Hello, fellow seekers of particular kind of masculine beauty!I always believed that what \"nature gave us\" is no precedens for how things should be forever. I believe in process of self-perfection and transformation to achieve what is important for us.For me, sexuality has a very special place in my value system, so genital enhancements are changes wit not only strong esthetic value, but also symbolical.Saying that my goal is being \"hung like a horse\" is probably the best way to describe my intentions.
But:Pursuing academic career is very important to me, so it\'s limiting my options significantly.
I would love to have \"obscene horse bulge\" (as someone once described my intentions) but the thought of likely reactions of other very important people really scares me.So I plan to undergo such augmentations that, with the right clothing (I wear mostly formal), the bulge would be just as noticeable as to be on the safe \"side\" on the brink of look that would make people ask \"dangerous\" questions. If you know what I mean. I want two changes:
1) Penile girth augmentation.
2) Scrotal augmentation.
Ad 1) First modification would be penile girth enhancement. Lenghtening is not an option since it is too invasive and probably damages the function. I want to inject large amounts of a dermal filler inder the skin. I think the best one is hyaluronic acid in the form of Macrolane. As far as I know, it is biocompatible, naturally occuring compound and is on the edge of temporary and permanent. It supports body\'s own collagen production and stays in place for about 2 years, slowly degrading. After two years, the volume stabilizes on about 38% of the original volume completely replaced by collagen. That is rather permanent.
People complain that the result doesn\'t look natural ... but fake look is what I\'m aiming for. I WANT to have a squishi blob in flaccid state that is relatively normal, just thicker, when erected. People complain that the soft macrolane does move away during intercourse and creates i \"pillow\" on the base of penis. But I thing it\'s good because it doesn\'t hinder the penetration if it\'s so soft and movable. A love the look of Bob Lowe!Ad 2) I want to add large silicone implants to my scrotum for enlargement. Custom made testicular prostheses seem to be a way to go. I would prefer 8 cm implants (weight around 300 g). I created models of implants to simulate size, shape and weight and tried to wear them for some time. More info to come

Another option would be veterinary implants for neutered horses and bulls - they have perfect sizes and shapes and should be made by the same technology as human implants, hence be safe. But I think I wouldn\'t risk that they would not be :-/
I also made visual simulations of different possibilities of how I might look like (more images to come).
This is me right now (not best example because I felt cold and nervous, so I\'m shrinked):
And this is how I want to look like if everything goes fine: