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TOPIC: T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma

T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301833178

Hi everyone, here\'s my PMMA Girth enhancement log.

[Part I]
I\'ve been a forum lurker for many years, back since when the common go-to procedure for enhancement was either dermal or cadaver tissue implant. People were still talking about getting free fat transfer. The Elist implant was even... not as discredited as it is now. I\'m glad I waited.

I\'ve always been on the smaller side of the normal, and over the years, I\'ve tried manual PE, pumps, Hanging, etc. Nothing seemed to work, and my work and living situation really wasn\'t conducive to prolonged appliance attachment. Over time and experience, I found that the surgical options out there for length weren\'t too promising, and that women preferred Girth over length. Several times I made inquiries to various surgeons and backed out at the last minute when it came time to schedule a consultation. This happened over a period of years--usually in between relationships.

This past August, after reading through the case reports of all of the people on the board undergoing PMMA injections with Dr. Cassavantes at Avanti Derma, I decided to pull the trigger. I knew that despite the risk of response bias, the vast majority who had the procedure done with Dr. C were satisfied. Complications were mostly related to how the material seemed to distribute itself--the odd lump or Nodule. I was impressed with the fact that he published a peer-reviewed article and the fact that he was up front and forthright when discussing cases where the outcome wasn\'t what was expected. Complications from other Girth procedures ranged from devastating (in the case of the Elist implant), to problematic (in the case of tissue implants), with permanent contraction or tissue Necrosis the usual endpoint. A worst-case PMMA fix would involve \"degloving\" removing the PMMA from the penis--as gruesome as it sounds, nowhere near the catastrophe of dealing with Necrosis. That\'s how I rationalized things to myself anyways. The final push came after watching the \"Big Like Me\" documentary. I wasn\'t so much interested in Greg Berman\'s mental demons, but rather the part at the end where they showed the actual procedure.

I filled out the information request form on Avanti Derma\'s website and received an immediate reply from Diana, who sent me more information and provided pricing data. That\'s also when I found out that Wade didn\'t work there anymore. Ian was the new Wade. Some signals got crossed and I thought that the first available appointments were two months out. Scheduling for early November, I sent my $250 deposit in via PayPal.

After a little back and forth, I realized they meant appointments were scheduled out two months at most--the first available appointment that fit my schedule was a month out, late in September. It provoked a bit of anxiety to push it forward, as it meant that things were actually going to happen... and sooner.

As for expectations, I\'ve always recognized that gains largely depended on what I started with. There was no way I\'d double my length with stretching or surgery, or be able to pump enough PMMA in to go from an Erect circumference of 4.75\" to 6\". I\'d be happy to end up at the higher quartile of normal. Since permanent glans enhancement isn\'t practical, too much Girth enhancement would make the glans look comically small and the overall penis unnatural.

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301833520

Hi T. Greyjoy,

Good to see you here. Especially as we\'re pretty much the same start size except that you are maybe thicker than me. You can read my progress report by clicking on my member ID and looking for threads created by me. I will be glad to reply here or by PM if you have any questions.

I have had over 10 visits to Dr C and am very happy. I\'ve had my share of ups and downs but Dr C has always been there regardless. He\'s very dedicated to his patients and goes that extra mile to create a happy outcome. You\'re sure to wind up much more confident. We\'re in that original borderline size where you\'re not actually small but not as big as most. So it really doesn\'t help with confidence. PMMA makes a HUGE difference!



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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301847719

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Hope your appointment went well. Your reasonable expectations and goals are an inspiration for how I should approach PMMA. I am excited to see how it looks because my length and Girth are similar. Thanks.

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301848534

Doesn\'t Greyjoy lose his Dick on Game of Thrones? Just sayin\'

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301854170

chester wrote: Doesn\'t Greyjoy lose his Dick on Game of Thrones?

I was thinking the same thing.

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301855567

chester wrote: Doesn\'t Greyjoy lose his Dick on Game of Thrones? Just sayin\'

Mr.Greyjoy in GOT was also rumoured to be well endowed prior to losing his Dick. According to the show. And was also his tortures jealous motivation for removing it.. ?

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301869968

[Part II]

Mid-September, a week before the procedure, I send in the balance of the fees via PayPal. I made reservations at the Grand Hotel Tijuana via Expedia, which ended up being cheaper than the referral discount rate. Plus points. I asked about the shuttle from San Diego, and Diana said that it was $140. Coupled with driving costs from Los Angeles, parking my car at a border lot--it was going to be close to another $100. In context of what I was spending for the procedure (and subsequent treatments) it\'s small beans, but I\'m a cheapskate. Found a Greyhound bus from LA to Tijuana for $35 round-trip.

Treatment day came around, and I boarded the bus at the Greyhound terminal at around 6AM. From there it was a few hours until the border, where we entered border control. Flashed my Global Entry card, and got a visitor visa document. Boarded another bus that took us from border control to the terminal at Tijuana. The plan was to hail an Uber to take me to the clinic.

A note about ride-share and taxis in Tijuana--there\'s no love lost among the Taxi drivers for the Uber drivers, and there\'s been altercations involving drivers and even their fares in the past. I\'ve had bad experiences with Tijuana taxi drivers in the past, so I figured Uber was going to be better regardless. When you\'re in Mexico, there\'s usually a Uber-English option that pops up, but for some reason it didn\'t show up on my phone. I had to walk a block from the terminal to get an Uber driver to agree, and two tries to get one who understood English. I have high school Spanish, which didn\'t help me with trying to understand stuff over the phone.

After a pleasant drive to the medical center, I went up to the clinic, which was very clean and elegantly appointed. It wouldn\'t look out of place in Santa Monica or West LA at all. I was greeted by the receptionist, and was told that Ian was still with another patient and to come back in about an hour for registration and pre-op. What\'s neat about Hotel Grand Tijuana is that it\'s the same complex as the medical tower, connected by an internal walkway. I went to the hotel lobby and asked if I could check in early--it was only noon, and check-in was not until 3PM. My room was ready, so I went up to drop off my bag and change into loose clothing. The standard hotel rooms seemed clean, but kind of dated--a cross between a nice motel and a hotel from the 90\'s. They swapped the lights with CFLs, so the room seemed kind of dim. I also didn\'t realize this was a thing, but there\'s a slot for you to put your keycard in to trigger the lights and electrical power to the room. There\'s free wifi, but they require you to sign in via Facebook for some reason.

I went back to the clinic and met with Ian. He directed me to a consultation room where I filled out my registration forms. A few minutes later, Dr. Cassavantes stopped by and asked me about what my expectations were for the procedure. I told him that my goal was that I wanted as natural-looking augmentation as possible, and was fine if that meant using lower concentrations of PMMA. I asked what the real benefit was for platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and he said that aside from helping with the healing process it helped to pre-expand the tissue and help the PMMA to diffuse more thoroughly. Talking to him made me feel less anxious--he was very up front about the possible complications, including the cases of some of the adverse reports on PhalloBoards.

I was walked back to the procedure room and changed into a gown--which was basically a standard hospital gown put on backwards: covered in the back and open in the front. It was really awkward and I had to suppress the urge to clasp the front closed like a robe. I had pre-pictures taken, and then sat on the bed. The procedure bed really isn\'t a bed--it\'s kind of a chair that can fully recline. I had blood drawn (PRP is prepared by centrifuging your blood to remove the red blood cells), and then was fully reclined in the supine position. After disinfecting, they began the process of anesthetizing my penis, which consisted of a series of circumferential lidocaine injections from the pubic mound to the edge of the Circumcision scar. This was probably the worst part of the whole procedure, since there were many injections and some were a bit painful. I stared up into the halogen ceiling lamps to distract myself. There were three people handling my junk at the same time, first time that\'s ever happened, and altogether a bit disconcerting.

Dr. Morales began the injections of the PRP. Even with the local anesthetic, you could still feel the pressure sensation of the cannula, and occasionally slight pain where not quite enough lidocaine diffused to the nerves. After the penis was engorged with the fluid, Dr. Cassavantes drew a sort of fishbone pattern along the dorsal part my penis to split it into several regions. He was then handed his famous microcannula loaded up with Linnea and began injecting. After a while, they said they were done and brought me back in a seated position. I looked down and I was HUGE!

I know that most of that swelling was temporary, mostly fluid carriers for the PMMA and the plasma that would eventually be absorbed, but it was a kick to see my penis that large. Length wasn\'t part of the equation, so it was kind of comical in proportion, but I couldn\'t even wrap my hand around it. They bandaged me up and told me to come back in a couple of hours.

Bandaged as it was, it was a very strange sensation to walk around with something significantly heavier in the pants. To be honest I kind of got a taste of what the augmentation addicts were feeling. The lobby of the medical tower has two convenience stores, and I went to one of them to stock up on some bottled water. I went back to my room to wait out the few hours by watching some Netflix.

Back at Avanti, Ian took me into the procedure room to remove the bandages and instructed me on how to massage the swelling so that the PMMA would be evenly distributed. Again, kind of weird to have someone in a clinical setting kneading at my junk, swollen at that. The nature of the swelling meant that temporarily, the glans was a bit enveloped. I was instructed to massage the penis to force the collected fluids away once an hour and to come back the next day. I also had antibiotics, ibuprofen, and Flomax to take.

That night, I ordered up some room service for lunch and then dinner (decent club sandwich, mediocre nachos, and very disappointing pizza), and proceeded to massage myself. I noticed that there tended to be more swelling on my right distal end, so I had to take particular precautions to make sure that part was massaged away. The shaft looked pretty bruised, and with massaging, there were occasional droplets of blood from the injection sites. I had some chlorhexidine wipes with me and made sure I disinfected myself before and after. Last thing I wanted to have to explain was how I got a cutaneous infection to my primary care doctor back home while the penis was still very swollen.

I\'m a little heavier than I\'d like to have been (I\'m now down 25 pounds since the procedure), but I noticed that the pubic fat pad had a tendency to force the fluids towards to glans, the distal third--and the effect varied depending on my body position. It was more pronounced when I was seated. This would be a bit consequential in the long run.

The next morning, I reported back to Avanti, and checked in with Ian, who repeated the manipulations and asked me if I had any issues during the night. There was none, and I was told to come back a few times during the day for follow-up inspections. The fact that my hotel room was only a hundred yards away made things very easy. I grabbed food across the street at Carl\'s Jr., since my room service experience left me pretty disappointed, and shuttled between my room and Avanti over the course of the day. Altogether I decided to stay two nights, so the morning after checking out, I went back to the clinic for the last time and was given the stretching instrument.

I caught my Uber and hopped on the bus to the US border. Having my Global Entry card, I got to skip the line (which was kind of meaningless since I still needed to wait for the San Diego bus with the rest of the group). I had to declare anything brought in, so I showed the border patrol agent the bottles of meds I was prescribed by Dr. C. Antibiotics and ibuprofen was easy enough to explain--trying to explain what Flomax was took a bit, but I was eventually waved through. The bus ride back home was uneventful.

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301869978

Oh and technically speaking, it was implied but never explicitly revealed what exactly happened to Theon\'s genitals in the books.

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301870075

Pre Procedure Images Attached (instead of embedded)

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301876785

So here\'s the 2 month progress. I\'m proud not to be used to taking these kinds of pictures, but it is incredibly awkward trying to do so with a camera in one hand, and your unit and measuring tape in the other.

Flaccid Girth went from 4 3/8\" to a touch under 5\", and Erect Girth went from 4 11/16\" to a touch under 5 1/4\" at the thickest point. The average Girth is a little above 5\".

The not so good--as I noted in Part II, the rest of your anatomy has a lot to do with what get put under pressure when you\'re unconscious or otherwise unable to massage things. As a result of the pubic fat pad, there now is a sort of \"ring\" of concentrated PMMA midshaft. Not the nodules people get freaked out about, but it\'s a pronounced area of hardness. Making lemonade out of lemons, though, this has the unintended effect of pleasurable sensations according to my girlfriend. Kind of like a pronounced version of a \"rib\" on a dildo or ribbed condom. In any case, I\'ll have the area filled in proximal and distal during the next procedure and be more aware of the need to constantly massage the region.

The other not so good--because the procedure consists of adding to the superficial structure of the penis and not the core spongy tissue, the skin behind the Circumcision scar has pushed forward a little, to cover the neck and even some of the rim of the glans when I\'m seated. An annoyance at best, but it means I need to retract the skin to fully expose the glans when I shower like when I was Circumcised.

Overall, I\'m very happy with the results, understanding full well that this is a work in progress. The added weight means that the penis isn\'t as retracted as before when Flaccid, and there\'s a definite increased Hanging weight sensation. There\'s definitely a psychological confidence boost, and that\'s well worth the approx. $3K I paid for phase I.

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301879749

Great results thanks for sharing!

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301907571

HunkChunk wrote: Hi T. Greyjoy,

Good to see you here. Especially as we\'re pretty much the same start size except that you are maybe thicker than me. You can read my progress report by clicking on my member ID and looking for threads created by me. I will be glad to reply here or by PM if you have any questions.

I have had over 10 visits to Dr C and am very happy. I\'ve had my share of ups and downs but Dr C has always been there regardless. He\'s very dedicated to his patients and goes that extra mile to create a happy outcome. You\'re sure to wind up much more confident. We\'re in that original borderline size where you\'re not actually small but not as big as most. So it really doesn\'t help with confidence. PMMA makes a HUGE difference!



Ten visits? I scrubbed through your posts but only found stuff about the first few. Was there any issues that necessitated the rest?

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301917261

I\'m happy for you TG!
I know the feeling you described very well.
If I may, please consider only having the proximal area filled in first, to form sort of a tapered shape. If you fill in the distal aspect closest to the glans too soon, you will find that you have gotten yourself the infamous \"pig in a blanket\" shape, like I have now. I wish I would have had Dr. C just fill in the base area before full blown on the whole always looks more puffy and mis-proportioned when Flaccid. Just a thought for you to consider. If you want to fill in the distal aspect later to have a better proportion, you can do it after a few months. Don\'t do it too soon, like I did. Let it settle and resorb some, perhaps 4-6 months.
Also do not use a vacuum ever! it will draw the PMMA up and up towards your glans, and cause bumps and lumps. Just let it be.
I used the ESL40 when I did my walks around a lake. It stretched my lig some, but I still retract. Hopefully yours doesn\'t so much.
Good luck!

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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301917353

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AstroD wrote: Also do not use a vacuum ever! it will draw the PMMA up and up towards your glans, and cause bumps and lumps. Just let it be.

That\'s exactly what I would think. Doesn\'t Dr. N recommend pumping after PMMA? Or I am thinking of something else? I think Morganstern recommends it after FFT, but I still don\'t get it...


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T.Greyjoy PMMA Log with Dr. C at Avanti Derma 7 years 3 months ago #1301923564

I think pumping is great if you\'re all natural, but if there\'s product in there, the vacuum strength will suck that stuff all around the inside of your shaft and redeposit it somewhere else than where it was first placed. To me now it\'s common sense but I didn\'t think about it before...I thought once the PMMA stuck, it would not move. But it can.
And it\'s too bad because I like the feel of pumping, but it changed my Dick too much with the PMMA in it. I\'ve gotten it to wear at least now it seems smoother since I started using DMSO, but using that also made my Dick feel rubbery on the outside, even with an Erection...not as hard as it was before.

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