with said-unscrupulous medicine. I'm not saying you did this, I'm saying that I'm inclined to defend some of these better physicians where & when appropriate for the sake of moving this field forward. Perhaps I came off too defensive, but I assure you it wasn't meant to be dismissive or insensitive. My apologies if it did.

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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704434

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Thank you I appreciate that. I understand your concern as well. Like I said I am not here to talk shit or undermine any clinic. However the truth is that I had a very bad first time. I appreciate your willingness to defend top clinics and doctors. HOWEVER you also should realize that they like us are humans, they can also make mistakes. This penis enlargement stuff is still fairly new to all of us. Im sure there are doctors out there still learning and getting better. Also, we spend plenty and plenty of money on this, we also take plenty of risks both physically as well as mentally in hopes these procedures work out for us. Doctors although how great, should never be free of criticism. If I am willing to take the risk of this procedure, spend plenty of money, have a horrible first result, I will absolutely share my experience. Whether it was his fault or my fault, Or a mix of both, the past is the past. Either way, Dr.C really saved me, and he is a fantastic doc. Will post my pics and results later.

Skeptical_One wrote: I misread your reply regarding Dr. Oates - you mentioned it was another physician at Calibre. My mistake.

I said: "If you're going to make such clamor about your results performed by a Clinic represented on this site, it'd suit you well to be a bit more mindful of your own decisions along the way", it was my opinion based on what I saw as a baffling logistical mess, not an insult or condemnation. If it came off that way, it wasn't the intention.

Your story isn't being doubted or disregarded, and that's precisely the advantage of this forum - In all honesty I'm sensitive to topics regarding the better Clinics providing these services because this industry is marred by a lot of unscrupulous physicians who are making good Doctors look like they're associated with said-unscrupulous medicine. I'm not saying you did this, I'm saying that I'm inclined to defend some of these better physicians where & when appropriate for the sake of moving this field forward. Perhaps I came off too defensive, but I assure you it wasn't meant to be dismissive or insensitive. My apologies if it did.

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704438

Yes, absolutely - The Best Clinics out there, including both non-Sponsors and Sponsors, have had less-than-desirable results, and you'll see virtually every negative review found on any of the PhalloBoards sites have never been deleted or censored. This site is a patient-resource first & foremost, so I'd be doing my readership a disservice by creating a shill-factory or echo chamber.

Transparency, especially for the Sponsors here, is paramount. That said, as a Moderator of the Discussion, I will from time to time put things into perspective, as I too was once a patient. Perhaps this time it was a bit of an overreach, but by and large I feel it's important to establish grounded expectations among my readership, especially when dreams of 7 Inch girths, International travel, etc, are abound.

Will look forward to your Ellanse result photos, I'm sure Dr. C did a fantastic job.

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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704440

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Thank you. And yes to be honest, I also just wanted to go to Sydney. Its an amazing city, probably one of my favorite cities in the world. Amazing food, weather, the girls are gorgeous. I hope to return one day.

Skeptical_One wrote: Yes, absolutely - The Best Clinics out there, including both non-Sponsors and Sponsors, have had less-than-desirable results, and you'll see virtually every negative review found on any of the PhalloBoards sites have never been deleted or censored. This site is a patient-resource first & foremost, so I'd be doing my readership a disservice by creating a shill-factory or echo chamber.

Transparency, especially for the Sponsors here, is paramount. That said, as a Moderator of the Discussion, I will from time to time put things into perspective, as I too was once a patient. Perhaps this time it was a bit of an overreach, but by and large I feel it's important to establish grounded expectations among my readership, especially when dreams of 7 Inch girths, International travel, etc, are abound.

Will look forward to your Ellanse result photos, I'm sure Dr. C did a fantastic job.

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704458

Post some pictures of after ya first session and now if you can cheers

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704477

I LOL’d so hard at the Quasimodo Part. I know exactly what you mean because I’m in the same situation. I have the Girth but my Dick do not look great at all. Kinda looks like a messed up stuffed sausage when Erect. And you are 100% correct. These doctors are human and are subject to errors and you should be able to report back and review as you see fit based off your experience.

I hate my results but I am going back to the same place next week to fix these errors and hoping for the best. For me I plan to be involved in the procedure and speaking up on exactly how I want. I will also stay longer so any problem areas I find I want addressed before going back on the plane. I’m happy you got it all fixed and also happy you can look back on it and laugh.

I’m not as angry anymore as I was in the early stages of my recovery because I learned to live with it because I have no choice. So hopefully the 2nd time is the charm. I’m looking forward to following your progress. And please post pics. If you have photos of the round 1 results, even better.

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 7 months ago #1308704479

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Haha glad you appreciated it. And ya man, its tough. It takes a lot of bravery to go through this procedure. I will post photos in a few weeks once the product settles in and will include my original photo. Good luck on your journey!

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My 25 CC journey with Ellanse 3 years 6 months ago #1308704760

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Hey @ShortyWack , how are things going?


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