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TOPIC: Are You a Show-er Or a Grower?

Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 13 years 1 month ago #1271659025

There was a Poll up already on whether you would prefer being a Show-er or a Grower, but I think we also need a Poll on whether you are in fact a Show-er or a Grower.
A Show-er is a male whose Flaccid hangs with a length that does not significantly differ from their Erect length. An example is a man with a 4\" long Flaccid and a 6\" long Erect. If you can whip out your Flaccid and dangle around with it, you are almost certainly a show-er. Show-ers also experience less Turtling in room-temperature environments.
A Grower is simply the opposite. A Grower can have a Flaccid that appears like a peanut but has the potential of pornographic dimensions when Erect. Growers also turtle often, giving their Flaccid a less-than-desirable hang.
As a note: When it comes to Erect length, being a Grower (with a smaller Flaccid) doesn\'t mean that one is typically smaller than a show-er.

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 13 years 1 month ago #1271659141

... few freaking seconds ago i was thinking should i really make another thread.

This poll should of course be all pre OP/Treatments and manuell PE imo.

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 13 years 1 month ago #1271660775

Show-er here even pre-PE.

Pre-PE I only grew 2\" from Flaccid to Erect.
After 5 years of manual PE I only grow 1.5\" Flaccid to Erect.

This hasn\'t changed with PMMA, I just turtle less.

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 13 years 1 month ago #1271665028

Grower, hate it...

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 13 years 1 month ago #1271675457

I\'m a hardcore Grower. I\'m 1 Inch Flaccid, and 5 Inch Erect. Jesus..I had to be the only guy in my family with a small one. The males in my family are known for huge members in the town I grew up in. I guess I just had to be the one that got the short end of the stick

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 13 years 1 month ago #1271675774

Tulsaguy wrote: I\'m a hardcore Grower. I\'m 1 Inch Flaccid, and 5 Inch Erect. Jesus..I had to be the only guy in my family with a small one. The males in my family are known for huge members in the town I grew up in. I guess I just had to be the one that got the short end of the stick

I was pretty much the same pre-PMMA. I could easily go from 5\" to nearly 1\" , and if anyone had seen it, I wouldn\'t be surprised if they thought I was micro in size (even though Erect my length was within the spectrum of average).
I still turtle but not nearly as bad, I\'m not sure I get any smaller than 2-2.5\" now. Still seems small, but trust me, that\'s a huge improvement!

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 13 years 1 month ago #1271701297

I think I\'m a Grower. I go from 3\"-4\" Flaccid to 6\"-6.5\" Erect. I wish I was packing more Flaccid really. That is where the problem lies with me. I just want to have more hang Flaccid. Does PMMA help that Flaccid hang? I think If I had a permanent 5\" Flaccid length I would be a happy camper for good. Good thread S.O.

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 13 years 1 month ago #1271707142

Hey All... I thought this was an interesting thread & the subject fits for me right now... I just had (39 days ago) graft surgery to correct a long standing penile fracture injury... The reason this thread pertains to me is that in my youth (teens - twenties - thirties) i was always a Grower... As a Grower, I wasnt exactly a \"peanut going to pornographic proportions\" but went from about 2\" or less to over 7\" easily... I had an \"ovehanging natural curvature\"... Then, I had my penile fracuture in 2003... I was still a Grower only shorter in Erect state with a severe indention - divot & upward / left hand curvature...

Now, after the graft surgery, it the weirdest thing... I have become much more of a shower... I\'m 4 inches Flaccid but only grow -- right now to 6.5 inches... I\'ve been thinking that is so weird how I changed from a Grower to a shower.. Then, I saw this thread so I thought I\'d post... I\'m still hoping to regain a bit more length which was lost due to my injury... I\'m much, much better & very satisified with my newly repaired unit..!! M7 was incredibly supportive & I owe my newly repaired unit to him & of course, Dr. Egydio... I also used to turte allot... Especially right after a really really tough work out.... It pretty much disappeared from view & became \"an innie\"....

Thanks again to everyone on the site for all the inspiration, the information etc... Great site.... Absolutely fantastic.... Thank you All..

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 13 years 1 month ago #1271838147


That is amazing you would go from 2 inches up to over 7 inches, wow! I wish i was like that.............I went from 2.7 inches to 5 inches, grr............I rather be a shower because the confidence of wearing clothing & having a nice looking bulge in your pants is where 1st impressions could mean everything, damn it, this world isnt fair!

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 13 years 1 month ago #1271851248

Both I guess? I\'m usually around 5.5\" long soft and about the same measurement on my Flaccid Girth. I am 7\" long non bone pressed when Erect and 6\" Erect Girth.

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 12 years 7 months ago #1274095798

I am a Grower... turtle easily. Erect is not bad almost 6.5\" x 5.2\"
I just hate the small flacid feeling... I like to sport a bulge!

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 11 years 7 months ago #1278612214

It\'s not about size, it\'s about surprise!

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 11 years 7 months ago #1278612302

medilook wrote: It\'s not about size, it\'s about surprise!

That sounds like a motto for a rapist who has a small penis.

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 11 years 7 months ago #1278613156

Sort of a shower I guess, especially post PMMA. I go from 4.5-5 Flaccid to 6.5 Erect.

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Are You a Show-er Or a Grower? 11 years 7 months ago #1278699461

Always been a shower, PMMA just gave it a little extra oomph.
My Flaccid hasn\'t dropped below 7\" since PMMA. Go to 8\" Erect.

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