Hello all,
I created previous thread documenting my journey of traveling to
Avanti Derma and having a
PMMA procedure ( feel free to check that previous thread out). Everything went great as far as the procedure, no complication and the hotel stay wasn't bad at all. But the only thing that I'm concerned about is the after growth that is suppose to occur because obviously I was a lot bigger about a week after the procedure , but the gains slowly started to diminish. Overall, I am definitely longer in a
Flaccid state , but it seems I may only gotten about a .25 gain (if that) on
I have been taking collagen pills as well that were recommended by someone else on the thread, but I was just wondering if somebody could inform me about the collagen growth process.
Also, I'm not making this post to discourage anybody because it is a process and after all two treatments are recommended for optimal results anyway, however I created this thread so I could be further educated and if someone knew something that I didn't .