Hi guys, I too have been a lurker of the site since I have found it a month ago. I literally stayed up for 2 days reading so many stories .. Unbelievable .. I have learned so much over this time. I thought I was hopelessly always going to be the little guy. Not anymore .. Nope not me .. I set my appointment with Dr C. Today for October 22 @ 4:00 pm. I am so excited/nervous I could explode.
So a little bit about myself first. I am a 39 yr old white guy who is 5\'9 and 205 (trying to lose more now that I know about my FP.) I always new as well playing middle school and high school sports that mine was not really like everyone else\'s . Heck I quit showering by 10th grade athletics because of this.
NPBEL 4.5\"
PBEL 5.5\"
Bgeg. 4.4\"
Baeg. 4.4\"
Flaccid length varies from 1-3.5\" depending on factors.
Also did I mention I believe that my penis has webbing that goes almost halfway down the bottom of the shaft. Not as noticeable erect as it is flaccid
So yeah .. Ha ha .. That about says it all. The weird part is that I was never afraid of sex as a boy and a lot of girls liked me and let me bang them. I was never actually called out about my size until I was like 20 yrs old and a friend of my aunt (she was 35-40) told me she wanted to suck me off. She was a little drunk and she pulled me into the room and she pulled down my short as she was going to her knees and in that short span I went from soft to hard in 1.5 seconds. First thing out of her mouth was \"wow I sure was expecting more\" .. She laughed and said it was ok and did the job. Then of course my 1st wife called me out drunk one night about how the ex so much bigger than me. 1st shot through the

.... I knew it it is what it is. Now that I met my second wife who already had 2 children and the youngest was 3 when we met. 1st time with a mother .. One who had 2 natural child births. She always does keagles, and is self conscious of this I believe. One night we are talking and some how the dreaded conversation comes of about past lover.. And it just so happens that her ex was the biggest she had ever had and been with a couple of other guys before we met. So a later point in time I ask her .. Which would she prefer.. Hypothetical if I could get an inch longer or fatter which would it be? Both ? So yeah .. That sucked. We have been together 13 yrs now and have had a child together and everything is good.
I know a lot of people on here do not advise this, but if it is successful it could completely change my life. I myself are not so worried about aesetics. My only concern is long term viability. That is the million dollar question.
My goal is 5.25\" EG and if I have some upper end success that may be achieve able with just one round. I am using the Linnea and am going to go with Dr C\'s advice to on what percentage.
I am open to all advice on supplements, and cialis or Viagra and any and all aftercare or anything else.
Thanks for listening