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TOPIC: Dobs Pmma procedure

Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287953119

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I like many of you have been interested in the penis enhancement procedures available.
I don\'t need it because I have a micro penis, or a Dick that is so skinny it could be spray painted silver and used as a bike kickstand \"Duece Biggelo\".

But like many men we love fun sex and knowing that we have a nice thick one to satisfy our women and leave them with a memory, Sure it gives us a confidence boost too. lol
But Until recent advancements with PMMA there has not been anything that looked very promising.
There still is nothing amazing for the glans penis.

Fortunately for me I have a brother that has specialized in reconstructive and micro reconstruction surgeon for over 26 years.
When I mentioned to him about PMGA and PMMA advancements with penile widening and my interest, he told me yes he can do that for me, although he does not offer it as a normal procedure it would be no problem!

I think it will be interesting for others to know the outcome of PMMA performed by a skilled veteran Reconstructive surgeon located in Pennsylvania that normally does not do this procedure.
I will also ask him about his thoughts on permanent Glans enhancement and if he has heard about anything on the horizon that looks promising.
He mentioned before he could flare the head of my Glans But I believe he was talking about HA filler because he said it would last about a year.

I also believe he may have done some of these procedures to himself, he has many girlfriends & is very sexually active And just because wouldn\'t you do it if you were a plastic surgeon with cheap easy access?. lol

I took down my pre stats and took pic\'s in case I decide to post them.
I will list what I think is relevant to PMMA. I do have a slight curve to the left when Erect but I think that gives it character. lol.

Pre PMMA Stats

Flaccid Erect

mid width 4.5 5.75

base 4.5 6.00

Fat pad Length 4.5 6.30

Bone pressed 5.0 7.75

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287953217

My first thought is that I don\'t think it\'s worth the risk as you are already big.

Secondly, why get it done with your brother when you know he has virtually no experience with this? It seems crazy to me. If my brother was a brain surgeon I wouldn\'t go to him for heart surgery. Surely the fact he\'s a reconstructive surgeon is more beneficial if things were to go wrong. It would be great peace of mind to have someone so close to you that could help you if issue\'s were to crop up. But, as we\'ve seen over the years, PMMA really isn\'t as simple as it sounds to get a good result. Also, it would still cost a lost more to get it done with your brother than in Mexico, Prague or Brazil, as even as cost price, PMMA is the US is more expensive.

I don\'t mean to be rude, but a 2.75\" fat pad suggests to me that your brothers surgical skills would be better used with a bit of lipo in that area. You\'ve already got a very thick penis and it\'s long also. It\'s just the bottom section is covered in fat. I think you\'d be much better off by having pubic area lipo and forgetting about PMMA.

But good luck with whatever you decide to do.

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287953456

Please keep us updated on using the PMMA in the states as I am curious to how it works compared to US non-legal PMMA. I actually think that if this can be used, it is the only choice I would consider. I would rather sacrifice gains for safety. I would also recomended starting with a smaller amount to see how it settles. Also, if placed right I believe you can minimize the total amount used, which would reduce costs. Thanks for sharing

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287955485

I agree with hoddle 100%. If you were 4.5-4.7 Inch Erect Girth or smaller then i\'d be all for it but anything over 5 Inch Girth personally I wouldnt touch PMMA I would just go to the gym and work on my body but that\'s just my opinion, wish you all the best.

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287955863

If you do have a 7.75 Inch by 6 Inch penis, I definitely would agree with the other posters in not pursuing PMMA. Most of us on PhalloBoards have goals which are 6inch EG. If you already have it then why risk it? For many women having larger than 6 Inch Girth could even be too much. I think a lot of people think that PMMA is the answer to everything now -it isn\'t. There is still not enough evidence to see what will happen to all these members - 10 or even 20 years from now. Yet, we all take the plunge because most of us are either below average or average and want to be above average. You are definitely already well above average and with some exercising and Hanging could even have the coveted 8 X 6 penis.

Also, I would not recommend going with your brother as he has no experience in this. The reason a lot of members go to Dr C is not just because of his ability to do PMMA, but because of his (relatively) well-recorded and quantified experience with other members on this forum.

It is of course your decision. Just thought that you should give it a little more thought.


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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287958235

Is he using artefill / belafill? Who is going to pay? That\'s $800 per cc and you wont notice anything under 10 ccs.

It\'s stupid as hell to do at your size too.

And, by the way, urologists have botched this procedure in Brazil by injecting it in blood vessels and causing the penis to rot off. I would not go to anyone inexperienced.

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287959242

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well Firstly, Thank you to everyone for all of the replies, Information and different perspectives. It is definitely food for thought.

I would agree that some of the surgeons you may hear about or decide to go to in other countries are now achieving some better results with their injections but I am sure they had plenty of errors that you never heard about before they got popular enough to advertise as well.

To answer the question of why I would go to my brother who does not have the experience in that particular region is simple, He is my brother!
If he did not feel it was safe or know what he was doing, he simply would not do it for me as I asked him years ago about a penis procedure and he told me the outcome is not good and he would not do it.

Secondly, He has been taught and trained in a place that demands a much better ethics of standards and stricter teaching practices (The U.S.A.)
Just as their is a variation difference within academic learning and knowledge received from going to a community college as opposed to attending lets say Yale or Harvard, you can count on a major learning curve when dealing with Doctors from third world countries as opposed to the states.

Also with over 26 years of surgery experience, additional years of micro vessel surgery and laser training throughout residency I feel pretty safe in his hands.

As Omega, Restoration and others have pointed out, I really don\'t need it, but I have never thought of myself as very large and have always thought If it was a little thicker or maybe a Inch or two longer I would feel better.
I agree with many that have dysmorphia or those who say.. It doesn\'t matter what you have because you will always want more. lol

Now for the part that you guys can help with..
I believe he uses Metacril PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) fillers contain 20% tiny PMMA microspheres suspended in 80% purified collagen gel FDA-approved PMMA filler. If that is the case of what he plans to use would that be a good acceptable filler in this day and age?

About myself I am 6ft2 and currently weigh 286 lbs down from 310.
I use to workout like crazy and diet hard just to maintain at 230lbs from my twenty\'s until 36. Then I had a back injury with 3 blown discs and multiple issues that cant be fixed. So now I am in my 40s and I just cant seem to get the weight down or keep it down much.
I will probably see if he will take pity on my fat pad as well. lol
I have fought with my weight forever.

As far as cost goes I am not well off at all like my brother.
I could not normally afford anything so frugal like this.
So I am only paying cost for material through my own insisting.
He originally told me he didn\'t want the money and tried to say it would be a Christmas present.
From what I read surgeons can order 20cc of metacril for around 400.00 usd.

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287959506

Metacrill is 10% or 30% PMMA in a water based carrier that dissipates over 72 hours. You cannot acquire either product in the USA. They are not FDA approved here and the distributors will not sell to Americans. Surgeons in Mexico can order 20cc of Metacrill, but not here.

Bellafill and artefill are 20% PMMA in a collagen carrier that dissipates over 3 months. Any doctor can get these - but the cost is very high per cc. The wholesale price is closer to 600 per cc.

15-20 ccs of 10-20% would give you 1/2\" of added Girth. It\'s hard to be more precise than that.

If you don\'t feel good with 7.5 x 6... I don\'t think 6.5\" Girth is going to change anything.

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287959835

Cool. Good luck. Keep us posted

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287960208

I also think it would be better to lose weight and forget about your penis. Remember results vary tremendously and some guys regret getting PMMA. But your assessment of third world doctors is right on point. If you do move forward it would be much safer to have your brother inject this rather than a doctor in Tijuana Mexico. Is he also treating other guys with PMMA ?

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287961449

@Dobs, you are talking about injecting a Dermal Filler in high quantities here, not complicated surgery, so your reasoning of choosing the US over going else where isn\'t particularly sound. It wouldn\'t be safer for you brother to inject. Experience is key here. Look at the history of PE surgery in the US and then come back and talk about standard of ethics.

Ultimately, in my opinion, it wouldn\'t be ethical for any Dr to inject someone of your size. If you were my brother I wouldn\'t even consider injecting you. There are plenty of members here who know lots about diet and exercise. Losing some weight should be your priority, not having a penis enlargement.

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287965450

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Maybe your right, you have a good point that we never know what will happen long term, and its not like I am under sized anyway.

I think as a man growing up in todays media led image provoked society we all get caught up in the same crap as women do with their weight, hair, makeup or whatever.

We are constantly led to believe that we are not good enough.
Even when we find peace and have a mature reasonable mindset, we still have the interactions with our personal relationships and everyone else\'s views & beliefs pulling on our sub conscious.

The truth is really no one here needs anything!!!
Why does anyone think a 1,2 or3 Inch penis is no good? societies idea of a average? who and why should I care?
Does it feel good to ejaculate? yes!!. Can you pee? Yes!! all over your leg probably but it still works. lol

Our Society has set a norm and value so now anyone without a 5-6 Inch penis is shit, in turn even those ones want more. Who just wants to be average right?

If we were loved for who we are & how we interact with others this idea of penis size would not exist.
Damn you black guys with all your huge cocks that Made us insecure!!Oh wait a minute that\'s media again Lol

But Maybe you guys are right.
And thank you again for your support, Knowledge and insight of your thoughts.
It has made me think a little more realistically.
I think I will probably just ask him do lipo to the mons fat pad and keep trying to control my eating and call it a day.

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287968194

My 2 cents are if you want to be bigger than go for it, but just make sure you\'re prepared for the possible consequences. This is your Dick. There\'s no backup plan. You have what many consider the perfect size, yet that\'s not good enough, so you\'re willing to risk getting injected with a filler that no one really knows how it will last long term. You\'re also risking a possible negative outcome, where even the best aftercare doesn\'t mean you won\'t have issues with uneven distribution, lumps, nodules, leaking, clumps, ridges, etc., etc.. How would you feel about all your future partners wondering if you have a STD because your Dick has bumps, nodules, and is uneven? And finally, the fact is that a PMMA enhanced Dick is just different than a normal Dick. It just looks different and feels different. Someone wrote a really great post regarding the differences between a PMMA enhanced penis, and a natural penis, but I can\'t seem to find it. It should be a sticky.

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1287968394

Dobs wrote: Maybe your right, you have a good point that we never know what will happen long term, and its not like I am under sized anyway.

I think as a man growing up in todays media led image provoked society we all get caught up in the same crap as women do with their weight, hair, makeup or whatever.

We are constantly led to believe that we are not good enough.
Even when we find peace and have a mature reasonable mindset, we still have the interactions with our personal relationships and everyone else\'s views & beliefs pulling on our sub conscious.

The truth is really no one here needs anything!!!
Why does anyone think a 1,2 or3 Inch penis is no good? societies idea of a average? who and why should I care?
Does it feel good to ejaculate? yes!!. Can you pee? Yes!! all over your leg probably but it still works. lol

Our Society has set a norm and value so now anyone without a 5-6 Inch penis is shit, in turn even those ones want more. Who just wants to be average right?

If we were loved for who we are & how we interact with others this idea of penis size would not exist.
Damn you black guys with all your huge cocks that Made us insecure!!Oh wait a minute that\'s media again Lol

But Maybe you guys are right.
And thank you again for your support, Knowledge and insight of your thoughts.
It has made me think a little more realistically.
I think I will probably just ask him do lipo to the mons fat pad and keep trying to control my eating and call it a day.

Dude if your worried about image I\'d take care of my body first before fucking with my Dick in your situation. You can have the biggest Dick in the world but if you look doughy no girl or guy is going to get a chance to see it because you have to ATTRACT them to you first. If your out of shape judging by the amount of fat pad you have the procedure won\'t be worth it. Not saying bigger boned people don\'t get action but it\'s far less. Look at the guy Jonah with the biggest penis in the world. I doubt he\'s banging talk left and right because he doesn\'t look like he takes care of himself.

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Dobs Pmma procedure 9 years 7 months ago #1288057697

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Well after discussing further with my bro he didn\'t really want to give me PMMA as it is not proven safe enough for him to feel comfortable and he does not perform these procedures normally. However I went to visit and discussed some other ideas like the FFT injection. at first he was not sure but after a couple days he read up on it and said he felt comfortable because it is very safe and very low chance of infections. Great , But as usual His pain in the ass baby bro wants better results and has to push him to use his 33 years exp ( not 27 as I previously thought and stated) Now I said I have been learning a lot abot the benefits of injecting a cross mix solution of prp (platlet rich Plasma) which is proven to build a fiborious network around the fat and tissue to supply better blood flow which in turn gives long lasting if not permanent gains to adipose cells.. So another day for his research and big bro breaks out the centrifuge, Keep in mind these are way cheaper because using my fat and my blood is the safest , cheapest and possibly best option for some nice gains.

sooo. Yup I did it 5 days ago, no prob, no pain at all during the injecting of penis and just measured Flaccid middle Girth at 6 inches . I also had him lipo the mons pubis under local in office and that was uncomfortable and he said if I was under he could have took more out but I did not tolerate it well. so he took a about a Inch off.
Anyway I will eventually post some pics and keep you guys posted.
ohh. I was going to do a glans enhancement with prp and juvaderm or restylyn but he said lets watch one area before screwing around with another.

He is very good and has a mensa iq so I trusted his judgement but I did see him make a face at one point while working where I saw him pull his lip sideways and look as if he was working out a map almost as if he was saying in his head ,,, Ok the veins are here and the dermis layer is there and I am running the gun up to the shaft to point a at degree b . lmao but he did great an it looks and feels fine.

oh one side note I hae been getting erections easier and firmer than before, not sure if the mons pubis lipo helped or the addition of prp? because he did not inject the platlet rich plasma into the corpus canervosa, but I thaink that would be the best addition to this type of surgery in my opinion of what I have learned.
I always say I learned something if I did not go to school and have adegree in the field. I believe using the words research should be reserved for those that have a deep understanding of how all aspects work and effect. we to often hear a couple things and read a lot but don\'t truly have the understanding that comes from years of learning and hands on that educated field specialist do.

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