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TOPIC: That Extra Stitch

That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301957771

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So on paper my life is great. I love my job as a small contractor being my own boss, I have a beautiful wonderful and sexy girlfriend, and last year at the age of 28 I became a dad to a great little man. Everything is technically wonderful and I am in good health and between my job and the gym I have a good body so I am not insecure about myself or the way I look.

The day I became a dad was the best day of my life but it was also the day my sex life ended. My girl has small hips and a narrow set vagina and my son was a big baby. My poor girl had so much tearing it makes me upset thinking how painful it was for her. After the delivery the doctor (old school type) sewed her up and after asking her if she wanted it gave her a few extra stitches than necessary (I am sure you married guys have heard of this). The doctor jokingly said 'I am putting in an extra stitch for daddy over here' and we laughed because it was funny at the time.

After three months my girlfriend was finally healed up and she wanted to get back at it. When I put my Dick in the first time the opening was super tight but when I felt her walls with the tip and shaft it was to quote someone else 'like stirring a warm glass of milk.' I was able to come but she was laying there wincing because her opening was painful.

The next week I ordered her to get a few stitches removed because she admitted that it was causing her pain all the time. Since she got the stitches removed (in March I think) her vagina is just loose all the way through when before it was the tightest I had ever had. I see her looking up every kegel exercise invented but it cant change the fact she passed a 9 lb human through there. Sex has turned into this once every two week charade where I cum after two minutes of deep thrusting after she has made me super sensitive from slobbering and spitting all over my knob. For my sake she pretends to orgasm after I cum and I start to lose my Erection. This is so sad given that we used to bang all the time and she would orgasm hard on my average Dick of 5.5' Erect length and 5' Erect Girth.

I have looked up vaginal tightening and it seems extremely painful and pointless because I want to impregnate her a few more times. I never want to make her feel inadequate for me not being able to pleasure her good anymore either. Last week I used on an extender that was 8' long and 6.5' Girth and she didn't say anything when I put it on my boner but after 10 minutes of slowly working it around she had a huge orgasm with moaning and lip biting. I went to the bathroom and while washing it I got super upset that this freak show hunk of plastic squeezing my Dick could make her cum and I could not. I feel awful because neither of us can feel safisfied at the same time.

I never felt bad about my Dick before because it could always do the job but the situation has changed and I want my girl to orgasm off of me not pieces of plastic hidden in the drawer that stop me from feeling her vagina. I have been searching all forms of Male Enhancement and Dr. C seems to be the answer. I created this account and thread because it seems like other guys on here are married and have experienced similar situations.

I want to get PMMA to reconnect with my wife and restore my sexual mojo. Am I doing this for the right reasons guys?

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301959524

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Can extra PMMA Girth restore my sexual function or is it just a vanity project? Now that my wife's vagina can not satisfy my desires my eye wanders. I do a lot of work for younger single women and I can't help but fantasize about their tightness and I flirt with them back now which I never did before. I would never cheat on my girl but now that we aren't sexually satisfied I think about other women. Will a bigger Girth recreate the sex we had before?

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301961878

Hello caputo and welcome! Well considering how your wife responded to the larger extender i would say go for it. Girth is more easily obtainable than length. Length will take you some time. Consistency is key. Hanging,stretching,ADS and a pump will set your journey. You can substitute pumping for temporary size for sex until you get your first procedure with dr.c..

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301961924

Also if you need advice this forum is full of guys with experience moderators and veterans. There\'s also lots of information on routines.

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301962728

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I am not really interested in stretching or Hanging because I don't care about my length since it doesn't really serve any purpose besides aesthetics. I think that I might want to get an air pump for sex to experiment with how much more Girth is necessary to get an orgasm out of my girl without blowing my Dick up to 6.5' with PMMA which would probably be expensive and difficult. Does anyone know of a good quality air pump that I can use while Erect?

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301973187

I like you have had similar experience, of sleeping with women that i have known over the years, before and after they have had children(to different fathers though...not myself!) And i can appreciate your story, and i am sad for you because obviously you are very close to your girlfriend, and want things to stay the same. For me i at least did not have the same emotional attachment, so it wasn\'t quite as upsetting. However my stupid ego can be incredibly fragile at times, so it still got to me as well! Despite my freedom from commitment.You should know for one...that there is nothing your Dick or a dildo(unless it has crazy vibration) can do that your hands can\'t, in terms of stimulation.I have given multiple girls earth shattering orgasms from going 4 fingers and beyond, with foreplay. A bold statement..but i\'m a modest guy (i\'ve given some utterly awful sex in my time too lol) But, Soaked sheets, and convulsion-like shudders don\'t lie , so i have the validity there for you to trust.Due to my own multiple experiences...To this day, no matter what gains i make with PMMA, i know that no matter what, our hands...mechanically...and in terms of raw stimulation, void of psychological factors... will inevitably always deliver more than my own...or anyone elses Cock. They are firmer, larger...easier to control...and you can angle them however you want.And in cases where girls have had kids, they are a lot more capable with the \'space\' provided. ^^^ so keep all that in mind before feeling like you\'re now rendered worthless. Because you really arent. I even got invited back by a girl who i couldn\'t even get hard for, because i drank my Dick into a limp vodka induced Flaccid coma. Simply because my hands bought the A game with them. (my point being with all that - you can still drive her wild with your own flesh rather than plastic, dont worry).Of course though i completely understand that its never quite the same as pleasuring someone with your own Dick. Its much better when it is mutual for sure. I\'m still the same...why else would i have opted to undertake PMMA myself? Also of course theres a lot more psychological aid with stimulation for both yourself and your partner when you are using your penis instead of your hands. She\'ll instinctively be more turned on because she knows you\'re enjoying yourself too etc. So of course its still very important.From experience of years of Clamping, pumping etc etc....i would not recommend that you go down the air pumping route. I can tell you by comparison, that i was able to pump my 5.4 Inch Girth right up to around 7 sometimes....and it\'d look monstrous...but its all just edema under the skin...soft and real firmness. Its a very superficial gain. Not to mention the time it takes in the pump to achieve this can be quite damaging to your nerves, and blood vessels, especially if you make a regular thing out of it. To gain up to an Inch of Girth in a pump, I know so many air pumpers who have given themselves poor erectile quality or just full on ED. Also you\'ll probably have to have the thing on for a good 30mins before having sex. Which could be massively inconvenient for you and your girlfriend. I am at the beginning of my PMMA journey, so i cant speak for the future, some people on this forum have been through hell and back so its important you read as much as you can before you weigh up what you wish to do, but with my current results, even with imperfections, and nodules at my injection sites..... i *personally* would still go back in time, and do PMMA, instead of all the years of Dick torture i put myself through, trying to enlarge it through natural means. I gained 0.5girth from it all (Clamping and edging mostly), but it took ridiculous amount of time, privacy...a lot of pain, and realistically has cost me a fair loss in sensitivity...and Hanging did nothing more than loosen my skin. But i am speaking for myself, some guys have really fleixble and weak tunicas and can gain more effectively without having to be so tough on their dicks. Mine unfortunately was cast iron when it came to length. And soon became that way for Girth after gaining 0.5. If you insist on trying a pump at all, i\'d recommend using bathmate which is a water pump, for some reason water vacuums are not so harsh on the blood vessels, and are more secure. Plus the warm water helps your Dick to relax much more and expand with greater ease. You\'ll also soak up some of the water, giving you a heavier more solid sense of fullness. But it still wont hit the walls of your gf\'s vagina like solid PMMA.Good luck finding what is best for yourself buddy, I hope whatever approach you take resolves your issues.For now whilst you dwell on what to do, id say, make the most of your hands, and alternate them with penetration, that way you are both having fun. It worked well for me.

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301985852

Very true about having good hands. They\'re an essential tool in the bedroom, which should always be sharpened before use. Good post, MrW.

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301986170

chester wrote: Very true about having good hands. They\'re an essential tool in the bedroom, which should always be sharpened before use. Good post, MrW.

Exactly, try getting undressed/dressed without them!

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301993151

hoddle10 wrote:
Exactly, try getting undressed/dressed without them!

Earlier this year, I was showing a very attractive young woman one of my apartments. Ultimately she decided not to leave her apartment. Upon informing me of her decision, I asked if she was single and it turned into a date later that week, which turned into her staying over my apartment, which turned into me realizing that she had one arm! She wore a prosthetic, which was flawless, so I couldn\'t tell when I first met her. Watching her trying to put on her clothes in the morning was quite the sight. I kept asking if she needed help, but she kept waving me off with her only arm!

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301997165

how does it do it exactly please, what is the process? cheers!

not like \'stick it in for five minutes\' i mean like what\'s going on when you do stick it in?

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1301997951

number22 wrote: how does it do it exactly please, what is the process? cheers!

not like \'stick it in for five minutes\' i mean like what\'s going on when you do stick it in?

Are ya thinking of getting one?

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1302002585

When I saw that I kept waiting for the punch line because I thought it was a joke video. It looked like she was basting something in a rubber pussy microwave. I thought a turky meatloaf and biscuits were going to pop out.
It did make pussy oddly attractive though. I would have fucked that and usually I think they look like run-over ham. I definitely would have eaten the meatloaf and biscuits. I bet there is big money in pussy shaped microwaves.

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1302005691

it\'s radio frequency that heats up the tissues and causes a forced trauma that causes the body to create new collagen, elastin, blood vessels and nerve endings which tightens the vaginal canal. in turn the woman has more sensations, more lubricant and more orgasms!
everybody is happy

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1302006221

Hunkydory01 wrote: When I saw that I kept waiting for the punch line because I thought it was a joke video. It looked like she was basting something in a rubber pussy microwave. I thought a turky meatloaf and biscuits were going to pop out.
It did make pussy oddly attractive though. I would have fucked that and usually I think they look like run-over ham. I definitely would have eaten the meatloaf and biscuits. I bet there is big money in pussy shaped microwaves.

Lmao Thanksgiving pussy stuffers

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That Extra Stitch 7 years 3 months ago #1302027982

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I am going to take a pass on my girl doing anything to her vagina now especially since we will be having more children in the future. The more I read progress reports and see pictures the more I like the idea of getting PMMA. Now that I have seen the scrotal enhancement and how it can increase the size of the bulge by 50% I think I am going to add that to the wish list. I have also been thinking that since I am in a committed relationship I am going to prioritize size over aesthetics since aesthetics are nice but my girl's eyes won't be looking at my head to shaft ratio when they are rolled back in her head from me filling every Inch of her vagina up. I talked it over with my girl and she is supportive of me doing this since it is to improve our sex life and relationship. I bought a bathmate since I thought it would be stupid if I didn't at least try to maximize my length before I book the procedure. I am planning on making an appointment in the new year and bringing my girl. I am going to try to make this a romantic occasion and I thought instead of using Cialis to work up an Erection for massage why not have my girl dress up as a sexy nurse while she holds all of my new swollen 30% Girth in her hands.? Guys, if you think your wife or girlfriend will be ok with PMMA just tell them. PE is becoming a sexy exciting adventure for us. When the bath mate comes she is going to take measurements and I asked Dr. C and she is coming to my consultation and I am going to have her make the case for a max amount of 30% haha.

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