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TOPIC: Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016)

Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016) 8 years 2 months ago #1294293943

Hello All,

I\'ve been lurking this site as a non-member for a few years. I\'ve also been following other similar site\'s for nearly a decade. I\'m what you might consider a PE veteran and have been doing \'exercises\' off and on for that length of time. I\'ve tried a lot, but mainly hail from the Hanging-camp. I\'ve tried jelquing, Clamping and have also dabbled in pumping.

My results have been moderate, seeing about 1\" gain in length over that amount of time. I feel comfortable saying that this is fairly consistent with what I notice other folks getting from the the analogue approaches. I attribute it to my ligament and I feel very comfortable saying that it is permanent. I don\'t feel I have any tunica length gains, nor have I noticed any Girth additions save for those that come with summer weather, lots of sex or temporary pumping. I always go back into the same Girth range. I\'m also somewhat wary of aggressive hand methods as I have experienced injury, set-backs and all that comes with it.

All in, and after much consideration and thought, I\'ve decided to begin exploring PMMA as my next step in terms of obtaining my Girth goals. That is insofar as I have seen nearly ZERO Girth gains despite the enormous number of claims elsewhere that they are obtainable. I don\'t think they are in the cards for me. So here I am, and PMMA here I come.

I hope to log several more entries in the weeks to come about my process of selecting where to have it done, and will do my best to document along the way in the stead of Miracle8x7. He has done a fantastic years-long job, and I don\'t want to disappoint. I also suspect I will need the support of you all as I travel through the process of ups and downs.

At the moment my stats as a matter of record:

BPEL: 8.125\"
EG: 5.125\"

I\'m not looking for any more length. However, I do want to end the game somewhere in the 6.5-7\"G range.

Feedback, tips, suggestions, etc are all welcome.

More soon.


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Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016) 8 years 2 months ago #1294294370

Welcome! I have had a similar journey to yours. I\'m in the middle of the PMMA process, been through 2 rounds and going for a 3rd in January. I had similar experience with manual PE methods - some length gains, but no Girth. PMMA definitely delivers results in the Girth department

Some things to consider (just my perspective):

- You will likely encounter temporary setbacks and challenges. Most issues subside with time and intelligent troubleshooting.

- Have a goal and stick to it, don\'t get greedy and go for more, and you might find you want less.

- You likely won\'t hit your goals first round.

- 30% if you care less about aesthetics and want more Girth per round, 10% if you care more about aesthetics and willing to go for more rounds to hit your goal.

- Aftercare, aftercare, aftercare! The procedures is a starting point, everything after that is good aftercare. I woke up every few hours the first couple day to ensure I moved everything back to where it should be while sleeping, and massaged every 1-2 hours during the day. Focus on the entry points.

- Don\'t be a freak about the tape. Ups and downs, it\'s amazing how it varies in size for the first 6 weeks. Take at least 3 months between rounds.

- Listen to Dr. C and Wade, they\'re pro\'s at this stuff.

- Spend 2-3 days down in TJ at the Grand. Give your body time to rest and get the nutrition it needs to recover.

- Get an all day extender like the ESL-40. Dr. C may still be providing them, but you need one either way. Staying stretched out the first week is important to get a nice big Flaccid hang.

I encountered challenges on my journey, but am incredibly happy with my decision. Good luck my friend, and please do report back.

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Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016) 8 years 2 months ago #1294295051

You are bigger than 95% procent. Think twice before doing this

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Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016) 8 years 2 months ago #1294295249

@manitou: Awesome, clear, and concise advice. I wanted to respond but I have nothing to add.

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Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016) 8 years 2 months ago #1294296653

Call me crazy, but I would not classify 1\" gain in length as a modest gain.

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Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016) 8 years 2 months ago #1294301773

briceb wrote: Call me crazy, but I would not classify 1\" gain in length as a modest gain.

1\" increase of EL, if he means EL, is a huge increase for any one and perhaps more rare.

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Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016) 8 years 2 months ago #1294302145

Thanks for the replies.

Much appreciated. All noted and taken under advisement.

objectively you may be right. However, in a subjective sense, I just want more Girth. Always have. I\'m more than fine with my length these days. Either way, I\'m going to read your comments as a veiled compliment. Thank you.

1\" over 10+ years? ... Okay. Perhaps I\'m not up to speed on all the propaganda out there, but I read about guys who\'ve made much large gains in that period of time. Of course this could just be spin and lies, or false claims (which perhaps says something about why this is a pay site now; keeping the trolls out.) Either way, I have about 1\" more than I did in 2006. And considering I am 40 now, I don\'t attribute it to natural growth. It was a lot of work. I guess I just thought it\'d be more. Not complaining.

Yes, both my FL and EG are about +1\" more. Of course the FL fluctuates on a lot of variables and is heavily influenced by temp, mood, activity, etc. But full mast I\'ve earned an additional 1\".

And to establish a baseline, here I am in as clear a way as I can possibly muster. Given that we live in the age of smart phones I am not going to make up some story about how my ex has my camera. Every piece of electronics I own has at least two lenses. So pics aren\'t that hard to come by as far as I\'m concerned. The only thing preventing me from sharing them is either modesty, embarrassment or a concern about privacy. Again, this is why I appreciate that one has to pay to access pics on this forum. You\'re either serious or you aren\'t.

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Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016) 8 years 2 months ago #1294302168

Speaking of which ... can someone help me figure out how to get my now paid subscription approved by admin?

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Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016) 8 years 2 months ago #1294305653

faculae wrote: Speaking of which ... can someone help me figure out how to get my now paid subscription approved by admin?

PM S.O, he\'ll get you squared quickly...

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Faculae's PMMA Journey (begun Dec 2016) 8 years 1 month ago #1294646776

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