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TOPIC: JR's 1 1st round just finished

JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294707448


Just finished first round yesterday morning. I spend quite some time studying and evaluating the board and the outcomes before making my decision but as of right know I believe I have made the right choice.

Sort back ground on me is never had problems with sex but as most men always felt that I wanted a little more pre PMMA was 6.7 BPEL by 4.5 the entire staff. It has always been enough to get the job done but after my wife had our second child it just wasnt the same. She is a very attractive women we have been married for 12 years and I am still crazy about her. After our second child here DD breast went to almost nohting but skin after a hard exercise program so when she got implants she went big (currently she is 32 H). I loved them they drove me nuts so I brought up the converstaion of PMMA, at first she was against it saying she orgasism just fine but once I convinced her it was for me also she has been really supportive.

After a short discussion with Dr C (which I probably don\'t need to say is great just as his hole staff) we decided to go the conservative route. I am fine with pain but I think the whole thing was freaking me out to which he gave me an anti anxiety and the rest was a breeze, literally no pain.

I was surprised how big it was right after, it looks great. A little bruising but that is mostly from the massage (if it should even be called that it is painful)

I don\'t have a pre ecert pic as I was trying to put them in a safe on my phone and they got deleted but her is before and after Flaccid.

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294709908

Looks good mate. Good move in going conservative on your first round. Now you can wait for the recovery and see if you like the way it\'s going before deciding on any more.

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294712346

I seem to have a ridge to the right side, I keep massaging but it has seemed to settled in. I went in and had the PA (not wade) massage but doesnt seem to make a huge difference at this point. It is hard to massage bc it is very sore but important. I would advise anyone having this done the first time make sure you stay a day or more afterword to make sure they can help you.

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294712760

Hi JR, what concentration and how many CC\'s did you have?

Keep massaging and don\'t worry too much about the lump as things change so much during the first week or two.

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294715620

Hey JR we were there the same day - we probably crossed paths - if fact I think I saw you limping out of there
I would not worry about the ridge. What I remember Wade telling me my first visit is that this is a process. You won\'t get a perfect looking Dick the first time - just smaller than you wanted, and then a perfect looking Dick the second time but a little bigger. It requires tweaking and finesse each visit. Any irregularity I have had except for 1 tiny hard spot by my pubes either went away on its own or was fixed on a second visit. This maybe nothing - just keep massaging. And that is good advice - I always over stay down there. It is boring as hell but I try and just zone out down there.

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294715655

ps just press down as hard as you can repeatedly - no matter if it hurts a lot. It is still soon for anything to set completely - what has it been 48-72 hours? What I found also helps is getting Flomax. It is over the counter in MX so I stock up but see if you can get some online or get a prescription if you need to. It basically keeps you Flaccid like Cialis without the Erection aspect. It will give you a better outcome if you have a long Flaccid hang for a month.

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294724938

Hoodie I got 17cc 10%.. wanted to go conservative as being uncircumcised. I have quarterly conferences in LA so I told the doc I am in for the long hall I am not trying to hit a homerun and fuck everything up. I am going into this process very open minded, in the pre meeting with Dr C I told him look I love my wife we have a great sex life I just feel a difference since our second child and frankly what man doesn\'t want a bigger Dick if possible. I have no head trip about trying to have the biggest Dick in the room or that somehow that makes me more of a man. This is between me and my wife (and apparently 100 guys on a board )

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294725119

So it has been 4 days and still swollen as hell. I arrived last night about 2am and my wife was up to greet me, her sister was in town and they stayed up and had been drinking a little wine so when I arrived my sister in law ran up to her room so it was just my wife (a lot tipsy). She couldn\'t wait to see it so we went into the bathroom and when I drop my pant she said \"holy fuck\", and was giggling like a schoolgirl. She wanted to play with it but I resisted at first but she wanted to give me a blowjob (I mean seriously who is going to turn that down, and by the way my incision were completely healed).

It was amazing she just kept pawing at it and saying how she couldn\'t get her mouth around it. She was a little shy bc she didn\'t want to hurt me. For the first time I understood how she felt when she got a boob job, I wanted to GRAB them but I new she was in pain so I held back but it was hard.

When I was fully Erect I notice I had a huge ridge on the right side the one that the PA had been trying to work down. It looked totally unnatural and it was a big ridge. However I went into this with the idea that I would need follow up and that it wasn\'t going to look natural but I wanted two things. A bigger fuller Dick for intercourse and a better Flaccid hang, which I know it is swollen but damn that is a huge difference pun certainly intended. Gentlemen I have seen this on the board with reading reviews that people want perfection and I think you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. As I shared earlier when my wife had her breast aug we knew they were not going to look the way that they did before she had children and breastfeed. After she lost weight and got down to about 120lbs she had nothing but skin left. She is now a 32H and she has a large scar around the nipple where she had to have excess skin taken away. Do they look natural? No. Do they look a lot better than before..... fuck ya! The point is that in the end my Dick will be bigger and fuller and more fulfilling to myself and her but will probably not look natural.

Sorry if this is coming off preaching, it is I have obviously put a lot of thought into this as anyone should. If I had any other thought process and look down and saw that ridge I think I would have been devastated.

10003, yes that was me limping out of doc C office and and the bearded guy in all black that looks like a gun runner.

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294732135

Well just finished taken a test drive, I wanted to wait a few more days but the wife begged to just see how it felt. I will certainly post pics here in the next few days but I got in late a couple of days ago and had family in town so have not exactly had time to post dick pics.

So flaccid I am measuring about 5.25 which I know is swelling but huge difference from 3.5 before. Fully erect is about 5.5 to 6 at the largest, I am getting the accordion effect but it is pushing back through my whole dick and not just bunching up in one spot. I have a large ridge on the right about 3/4 down but not really noticeable during sex.

When she got on and slowly work herself down the shaft the look on her face was priceless, jaw dropped the entire time and lots of \"oh Gods\". I am close to about 7 inches in length when I have a good hard on which allows me to give her cervical orgasms which she hit in about 3 minutes. Before I had this done she would flex her PC muscles to make it tight and would drive me crazy, now it feels that way the entire time....amazing!

The only problem is that I know it is going to go down, it is kind of a cruel joke that you get an idea of the next round size as a test drive. Honestly if if would stay where it is at and I could fill in the obvious gap I would be done. When I went no top missionary she looked like she was having a seizure. She even said sorry I am making this face. About that time I was getting sore so we stopped, I just wanted a test drive anyway.

We talk about it afterwards and I said \"see I knew you wanted a bigger dick\" to which she responded \"no not really, you got the job done before so it wasn\'t an issue. But know that you have it I really like it\". I think as men we think that our women is fantasizing about a bigger dick like we do about bigger boobs or rounder ass or whatever does it for you. Now that I am bigger I actually believe her when she says \"it is not the same for women as it is for men\". I read an article that I am attaching below where women talk about their experience with a micro dick (2.5 inches and below). I thought it was an interesting read bc most the women tried to like or did like the guys and he had a 2 inch dick. So if turn a women on at all and you have anywhere near a normal dick 5 inches or more I think everything else is our own bullshit stories.

It is funny, I thought after I had this done she would admit she always wanted me to have a bigger dick. Now that it\'s done and she said No, I like it now but I liked it before also just destroyed that bullshit story that all women want a bigger dick. Interesting at least to me.....

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294732571

Great feed back jr2010 and good look with the rest of your recovery.

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294735556

Clever guy! Tell me, not as a philosopher but realistically, the look on her face versus what she said afterwards - which should you believe? Many times we find out, too late, how naive and gullible we can be ...

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294739055

Interesting point, here is my take away; during sex after the procedure it is new and therefore much more arousing than sex 1000\'s of times before. When she got boobs I would have to cover them so that I could last longer bc the newness was so arousing. Next point for me was not that she didn\'t enjoy the bigger size now, but that she wasn\'t thinking that she wanted more before. In my head when we talked about it I thought she was being polite saying I was just fine, and truthfully she would cum 2-5 almost every time we had sex so it was really fine for her. She even said \"maybe I would have thought I wanted more if I didn\'t cum but I did so it wasn\'t an issue.\" So for me it was eye opening that she didn\'t see it the way that most guys think which is more is always better, it was just a non issue to her.

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294741845

jr2010 wrote: Interesting point, here is my take away; during sex after the procedure it is new and therefore much more arousing than sex 1000\'s of times before. When she got boobs I would have to cover them so that I could last longer bc the newness was so arousing. Next point for me was not that she didn\'t enjoy the bigger size now, but that she wasn\'t thinking that she wanted more before. In my head when we talked about it I thought she was being polite saying I was just fine, and truthfully she would cum 2-5 almost every time we had sex so it was really fine for her. She even said \"maybe I would have thought I wanted more if I didn\'t cum but I did so it wasn\'t an issue.\" So for me it was eye opening that she didn\'t see it the way that most guys think which is more is always better, it was just a non issue to her.

I think one has to factor in the more important attractions in a \"good\" relationship such as the woman is into you, she loves you, there is a good sexual chemistry and so on. Having bigger Dick or bigger boobs is only adding to the \"change from the past\" and having new things to do or \"play\" with. I think those things \"factor in\" much more than one thinks.

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294744602

Couldn\'t agree more Mustang, well said

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JR's 1 1st round just finished 8 years 2 weeks ago #1294744706

The lady\'s character is paramount here. Very few women are really loving. Most are in a relationship for security, sex or to avoid being lonely. I think you have a one-in-a-million madam! I see that you appreciate this. Continue to do well by her and don\'t let the sickness in the head that pervades this board affect you anymore ...

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