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TOPIC: Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement

Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 4 months ago #1289799796

Hello, fellow seekers of particular kind of masculine beauty!I always believed that what \"nature gave us\" is no precedens for how things should be forever. I believe in process of self-perfection and transformation to achieve what is important for us.For me, sexuality has a very special place in my value system, so genital enhancements are changes wit not only strong esthetic value, but also symbolical.Saying that my goal is being \"hung like a horse\" is probably the best way to describe my intentions.

But:Pursuing academic career is very important to me, so it\'s limiting my options significantly.
I would love to have \"obscene horse bulge\" (as someone once described my intentions) but the thought of likely reactions of other very important people really scares me.So I plan to undergo such augmentations that, with the right clothing (I wear mostly formal), the bulge would be just as noticeable as to be on the safe \"side\" on the brink of look that would make people ask \"dangerous\" questions. If you know what I mean. I want two changes:
1) Penile girth augmentation.
2) Scrotal augmentation.
Ad 1) First modification would be penile girth enhancement. Lenghtening is not an option since it is too invasive and probably damages the function. I want to inject large amounts of a dermal filler inder the skin. I think the best one is hyaluronic acid in the form of Macrolane. As far as I know, it is biocompatible, naturally occuring compound and is on the edge of temporary and permanent. It supports body\'s own collagen production and stays in place for about 2 years, slowly degrading. After two years, the volume stabilizes on about 38% of the original volume completely replaced by collagen. That is rather permanent.
People complain that the result doesn\'t look natural ... but fake look is what I\'m aiming for. I WANT to have a squishi blob in flaccid state that is relatively normal, just thicker, when erected. People complain that the soft macrolane does move away during intercourse and creates i \"pillow\" on the base of penis. But I thing it\'s good because it doesn\'t hinder the penetration if it\'s so soft and movable. A love the look of Bob Lowe!Ad 2) I want to add large silicone implants to my scrotum for enlargement. Custom made testicular prostheses seem to be a way to go. I would prefer 8 cm implants (weight around 300 g). I created models of implants to simulate size, shape and weight and tried to wear them for some time. More info to come :-) Another option would be veterinary implants for neutered horses and bulls - they have perfect sizes and shapes and should be made by the same technology as human implants, hence be safe. But I think I wouldn\'t risk that they would not be :-/

I also made visual simulations of different possibilities of how I might look like (more images to come).


This is me right now (not best example because I felt cold and nervous, so I\'m shrinked):


And this is how I want to look like if everything goes fine:

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 4 months ago #1289802863

Dude you have a nice thick unit down there what is your stats Flaccid Girth ?

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 4 months ago #1289805683

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Wow that is an intense look you are going for. I have known guys who have had large amounts of silicone injected in them and what I thought looked like a disaster was what they were going for. It\'s more of a fetish thing I guess. I\'d be curious how you go about getting the silicone bull testicles but it\'s probably safer than have really large amounts of anything injected into your body. I hope you keep us posted if you pursue this. Second on the comment that you already look good - but I suppose your goals are different. There are not many guys on this site that are after an artificial look.

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 4 months ago #1289807856

Wow. That is a large goal. I personally think having nuts that big would be a huge hassle, but different strokes for different folks.
Out of curiosity, I did a search for equine testicle implants. I found the neuticles site and it says that they are made of FDA approved material, but they have not gone through FDA approval for human implantation.

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 4 months ago #1289808866

Neuticles... seems more advanced than any human options. D: Interesting. 2.75\" size sounds so perfect. I wonder if there would be any doctor willing... Still, an encapsulation sounds better. :c

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 4 months ago #1289809164

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i\'ve seen a post on a site called newartforum, a body modificaiton board, where a guy inserted 2 neuticles in each sack, so hes essentially got 6 \'testicles\'. the scary thing is he did it all himself.

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 4 months ago #1289810576

No offense but fake Balls that big, wouldn\'t them get you more laughs than the smallest Balls possible ?

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 4 months ago #1289814363

That\'s a fine size, compared to many of the extreme injections out there. Also, it comes out to about the same size as Jujuofnice\'s pumped Balls. I\'m sure many of you have seen the video of him plowing his girlfriend, with Balls that size. Quite impressive and attractive.

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 3 months ago #1289825027

Hi!My current measurements are (in inches):6 length * 5,4 circumference when erected
3,5 to 4,5 length * 4,5 circumference

plus 2 inch balls

_____________________Yeah, my goal is intense :-D
I\'m not going to do it because I would feel underdeveloped. I just want to be as big as possible without losing function.
And Hunkydory, thank you for your kind words.You could say it\'s a fetish thing. But I think it\'s a matter of esthetics.
I\'ve never been a big fan of our natural look. I like the concept of self-perfecting. Yet I believe that one shouldn\'t trick others to believe that plastic surgery results are natural parts of his/her body. I think it\'s fair to show that it\'s a result of elective modification. It even shows that the person is willing ot chenge himself/herself to strive for perceived perfection! :-DI don\'t want to injectt silicone into my body, nor any other polymer (like PMMA, I believe). I\'ve read about too man complications in medical journals to be willing to take this path. Esecially when these things are virtually permanent.
I want to take the path of something reversible.briceb >> Well, the models I made and try to wear ARE a huge hassle. But, somehow masochistically, I love these complications. They are like some scars - permanently reminding of own achievements. From certain point of view, complications are a merit. :-)I shall see. They will either manufacture custom human implants, or I will find a way to use the equine ones.
I would prefer to have 4 testicles (2 natural and 2 implants) rather than have my own encapsulated by, let\'s say, Elist implants. I think it\'s better option for normal temperature control and possibility of self-examination. And it would be cool to have 4 balls ;-)purple donkey >> I think I know who you are talking about and he removed the first smaller set. Right now he has just his natural and small equine ones. He is really beautiful and great inspiration for me. Actually, his achievements did inspire me to pursue similar goals.cocotte >> I don\' think they are so big. You should see how would look those I did consider to be my dream size :-D Actually I don\'t fear that people would laugh because of my \"small\" balls (I don\'t see them as small). I just want them to be enormous (yet hideable).

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 3 months ago #1289827675

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I think having 4 Balls would be kind of amazing although I don\'t really want 2 more, and I get your attitude. Baudelaire thought the same way - if you were going to do anything to yourself, celebrate the fact that it is an artificial improvement and don\'t try and hide it by looking natural. I can\'t say I am there but sort of enjoy the fact that there are people who are. Actually when I had my grafts my Dick was ridiculously big Flaccid and I sort of loved it.

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 3 months ago #1289837934

hunkydory: How did you look?

I really hope I will achieve my goals. And soon (although it could mean anywhere between one and three years)
But I expect to start with something like this (I think the result would be bigger because this image has been made with my \"natural\" photo as a reference, which was taken in moment when I wasn\'t relaxed at all):

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 3 months ago #1289840053

I can help with information, I had 5cm testicles inserted due to testoserone therapy and testicular Atrophy.....theses were the largest ones I was able to get prior to going into cost of having \" custom sizes\" I still have my originals that are small and lay just behind the prosthetic ones. It was relatively inexpensive surgery I had with plastic surgeon . I really like the looks and feel of the prosthesis, they are firmer than original testes however are squeezable.... i was surprised the surgeon said he would insert theses because of the size and did a great job, I thought they would be a little large however I think they match me perfectly. I researched many surgery options including Elist, however, I chose and purchased the ones I have from a reputable company in Nevada and had delivered to my surgeon. I paid approx 800$ For each and surgery with anesthesia was approx 4500$ The company I purchased from is AART, they offer many options for implants and I found their options for testicular inserts are a great option at great pricing, and I am very satisfied with the quality.


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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 3 months ago #1289840964

I am also interested in a \"safe and proven\" method for testicles enhancement. It will be great to keep this discussion going, so keep us posted, thx.

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 3 months ago #1289848202

Ski3247 >> I think You have no idea how happy I am to hear that You have real experience with it :-D ;-)There is so much to ask!1) How much would it cost to have custom ones?
2) Do they move freely? (like rotate in the sac etc.)
(I made latex models that I try to wear but I don\'t believe they simulate reality well)

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Kheiron's quest to be hung like a horse - testicular and penile enlargement 9 years 3 months ago #1289848457

No problem

They do move \"somewhat\" freely not as freely as the normal testicles they slightly adhere with adhesions to the inner scrotum but not terrible, this happens within days of surgery ...;I\'m in pathology myself so feel free to ask if there is anything that needs explanation with what I write. Mine move slightly when manipulating what I really like is they are fairly soft and somewhat amazingly squeezable, I love the feeling of having full \"package\" like being in early 20\'s again! Of course your sexual partner will notice they are not as soft as normal but will be able to squeeze as hard as they like!!! Lol

You can call AART (they have pretty good website also) to find costs of custom ones I called them to get pricing on the ones I purchased , the problem you may run into is finding surgeon to put the size you want into the scrotum because the size you would like they may try to talk you out of because it may distort scrotum. And they wouldn\'t want to be responsible thing I notice is the scrotum will take some stretching to get all to hang well.

The surgery was realistically simple Even healing went very quickly, the surgeon made horizontal incissions within normal wrinkles of really cannot see my scars on each frontal side of scrotum this was amazing!

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