It\'s been a busy fire season so I haven\'t had much time to journal. So here\'s a quick update:
After initially looking like a Frankendick, things settled down. I was almost up to my goal of 1\" gain, 1 month after the procedure. But apparently it was still swelling, because it started dropping everyday and has now (almost 3 months out) settled at a modest .5\" gain.
It\'s quite disappointing to be at/very near your goal, and then lose most of it. But, I planned on a round 2 anyway, which I\'ve already scheduled. I\'m happy for the .5\", but still want to reach my goal.
I have a gap between the glans and circ scar, which Wade assures me will be fixed next round. I have what I call a \"clump\" of material on the lower left side, only noticeable if you look for it. And a slight curve to the right, but only when
Flaccid. None really bother me except the gap. I want that fixed.
I\'m still supplementing with collagen etc. and attempting some light pumping as
Avanti Derma advises. I will say I hold a pump a lot longer now than pre-
PMMA. I did it yesterday, and it\'s still there.
Overall, I\'d rate it 6 out of 10 stars for my satisfaction at this point. I\'m not sorry I did, but it\'s not finished. After round 2, I hope for a 9 or 10.
We shall see.