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TOPIC: Considering PMMA

Considering PMMA 6 years 5 months ago #1305761649

First of all I just want to thank all the moderators and contributors for creating this forum since it has really helped me become educated about enlargement options. I am 28 years old, single with an ok sex life, and I have a totally average Dick (really small Flaccid, 6' Nbpel, 5' behind glans, 5.1 meg, 5.2 base Girth).

I have never been really insecure about my Dick and I have nailed about a dozen girls with it and never had any complaints but I feel like I am missing out by just being average. I have kind of come to this conclusion lately because I have made a few big life changes.

Up until last year I was just another office drone filing useless paperwork and reports hoping that I was going to continue to get promoted, marry a nice chick, and have some kids. I always told myself I wanted that but each year was making me more and more annoyed with my stupid useless job until I finally quit and did some soul searching. After sitting on my ass for two months I realized I needed to get another job as different from mine as possible and try something new. I have never picked up a tool in my life but I signed up as a labourer for an industrial contractor that goes around Canada working on mines, refineries, and factories.

This is the first time I have lived like a man in my life and I am loving it. Me and other dudes work hard with our hands all day, work out afterwards, and occasionally pick up decent chicks and nail them in our hotel rooms on the weekend. I have come to the realization that I want to live as a bachelor working at a mans job like a pipe fitter or welder and nail as much pussy as I can.

I have been turned on to penis enlargement by the pipe fitter I share hotel rooms with on these jobs for the past year. He is in his 40s, does light steroid cycles and has used an air pump to get his Dick up to 7' Nbpel and 6.1' Girth. One night we went to a titty bar and the stripper was all over him (big fake tits slut that loved his steroid muscles) and she agreed to come back with her friend. We were both fucking these sluts on our separate beds but I could barely concentrate on my chick. His slut kept on moaning and saying how big he was and squirming around. I was watching out the corner of my eye the way he was holding her legs apart and putting his Dick deeper and deeper in until she came like a train and he was wiping up all her pussy juice off her thighs.

Ever since that moment I have become fascinated by the idea of having a big Dick and driving chicks crazy and becoming huge by juicing a little. I am thinking of going to Dr. C but before I was hoping the vets could answer some questions:

1) I know it varies person to person but is sex more pleasurable with a large PMMA enhancement, does the extra tightness actually feel better or different?

2) I know porn isn't allowed on here but I really want to see a PMMA Dick in action during sex to get a sense what it looks like before I do it. Does anyone have videos or know where to look to see a PMMA Dick fucking a pussy?

3) How do you express to Dr. C that you want to go as big as possible?

Thanks guys

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Considering PMMA 6 years 4 months ago #1305782944

so to answer your questions

1) I ran an experiment. I fucked a girl a few years ago. She was a mother of 3 kids and tore during child birth and yes she had a loose pussy. I could definitely feel she was loose with my Dick. This was back when I was about 5.5\" Girth with 100% EQ and thicker than that at the base. I fucked her again 2 to 3 months after my second round and let me tell you guys! she was going on and on about how big my Dick was. and she couldnt believe she forgot how big i was. She could hardly take it all. Moaning like crazy. And Yes her pussy was now magically tight. So I hope that answers your question.

2) just look up thick cocks.. same thing

3) I\'m not a fan of Dr. C I would go with his new assistant Dr. Morralas. Dr. C understands you want to go as big as you can but he is right when he advises against and refuses to do this. You can always get more your second round.

My advice.... read read read on this site. Tons! of info here. I would start Hanging for a year and gain close to a solid Inch in length. solidify those gains. Then go get PMMA. you got time. Pussy isnt going anywhere. throw away your bathmate and get a vacutech Penis Pump. Work out, read books that matter, value your time and energy.

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Considering PMMA 6 years 4 months ago #1305834991

7.5\" Girth, that\'s serious dude.

PMMA , any issues?

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Considering PMMA 6 years 4 months ago #1305875236

Bolkonsky wrote: She was a mother of 3 kids and tore during child birth and yes she had a loose pussy. I could definitely feel she was loose with my Dick. This was back when I was about 5.5\" Girth with 100% EQ and thicker than that at the base. I fucked her again 2 to 3 months after my second round and let me tell you guys! she was going on and on about how big my Dick was. and she couldnt believe she forgot how big i was. She could hardly take it all. Moaning like crazy. And Yes her pussy was now magically tight. So I hope that answers your question.

I\'ve also banged a few moms, most recent memory a blonde mother of three who also told me she \"came 5 times\" while having sex (for the first time no less). Weeks later I banged a cute brunette ten years younger than the mom with no children to speak of, and we were simply sexually incompatible given how insanely tight she was and how above-average I was (in Girth). Sex was okay but the thrill of \"being too big for her\" turns out to be VERY OVERRATED.

Sex is much hotter when both parties are getting off, and it turns out size is no where near the importance us men give it. Take it from a guy who\'s experienced one of the most dramatic phallic transformations on the forum...size plays a role, but it sure as hell can be substituted, replaced, demoted, or disregarded. Women don\'t think like we do, so lets slap ourselves out of it everybody.

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Considering PMMA 6 years 4 months ago #1305897141

Skeptical One wrote:
Sex was okay but the thrill of \"being too big for her\" turns out to be VERY OVERRATED.

Sex is much hotter when both parties are getting off, and it turns out size is no where near the importance us men give it. Take it from a guy who\'s experienced one of the most dramatic phallic transformations on the forum...size plays a role, but it sure as hell can be substituted, replaced, demoted, or disregarded. Women don\'t think like we do, so lets slap ourselves out of it everybody.

Spot on!!!!!!!

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Considering PMMA 6 years 3 months ago #1306150579

Nothing to add here. But dude I'm shocked that your saying your EL is really small. That's not even bone pressed which is how the average male size is measured. Your probably closer to 7 than you think. Your Girth is average as well. Nothing small about your unit at all. PMMA May definitely enhances but don't go into this with penis dysmorphia.

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Considering PMMA 6 years 3 months ago #1306150830

4.5-4.7 Girth is average. Your Dick is above average, 5.0 Girth and up is above average and so is your length. Personally I wouldn\'t mess with a good thing man your 40yr friend is in the top 1% I wouldn\'t let his member influence your decision. I wish I could have your starting size, your Girth and length is my end goal.

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Considering PMMA 6 years 3 months ago #1306183069

1) I know it varies person to person but is sex more pleasurable with a large PMMA enhancement, does the extra tightness actually feel better or different?

Response: Sex with many women and yes for me more pleasurable (currently over 6.5 mid-thickness need to update my profile and pictures). For the women it seems to fall into two broad camps. The ones that freakin love it!! And the ones where it is good but for the long term to much. Fortunately, the women that love it far out number the ones that don\'t. Bottom line you still have to work on your game. Make her laugh, have fun, make her feel sexy, good four play... etc...

2) I know porn isn't allowed on here but I really want to see a PMMA Dick in action during sex to get a sense what it looks like before I do it. Does anyone have videos or know where to look to see a PMMA Dick fucking a pussy?

Response: Looks like a really thick Cock with pussy wrapped tightly around it..

3) How do you express to Dr. C that you want to go as big as possible?

Response: Fortunately he has been doing this for his entire career and I am sure has heard that statement a few thousand times. Just tell him... if you decide to go with him (which I highly recommend just got back from my 3rd round 10 weeks ago).

Finally thoughts.... do your research... go with who you think is the BEST doctor... don\'t shop by price ... shop by quality ... shop by testimonials... shop by results.... Injecting PMMA is like an art form... shop best artist..

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Considering PMMA 6 years 2 months ago #1306629049

Recently I have been doing a lot of thinking about why I want PMMA and after really contemplating it I realize I want to do it not just for sexual enjoyment but mostly for my own vanity and ego. I was really struck by this fact when my co worker and I went to an old school tailor to get pants made. We were asked to be groomsmen at a wedding and the only dress requirement is that we wear matching linen pants, polo shirts, and ray bans (in Cancun). The groom asked us to go to this tailor to get measured for monogrammed pants to be made as a gift to us. We all went to the shop and had our in seam measured one by one and laughed as he asked us which side we hang on (was shocked to find this out). The next week we picked up our trousers and tried them on. Mine fit well and my unit was totally unnoticeable but my work friend (the pumper) had a bulge that was quite noticeable. The tailor said that he could try letting the trousers out but it would not make much of a difference since 'it's hard to hide an anocanda with a fig leaf.' After the Dick jokes flew and my friend decided to just go with the bulge I kind of had an epiphany. I want that kind of attention and respect. I want girls to glance at my swimming trunks when they stick and to have a bulge in tight jeans at the bar. Now that I recognize I want that kind of shallow attention (and moaning quick orgasms) I think I can get it done and be pretty much pleased with anyone outcome. I think I want as much 30% I can handle and a scrotal enhancement as I think the results of Astrix and other big guys are the best looking ones on here.

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