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TOPIC: Have you gained length, and if so, how much?

Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 11 years 1 month ago #1281562034

Hey, as I am in the midst of trying to gain length, I\'m wondering what kind of success others have had. I would ask that you only count length added after you are full grown, which in my case was around 22. I know I gained an Inch from the time I was 17 until I was 22 with no PE at all, so I want to rule out the possibility of late bloomers like myself skewing the results. Thanks!

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 11 years 1 month ago #1281564813

I was ~5.75 and am now ~7.5. Most gains were from manual stretching and some Hanging. pegym and thunderspalace were great resources.

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 11 years 3 weeks ago #1281654644

I was really hoping to get more responses. 5 is not a very predictive sample size.

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 11 years 3 weeks ago #1281655744

Dance With Dragons wrote: I was really hoping to get more responses. 5 is not a very predictive sample size.

Considering the # of lurkers and volume this site receives, it\'s a damn shame not more are responsive. Maybe in a few years when this site is presumably larger (in volume) will we see increased sample sizes (at least that\'s the hope & prediction).

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 11 years 3 weeks ago #1281663672

Ive gained .5 over a 1 year period, I had a few months that were pretty lazy and some where I did nothing at all.

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 11 years 2 weeks ago #1281696626

I have gained almost an Inch via stretching over an eight month period.

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 11 years 2 weeks ago #1281716525

I\'ve got 2 inches OP follow a good newbie routine it takes time but you can achieve it

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 11 years 2 weeks ago #1281728715

Supa and Friend Face, what was/is your stretching routine?

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 11 years 2 weeks ago #1281733550

Morepenis newbie guide paired $10 for it years ago

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 10 years 11 months ago #1282074888

Yeah I have my first legit injury - an almost torn Frenulum. I was stupid and put way too much tension on it Friday night. After 4 weeks I\'ve added about 1/8 of an Inch. That\'s 40-50 hours a week wearing the ads.

I\'ve given it a rest for the last few days, it\'s still stabbed over and still hurts, but not like it did. It was CRAZY painful Friday night. I am going to take a couple more days off and then proceed again and pretend I have some freaking common sense and not overdo it.

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 10 years 11 months ago #1282295964

I\'m in the \"gained nothing\" category - but I just wanted to clarify it. With Peyronie\'s, the tunica albuginea is less elastic & more fibrous. So, growth is going to be difficult to achieve. I may have actually prevented more size loss since Peyronie\'s causes the penis to shrink as the scar tissue replaces healthy tissue, so maybe I did \"gain\" in that way. A peyronie\'s plaque (scar tissue) is not in the entire penis, so stretching may have brought some size to the undamaged areas while the scarred areas shrank more...resulting in a net gain of 0. Some people on the Peyronies message board have had more success...and there is a published study to suggest it can help maintain/gain a little bit of length and partially reduce curve if worn every day, constantly. I haven\'t ever been able to be one of those 8 hr a day people - honestly, it kinda hurts, if I have it stretched for more than 4-6 hrs.... especially now that I am post op w/ internal really aggravates those areas.

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Have you gained length, and if so, how much? 9 years 4 months ago #1289620428

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I gained a half an Inch, just by stretching. 10/ 15 hours a day, everyday, during six months.

Now i am going to try again for the next two years. I think the ratio time/ hours per day is key. I want another 0\'5/ 1\". So, discipline is everything when you stretch.

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