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TOPIC: New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida

New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286964751

New surgical technique for penile lengthening, a potential improvement on the current procedure, and proven successful in the lab, is ready for testing on healthy volunteers. Candidates must be born male, healthy, and be between the ages of 20 and 50. All procedures, most medications, and office visits provided without charge. Must be willing to answer questionnaires over a 6 month period, have medical photographs taken and published in scientific journals. All personal health information and patient data is kept strictly confidential. Physician/ surgeon Ivy League educated with formal research background. Number of volunteers is limited to 30 so don't delay responding or you might miss the opportunity. Serious inquiries accepted only, please at to apply.

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286964984

Sir Penith,

I commend any project that provides free trials to investigate new or innovative techniques, but I must ask for greater transparency. Per forum rules, you\'ll need to address the following bullet points. Failure to do so will cast you in the category of advertising as opposed to scientific endeavor.

Who is/are the physician(s) involved with this Penith program? Do they have their own websites so we can learn more about them individually?What exactly are you modifying to the current lengthening technique? Any veteran of the penis enlargement scene can tell you that virtually every lengthening surgeon has made a similar claim (i.e. their technique is innovative & unique). So you\'ll really have to break it down for us.Could you list some of the scientific journals you intend on publishing your work in?Please respond, and if you have anything else you want to address more privately, you can email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286965077

SO, I could be wrong, but I recently read where Loria was looking for volunteers in southern Florida for an experimental enlargement procedure. If he did not find enough candidates in the immediate area, he was going to open up the \"study\" to men in different geographical locations.

Like I said, I could be wrong, but I have a strong suspicion that this is Loria.

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286965494

Hmm, member Penith, could you tell us if a \"Dr. Loria\" is involved with your program?

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286970056

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it says this on that website:

\"About the Penith PhysiciansOur surgeons have trained at the top institutions in the USA including Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, and Cleveland Clinic. All procedures and follow up visits take place in a private office with a certified and accredited operating facility. \"

did loria train there? if not, it should be a dif surgeon. if so, well...

either way i will be keen to know any info

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286970718

I don\'t think even Dr Loria would attempt actual penis surgery when he\'s really just an osteopath. In that respect, you have to give him some credit, as I believe technically there is nothing legally to stop him doing surgery (I could be wrong about that as I don\'t no the law in the US).

My guess would be that he has enlisted a surgeon to perform the surgeries for his lengthening idea. I doubt there really are \"surgeons,\" plural.

Of course it could be totally unrelated to Dr Loria, it\'s just it does have a whiff of Victor about it.

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286979898

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i want to know what the \'techniqe\' they are talking about. I do know that loria\'s plan for Flaccid lengthening is to put a pen-sized (in thickness) silicone rod in the penis to keep it extended. so If that is what this Penith thing is aswell, then we will know for certain it is loria. loria says he will be reaserching Erect lengthening at the end of this year, so i don\'t know what he is planning for that.

It says in the origional post that it is a \"potential improvement on the current procedure\", which seems to suggest that it might still involve cutting the ligaments.

I want to know what \"proven sucessful in the lab\" means... how would they test a penis lengthening procedure in a lab without any people (since they are only now seeking healthy men)? Unless they tested on animals or cadavers (?)

Its probably a good thing if he has hired an \'actual\' surgeon to do the surgeries, as we all know he is not \'qualified\' (not the word i was serching for) to cut open a Dick. but who knows yet... it might not even be to do with loria (either way I really want to know what happens)

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286982771

I have to laugh when I see a new user and their first post is like this. It\'s like walking into a room full of people, no hello, no introductions, then slapping a big sign on the wall that reads \"PENITH\" and saying out loud \"New penile lengthening procedure...blah...blah.\" and then walk out the room.
After a brief uncomfortable silence...\"What was that?\" asks one man. \"Check the website\" says another clutching their mobile phone.

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286987438

It\'s defiantly loria - he tried to recruite me when I had the procedure in February saying it is to help FLacid length with a silicon implant

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286987751

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did he say anything about another surgeon performing the procedure? Did he give any other information? Thanks!

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1286989688

In my opinion, all it will be is a silicone implant and lig cut combined, the idea being that the implant prevents the ligs from re-attaching and keeps the penis extended. If it is, it\'s based on the long held misunderstanding in the role ligs play.

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1287008135

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has anyone signed up for it? I signed up a few days ago to get more info, but i had to give a fake phone number as it wouldn\'t accept my australian phone number, so i haven\'t heard anything else (as they said they will call to give more details). I think it would be good if someone did just so they could post what information they were given regarding this.

Ps. the surgeon they are talking about is Dr Andrew Ress, from Liv Plastic Surgery

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1287012824

Am I the only one who reads \"Penith\" In Mike Tysons voice? Lol

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1287014185

I\'ll give \"Penith\" a week or two more to address my questions or else I\'m taking this thread down. If you can\'t back up your claims, you smell like advertising to me.

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New Phalloplasty Procedure-Volunteers Needed in South Florida 9 years 10 months ago #1287027574

It`s not him

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