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TOPIC: I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth.

I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292392594

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Hi everyone, I\'m a new member. Soon to be 21 years old and I live in Sweden, northern europe.

Yesterday I popped some viagra and measured my Dick at about 90% Erection, the stats came out like this:

EL: 13 cm (5,1 inches)

EG @ midsection: 12,5 cm (4,9 inches)

I tried to snap pictures but it proved next to impossible to manage an Erection, a smartphone and a ruler at the same time. You\'ll have to take my word for it.

Now my size bothers me a bit and it makes me hold off on having sex. I\'ve no real desire to become huge but I want to be able to produce decent size that I\'m comfortable with. From what I\'ve read while lurking though it seems there is no good way to add Erect lengt. Can I compensate for my relatively short Dick by adding Girth, and should I?

I\'d like to add about 1,5 cm (0,6 inches) of Girth and reach a nice 14 cm (5,5 inches) in circumference. Realistic, safe?

My penis is uncircumcised but my glans hasn\'t been covered by Foreskin since I became a teenager. I am a definite Grower my penis often shrinks to about 5 cm (2 inches) when flacced and in rare occassions even less. Does this make me an unfortunate candidate for PMMA?

Of course I would love an additional 1,5 cm in legth as well. Being comfortably 14 cm in EL sounds perfectly fine to me, but I don\'t hold my breath on that happening.

I will try to do \"manual\" PE in the hope of improving Erection quality, but it is just not my luck to gain size that easily.

What are your thoughts guys?

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292392648

about you being a Grower and whether that\'s a bad thing for PMMA: i\'m not sure. i\'ve read loads of threads on here and if im putting them together correctly: while there was definitely a period when it was considered that short Flaccid length was not the perfect PMMA-test specimin, i think there have been enough growers who\'ve had pmmma \'succesfully\' to suggest that it\'s not necessarily the case and that consequently, opinions about it have changed somewhat.

i hope i\'ve got that right and i wish i copy pasted all the best bits from threads.

assuming you go through with it, are you off to prague?

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292392670

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Yes I guess so but I\'ll have tp read up Dr. Ivana beforehand. Not many people on this forum seem to have experience with her.

What do you think about having a penis where the Girth circumference is larger than the Erect length?

I think a 13*14 cm penis (that\'s 5*5,5) would be quite workable but I\'ve got no real sexual experience. I was actually hoping on some input and suggestions from more experienced folks.

I\'m also a bit scared of getting surgery but it might be the best for me long term.

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292392737

youre correct, there aren\'t many reports from dr n compared to dr c.

maybe youve read them already. there are threads from eastender, heimdall, andydandy, shergar, the guy from australia ... sorry mate i forgot your name ...oh yeh, hellbent. can\'t think of any more off the top of my head. there\'s a guy, california, who went to prague only two weeks ago.

i think bigger Girth than length will be absolutely fine if thats the hand youre dealt. it won\'t be a negative with girls at all that your ratio is the other way around. im talking aesthetically here.

i would like to say that because youre young you might want to put it off for a couple of years. i might be wrong when i say this but i think in some cases the penis stops growing around your age. you might want to wait until it does. i could be wrong though lol!

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292392745

and i forgot to say, that ratio would be fine sexually too. why not?

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292392762

I think manual stretching is only way to increase Erect length.
Good thing is that any filler will increase your Flaccid length quite significantly.
Please remember to have moderate amounts.

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292392818

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Reklaw wrote: I think manual stretching is only way to increase Erect length. Good thing is that any filler will increase your Flaccid length quite significantly. Please remember to have moderate amounts.

I think Dr. Ivana only injects 30% PMMA though, is that true?

@number22 Thanks man, but my penis has reached its final size I\'m sure. 13*14 sounds pretty alright to me, as I\'ve undrstood it\'s mostly about the Girth anyway

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292393797

DOn\'t worry too much about reports from Dr N. She\'s good and gets good results. She just doesn\'t focus on Dick work, but she\'s done well over a 100 and actually her results are very good.

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292394647

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Dexterphall wrote: DOn\'t worry too much about reports from Dr N. She\'s good and gets good results. She just doesn\'t focus on Dick work, but she\'s done well over a 100 and actually her results are very good.

How do you know that?

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292395568

Atlas Drugged wrote:
How do you know that?

Which part?

The 100 is from a couple of her clients who spoke to her about it.

The good results are purely from logs on this forum.

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292395730

well to be fair, dexterphal, usually if a plastic surgeon tells you a number you can automatically half it. and half it again. i\'m not saying it\'s not true, and i hope for the best with dr n, but just because she said so doesn\'t make it true.

and there\'s been a few complications with the gents who\'ve put threads up here post-prague.

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292397433

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number22 wrote: well to be fair, dexterphal, usually if a plastic surgeon tells you a number you can automatically half it. and half it again. i\'m not saying it\'s not true, and i hope for the best with dr n, but just because she said so doesn\'t make it true.

and there\'s been a few complications with the gents who\'ve put threads up here post-prague.

As it\'s looking I might very well take the plunge and inject PMMA fillers into my penis.

I understand Dr Ivana and Dr Casavantes are the alternatives I\'ve got. I guess I will just had read, read and read some more.

if you had to pick, how would choose?

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I might try to compensate for my short dick with increased girth. 8 years 9 months ago #1292397797

Honestly both are good at what they do .

Dr N is prague, Dr C in Mexico, your location may aid your decision.

Dr N, tends to be more conservative in the amounts she injects, and it\'s always a 3 part process over numerous months.

I personally would choose Dr N but that\'s because of location and I like her approach.

I have nothing against Dr C, though, there\'s many lives been changed as a result of his work and plenty to review on this forum alone.

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