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TOPIC: Dr. N vs. Dr. C

Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289618267

Hey! I have decided to go for PMMA. I read a lot lately and the experience seem to be that PMMA generally in most cases get good results. However, as a European going to Mxxico takes a lot of time and will cost a whole lot more.

However again, this isn't about price, this is about getting a better life and some long travelling may be worth it if people generally are more satiesfied with either one of them. The problem with Dr. N seem to be that there are very few reviews for here procedures. I read only few and although people say she are very pro and and such, there was one incident with Superman from here that scared me a bit of. So generally I wish I found more reviews of her work.

Dr. C on the other hand, people seem to gain more but not always as pretty. As for me, who hope to gain 1,2 Inch in maximum 3 sessions am a bit worried whether Dr. N could do that, as people usually dont seem to gain more than .25 in each session with here.

Also, if there are any other doctors there are worth consider, I would be glad to hear


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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289619226

What\'s dr N website?

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289621101

Its just an website, but as for me personally it doesn\'t give me the best impression of the clinic.

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289622255

The website seems a little confusing. I\'m sure more people has gotten the procedure done yet there\'s only one picture up. Dr N doesn\'t seem to convincing to me especially with just one picture.

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289622795

sooo you guys judge an doc by how many pics and the design of the website? she mentioned she had done 100+ once.. thing is, its mainly a beauty clinic aimed at women, i guess having a webpage with lots of Dick pics might not be very smart!
The reason people gain less pr sesion there is that she does smaller injections, its a beauty clinic after all! so estetics is more important then fast gain in their eyes! and i guess they are right to.. even tho i want a monster Dick asap XP

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289623128

No but I would like to see the results. Anyone could say they did it but having the proof to back it up is important. Although the site may be for women she does different procedures, and I\'m sure people would like to see more results then just one picture.

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289628339

Guys! Anybody know who has max gain from Dr.N PMMA rounds? Does anybody has have about 1-1.5\" gain from Dr.N?

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289631542

Have a look at my thread

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289631941

Olafspo great looking rod man but do you have an before an after picture? And what\'s your current el and eg?

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289781344

olafspo wrote: Have a look at my thread

What was your starting stats I mean EL and EG?

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289794472

Somebody know if dr n can use 10% ? I also understand that she is not good english speaker and im also not good at english im afraid that not good english speaker + basic english speaker = chaos , im afraid she wont understand me and god forbid she can accidentally inject me more concentration than i need or more cc , so this question is to the most recently dr n patients she will understand me ? And what is your overall impression from dr n ? Every detail will help , im also available in the inbox

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289800845

I\'d be very interested to know more about Dr. N too so if someone knows has answers for Nnew211 please post here so I can see them too!

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289801914

Guys! I sent her e-mail about week ago, but she still no reply. How can I talk to her?

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289801985

Yeah she dosen\'t respond me to and i send her about 10 emails , its already minus in her reputation...

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Dr. N vs. Dr. C 9 years 4 months ago #1289810538

no reply for me either

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