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TOPIC: Chemical PE (PGE-1, HCG, IGF-1)

Chemical PE (PGE-1, HCG, IGF-1) 4 years 9 months ago #1308697872

Hello all,

this is my first post here. I plan to start 4 week cycle with intracavernosal injections of10ug PGE1 and 4ug IGF-1 LR3 every other day with subcutaneous 250IU HCGevery other days in between. Does anyone have experience with chemical PE?


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Chemical PE (PGE-1, HCG, IGF-1) 4 years 9 months ago #1308697873

MrAlprostadil wrote: Hello all,

this is my first post here. I plan to start 4 week cycle with intracavernosal injections of10ug PGE1 and 4ug IGF-1 LR3 every other day with subcutaneous 250IU HCGevery other days in between. Does anyone have experience with chemical PE?


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Chemical PE (PGE-1, HCG, IGF-1) 4 years 8 months ago #1308698155

Not for the PE part. But i use BPC 157 regularly for healing, as well as an HGH / BPC mix . I have done this for some time now. inject sub Q in various parts around the Cock region.

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Chemical PE (PGE-1, HCG, IGF-1) 4 years 7 months ago #1308698926

It's been awhile since I posted on PhalloBoards. I've got a lot of old posts on PB2. Some of my posts were deleted when the content related to chemical PE was purged from that forum. I'm going to start in this thread from where I left off back then, and if people want to read about what happened to me in previous chapters, they can go back. Feel free to PM me with short/specific questions.

Sixteen months after getting a skin graft to correct infection and Necrosis in cysts as a sequela to dermal fillers, I'm still only about 90 percent healed. Post surgery I was 4 inches (10.1cm) long x 6.5 Girth (16.5cm). The surgeon took photo with ruler of the 4 Inch legnth in the OR and was proud of his work (smh), with my reaction post surgery letting him know it was nothing to celebrate. During the healing process I got even slightly shorter, and the plastic surgeon commented on it during one follow-up - blow to my ego. He offered to do the surgery all over again (new graft) if I wanted to try again - I declined. About six months into healing I visited Dr. Carney in Atlanta. He recommended I wait and see how I healed, and if I could have any success stretching it for length. He suggested that he too would have to do major surgery for lengthening (ligament release), along with a new skin graft. It was like the ring of skin at the base of my penis was attached over two inches up the shaft, like choking up on a baseball bat. The tip of my Dick reaches the same place above my belly button, so it's not actually shorter. It's just that the portion that projects from the skin at the base gives he perception of a short penis - the official way to measure is from base to tip. So it doesn't count if you have several inches inside.

During the healing I wasn't able to use the vacuum suction cup stretcher because (1) early on it hurt too much do to healing and (2) later it hurt too much due to poor fit (I got the largest size they sold). I've been on a sexual island all by myself for the duration, a recluse. In the past month I finally felt healed enough to make an appointment with a Urologist for another PGE-1 prescription. During the CV-19 restrictions, I've had every other week off, so it's no problem to sit around for hours with an Erection. Like Sisyphus I've begun pushing the boulder up the hill again. I'm seduced by the massive and rapid Girth gains, as well as slow but sure length gains. In the last month I've been back on PGE1, about 4 days a week, I've already put on an Inch in length and an Inch in Girth. I know from experience, that when I stop taking the medicine, will lose some of the size; but a lot of it is permanent too. I've been further motivated to obsessively work at it based upon strongly positive reactions I got with a recent personal ad. I posted a personal ad recently where I was catfishing with old photos of myself. I got so many replies and inquiries, I took it down. I'm an asshole. But the replies, the phone calls, the e-mails were impactful on my psyche. There was so much demand for that guy. My past and recent experience with PGE1, suggests that crazy huge Girth is obtainable.

I've read and re-read Ronielle's web postings, I've read the notes out there supposedly from Dr. Adams, I've read and seen the medical journal articles of huge Girth obtained from priapisms caused by various reasons (e.g sickle cell anemia), and I've read the articles about massive Girth (edema and skin hypertrophy) caused by constriction devices (e.g. rubber bands). I know there is high risk involved in what I'm doing. Earlier in my PE life, before PMMA, I used cable clamps for Cock rings (progressively larger). I saw the risk with those first hand, and learned that if there's pain you should go looser or take a break. I've learned how to deal with priapisms caused by PGE1, including ice packs, Sudafed (convenient since I have allergies), or vigorous exercise (push ups or walk-run up and down the stairs). I'm also confident PGE-1 will work because it forces you to put the time in - hours spent Erect. In comparison, due to poor equipment fits, I've been unable to use any stretching equipment ever (other than a Penis Pump) for extended duration. Any PE method requires putting in the time. If you crack the code, and find equipment that is a perfect fit, or if you have the skills to fabricate your own PE equipment, I think you have a better chance with stretching.

When I had a PMMA enhanced penis, interlaced with some deliberately placed silicone (microdrops) and migrated silicone from my scrotum, I was using 80IU of 60mcg concentration of PGE1, and that was good enough for about an hour of 100% Erection, and 60-70% Erection for 3-4 more hours. Post-skin graft, I am staying 100% Erect for 6-8 hours using 40IU of 60mcg. This is good, since the medicine is expensive - so I'm using it at half the rate. Since I'm staying much harder for much longer, I'm using ice packs and vigorous exercise through, to reduce the Erection to 70-80%. That has the added benefit of causing weight loss (awesome). I fear that with my past and recent results, I will end up with a 5 x 10 Inch penis (lol). I'll see where I'm at in a year. I might have to end up going to Dr. Carney anyway, for the surgical solution to make more of my penis project from my body. I can feel it inside, with the base stuck almost half way up my shaft.

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Chemical PE (PGE-1, HCG, IGF-1) 4 years 7 months ago #1308698927

Wow, thanks for sharing your experience. I've been on PGE1 only for about 2-3 weeks and I've seen some but tiny improvement. Howevr I noticed that my chronic inflamation in my nose was getting worse and I also felt quite anxious. I stopped injecting and did some reading. Prostaglandins are powerful mediators of inflamation although PGE1 should be the safest. That's what caused my inflamation to worsen tho. Also the anxiety was caused by chages in hormonal concentrations. PGE1 causes increase in plasma prolactin which in turn lowers your FSH and LH causing your Balls to stop/signifacantly lower producing testosterone and sperm. I have to say that I was using quite high doses. 10ug first injection followed by another 20ug injection withtin about an hour to stay Erect for longer. The second injection didn't seem to do much but helped slightly. I plan to start again but with only 12ug injections evry other day. I fear the anxiety caused by hormonal imbalance cause it's for a long time and it takes a lot of time to get to normal... Have a good day all!

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Chemical PE (PGE-1, HCG, IGF-1) 4 years 7 months ago #1308698928

I agree we need to be alert for side effects, especially the rare and dangerous ones. I plan to ensure that calcium and potassium values are checked with regular blood work during checkups/physicals. The normal side effects are pain and Priapism (which is regarded as a feature and not a bug in Chemical PE). But uncontrolled Priapism will require a trip to the emergency room, and could leave you impotent.

Since the surgeries, I'm much more sensitive to PGE1, so my occurrence of Priapism has gone up (it was previously very rare). Another point of view is that my ED has gone away since removing the filler and hypertrophied skin. As I previously mentioned, I've reduced my effective dose (previously 42 - 48mcg, now 18 - 24 mcg). Since I'm using less that saves money. Also for the first time, the pharmacist gave me 10x 1ml bottles of PGE1, instead of 1x 10ml bottle. Each bottle was somewhat overfilled, so I got approximately 2ml for free. Getting the hire concentration of Alprostadil (60mcg vs. 20mcg or 40mcg which are more common) works better for what I'm doing. Otherwise I'd probably use 100IU (1ml) of a lower concentration for the same effect, requiring more refills. Too many refills might get flagged for excessive use and I could be cut off.

With the American urologists that offer cosmetic penis surgeries and dermal fillers, you'd think one or more would offer their expertise to chemical PE treatment. That way things could be done under supervision of a doctor. The only doctor I'm aware of that ever offered such services was Dr. Adams in Canada. Due to liability, he stopped providing formal advice to Americans several years back. I can't remember how many years ago it was now, but I called his clinic and talked with a nurse there to hear that.

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Chemical PE (PGE-1, HCG, IGF-1) 4 years 7 months ago #1308698929


How has your IGF been going? or did you start it ?

i am about to begin an IGF-Des routine.

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