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TOPIC: Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round!

Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293109984

Getting excited that having 1st round with Dr. C next Thursday 8/18. Been considering and reading the board for years and finally decided to go for it...saving a bit on airfair as I\'m extending a work trip by 2 days! I\'m hoping for improved flacid hang and some Girth gains...i\'m definitely a Grower with only 2\"-3\" flacid and just over 6\" when Erect. Here\'s some before pics, i\'ll post updates as i progress through the procedure next week.

Hoping I dont fit into toilet paper role when flacid as the picture shows after the procedure

41 yr old married guy here thats desired more length and Girth for as far back as i can remember, would like the wife to finally feel more fullfilled with Girth in the future!

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293110192

whats your current Girth measurement?
And good luck with the 1st round!!

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293110266

Girth is sbout 4.25\" flacid, about 5 Erect..need to get Erect measure before procedure.

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293111826

You have good starting stats. I believe that to not fit into a toilet paper roll you need to be around 6\" in Girth. I really don\'t think that you will get there with Flaccid size, at least in one session.

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293117253

Damn, Snowman! That\'s the biggest grow differential I\'ve seen! From 2 to 6! that\'s crazy! I think you\'re going to have a great result.

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293118206

I\'m also a 2 to 6

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293133590

Those accordion dicks are crazy! Girl thinks she\'s gonna have an easy time, then all hell breaks loose. ;-)

Seriously, you should do a split-screen of flaccid and errect, then compare it post PMMA. Amazing.

Your progress report is the one that inspired me to consider the 10%, over the 30%. I want as much gains as possible with less product as possible. So I\'m considering 2 full rounds of 10%. I don\'t know of anyone on this board who\'s had their first two rounds of just 10%. Do you?

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293137462

Chester, I would have to go back and look, but I can\'t say off the top of my head. I am sure there has been, especially in the early days of PhalloBoards.

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293137825

Thanks, Briceb. If memory serves me, I believe you had 10% in the first round, then 30, then back to 10 again. Am I correct?

Also, Snowman and I are in our 40s, and I know you got started with PMMA very young. I\'m not sure if the 10% worked out well for you because of your excellent collagen growth, but what would you recommend for Snowman, given that this will be his first time and is looking for growth?

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293138895

Thanks for the comments and feedback...only 2 days away from my appointment, not planning on requesting 10% or 30% but rather going to let Dr. C know that my goals are to improve flacid hang, with getting as much Girth at the same time maximize aesthetics...very happy with the shspe / conture of the little guy, just want a bit more....will be nice as I get back into working out on a regular basis to not have to be as concerned about the locker room as I have always been in the past.

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293154453

Just got back to my room at the grand hotel after round 1. Dr C, Wade, Ethan and the whole team were great, whole procedure took just over 2 hours for the prep, injections, forming and aftercare instructions.

Told Dr C and Wade my goal was improved hang and Girth enhancment maybe .5 Inch but wanted to maintain good asthetics.

Dr C recommended 30% Linnea for the base and 10% in the shaft so thats what he did.

Ended up with 19cc total for round one..12cc 30% and 7cc 10% plus micro drops to fill and taper just above the circ scar.

Heres first pic of him all wrapped up, I\'m going to get some food and then remove bandages and get some more after puctures.

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293154614

Congrats Snowman! Wishing you a great result!

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293154880

here are the 1st unwrapped pics about 2 hours after procedure was done...pretty good esthics, minor brusing, still some marker lines on it from the procedure. feels good...time to start massaging!

about 5.25\" just after taking off bandage.

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293154979

There\'s gotta be at least another 2 inches under all that snow.

have you considered lipo for your fat pad?

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Going to Dr C 8/18 for 1st round! 8 years 6 months ago #1293155011

chester wrote: There\'s gotta be at least another 2 inches under all that snow.

have you considered lipo for your fat pad?

thanks Chester! I\'m guessing its there as it comes out to be just under 6.5\" when hard! this was what im considering a start of a new healthier me...plan on diet and excercise to drop 50 lbs and fet to 250 before i go back for roynd 2...that should help the little guy hang a bit more...if bot i may consider lig cut or lipo.

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