I empathize with you though we have very different histories and lifestyles. Mainly, I fully agree that many people dismiss and discount the importance, to a man, of a well sized, aesthetic, perfectly functioning penis, just for his own contentment. I have lived my whole life with erectile dysfunction, and have always been told, coldly and off handedly, that it\'s all in my head, who cares, that sucks, etc. On the one hand, as a man you are expected to have a glorious, perfectly functioning, mighty member, but if you don\'t, stop worrying about it crybaby, there are bigger problems in the world, it\'s just a psychological issue, get therapy, and so on.
You have real physical problems and I, given my experience, would never deny that reality to you. Yes, there are things we can do to improve our mental habits and our outlook. I think we should always be working on that aspect. Nevertheless, I just don\'t understand why the penis is culturally treated the way it is, as though it isn\'t even a physical object, subject to the same laws of physics and chemistry and biology as every other organ and body part. If you start having problems with your

, people don\'t patronize you and tell you to get therapy. Good luck getting anyone to take you seriously if you have a problem with your penis. I have no real advice, but I\'m only saying I understand and I don\'t think you\'re crazy. You\'ve been dealt a bad hand and there just isn\'t as much help as there should be for issues like this.
One final note, I get how especially important penis is in the gay world, but let me also tell you, it\'s real fucking important in the straight world too. People sometimes still act like women are these purely emotional, spiritual creatures who only have sex to connect their hearts to another man. This is not even close. Women are crass, selfish, and objectifying just like men, maybe even worse in some ways. They expect hard dicks and great performances, and mock and cheat on those who don\'t measure up. Not all people are this way, but you will encounter this attitude in the straight world. Even decent women, though they won\'t be harsh about it, are still going to be disappointed if your sexual performance isn\'t up to par. Sorry I\'m ranting now, not trying to take the focus off your problems, just adding support to your basic sentiment. It\'s tough out there.