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TOPIC: George7 pmma Prague Dr N

George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 7 months ago #1297283515

Going for PMMA next friday in Prague. Everything is booked and I have started preperations taking vitamine c,d, sink and collagen. I have also started using esl40 all day at work to get used to it. Surprised how easy it is to hide. Stats are BPEL 14,5 cm (5.7 inches), but varies between slightly longer and shorter based on form. EG is 12cm (4.72 inches)at base and mid shaft. Slightly less close to the head, but have not meassured there. Will upload photos and use this thread to update as I go along. Plan is to ask for 15 ml of 10%. I am planning for 3-4 rounds and hope to be close to 15 cm (6 Inch) in Girth after I am finished, but I am not fixated on that number. Supposed to be close to average, but have received some comments from some girls and I am insecure due to this and hate being afraid of getting naked with girls. I have realised I can\'t do that much about length, but Girth I can do something with. I have read a lot and I am gratefull for all the reports that have helped me make my decision. I hope my report will also help others. Main \"worry\" is that dr N will talk me into 30%. Seems like she prefers that and it gives bigger results, but based on all the threads I have read it seems to be more individual, but a clear pattern seems to be that 30% gives higher risk of lumps/noodles.

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 7 months ago #1297284241

Good luck George!

We have almost identical stats so know where you\'re coming from. I did a small amount of 10% (15cc) and saw no gains but very few irregularities.

I\'m 13 days post 30% 9cc and 10% 7cc and still sitting at 1\" gains mid shaft and 1.2\" at base, so .4-5 Inch gains seems promising once swelling goes down. That being said I do have a dent on the upper left part of the shaft that needs to be corrected as well as other small irregularities. A lot of people tend to bite the bullet and go for Girth first round and then corrections for this reason.

I think everyone reacts different though which is why it\'s hard to recommend any % to people. Some people get .5\" with 10% their first rounds too. Just make sure you go into the procedure only doing what you\'re comfortable with!

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 7 months ago #1297287652

Thanks. I think 10% is the safest bet since I have now idea how my body will react. I have problems with turtiling, but hope esl40 combined with the fact that I have some days to fully focus on aftercare will help. I have not been able to get my hands on flomax and given up on that as of now. Anyone have a good source on the web where it is sent in an anonymous package? If not it will most likely be stopped by custom.

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 7 months ago #1297287785

93East wrote: Good luck George!

We have almost identical stats so know where you\'re coming from. I did a small amount of 10% (15cc) and saw no gains but very few irregularities.

I\'m 13 days post 30% 9cc and 10% 7cc and still sitting at 1\" gains mid shaft and 1.2\" at base, so .4-5 Inch gains seems promising once swelling goes down. That being said I do have a dent on the upper left part of the shaft that needs to be corrected as well as other small irregularities. A lot of people tend to bite the bullet and go for Girth first round and then corrections for this reason.

I think everyone reacts different though which is why it\'s hard to recommend any % to people. Some people get .5\" with 10% their first rounds too. Just make sure you go into the procedure only doing what you\'re comfortable with!

You gained an entire Inch first round?!

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 7 months ago #1297287806

thebeast1 wrote: You gained an entire Inch first round?!

I gained zero inches first round with 10%. This is my second round but I\'m still swollen

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 7 months ago #1297292985

93East wrote:
I gained zero inches first round with 10%. This is my second round but I\'m still swollen

I had pretty minimal gains first round with 10% as well, well other than my huge Nodule lol. 13 days out and still swollen is quite something else! My swelling is typically gone by day 5/6

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 7 months ago #1297856368

Best of luck tomorrow George. Yes stick with the 10% if that is what your comfortable with. A few guys here have asked for 10% and they got it.

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 7 months ago #1297857391

Good luck, George. I noticed your concerns with the unpredictable size outcomes of 10% and the sometimes irregular outcomes of 30%. Have you considered Ellanse? I know she can get it with 2-weeks notice.

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 7 months ago #1297858886

Thanks. It is in one week so not tomorrow. I have considered all options, but decided to go for PMMA.

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 6 months ago #1297924271

In the waitimg room now. Never been as nervous as now.

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 6 months ago #1297924663

Do they still play the pan pipe music?

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 6 months ago #1297924704

No music at all. Is another dude here from Ireland having PMMA. I was thinking it myself and Dr N said it during my inspection. Are you a member of PhalloBoards? Don\'t Want to ask directly since he may be as nervous as me. Dr N is nice, but does not speak that much english. She does however speak a lot of other languages fluently. She did answer and understand my questions so it is possible to communicate. Nervous and have a lot of thoughts running in my head. No going back now, but it all feels very surreal.

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 6 months ago #1297924954

You\'re done? How did it go?

Did Dr Nmention PhalloBoards? lol

Thinking of you man. It is very surreal.

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 6 months ago #1297925234

I will never forget that first trip to Dr. N and sitting there waiting in that room with that damn piper music haha. Good luck! Relax, you\'ll be fine!

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George7 pmma Prague Dr N 7 years 6 months ago #1297925277

Done. 15ml 10%. She said she would have to test if I could take 15 or she would stop. All went in. Main worry is the swollen Foreskin. She said it is
Very normal due to anesteshia, but really unsure. She stated no Metacrill was there. It should go down in 2-3 days she said. As you can see it influences the direction of the penis. Also very unsure if i should use esl 40 right now. She said it should not retract on my way home due to swelling and bandage. Any tips regarding esl-40 on an irritated penis like this? No mention of PhalloBoards, but she had 3 PMMA patients today. She actually have only male days. Was one female there since she had to be there today.

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