While I agree with you, some of what you way is true but some isn\'t as it may appear. Lots of my past sexual conquests were simply coke whores who were willing to suck and fuck for a fix. I agree I had what they wanted and that was cocaine not my penis.
I was so messed up in my head from age 13 to around 38 or so from being molested. I screwed anything i could bang 18 to 80, deaf dumb or blind. I didnt care as long as it was female. I needed to prove to myself i was a victim and i was not gay, i was accosted repeatedly for 3 long torturous years. I finally hurt so much I stole a handgun and at gunpoint I told the man if you ever touch me again I will
you. I was dead serious too. To this day if any man lays a hand on me or my family he is a goner.
That is what started me on my downward spiral. I was out of control during the late 80\'s and early 90\'s. I overdosed on 3/3/93. I have been clean drug wise since then. I still drank and smoked until 2004 i\'ve been abstinent since our wedding in 2004.
I was never big enough, good looking enough or had enough personality to get chicks on my own. I had flash money, cars, partys and dope. Plenty of dope and dope made money. Without it I was nothing in my mind at least.
Heck the first week i spent with my wife was spent at her pad smokin weed all week and watching movies. But she was different. She liked me for me. I met her thru a friend. We never did dope ( i didnt consider weed dope...) together for I was done with that by then, but I smoked like Cheech Marin. I used to joke with her about my 37 hookers and whores that were calling, i was still slinging the rock but not using it.
When she broke up with me in 95 it broke my

. I was so depressed. I knew it was too good to last. I walked away from that lifestyle. I started an auto shop and worked for a living. I was hooking up thru my female clients for I had become addicted to sex. So instead of coke whores i now fixed cars for sex at times. A quick bj here or nooner there in my office to satisfy the bill. I tell ya i was still a sick puppy man.
I didnt function well as someone normal would. Some of that is from the addiction and some from the insecurities. All of my past stemed from not properly dealing with being molested. I get that. I finally got help for that and started dealing with the \"isms as in alcohalism ect.\"
So has my sexual disfunction effected my life, absolutely, but so has addiction.
Yes I am married with a large sexual past. Yes I have a gorgeous wife with an amazing rack 38 HH all home grown too, i am so damn lucky, yes i have 4 healthy children. I agree with all of this.
yes some of you think my penis is a nice one and it probably is. I would just like it to be a bit more thicker, would that solve all of my issues? Sadly, probably not
am I Crazy? Or am i just preoccupied with the size of my unit?
I never said I was sane....
While I have a mostly good life and function somewhat normally now, I still have some demons I face daily too, and my small penis ( in my eyes) is one of those demons.
I dont share for pitty or empathy but more importantly its the mindset behind the issues and how deep rooted they can be and how things are compounded.
I agree with one thing fully. I do cherish my guy and he is pretty asthetically, in shape and all. Thats my major draw back. I dont want to be disfigured then i would be franken dick and doubly fucked....
thats a major part of my issues. I think im small but it is a pretty penis.i dont want to be bigger at the cost of asthetics.