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TOPIC: Taking the plunge!

Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286153627

Hey all,

I\'ve done some creeping for the last year or so and I finally set up the procedure with Dr. C for the Girth enhancement about a month ago. My procedure is today, and I\'m equal parts nervous and excited as I\'m sure most of you have felt the same haha. My starting stats are:

El: 6.25 - 6.5 in
EG: 4.5 upper half and 4.25-4.5 lower half

What I\'m hoping to do is get as much Girth as possible and fix aesthetic issues later on. I\'m shooting to gain an Inch in lower half and tapering out through the rest. I\'ll attach some before pics at the end.

A little bit about me is that I\'m in my lower 20\'s, just graduated college, and have always suffered growing up thinking about my Dick size. I didn\'t lose my virginity until I was 19 because it bothered me so much. That\'s not to say I haven\'t been quite a few since, but I have never felt adequate in the bedroom. I\'m currently seeing a guy that doesn\'t know I\'m doing this, but I\'m hoping things turn out well in the end.

Over the last year I started experiencing Girth size loss in penis. This was absolutely horrifying to me since I already felt inadequate to begin with. Well, after a year and countless Urologist, doctor, and other visits they still couldn\'t tell me anything. I went from being 4.75 on my base to the about 4.25 it is currently. I don\'t know what was going on and neither did anyone else, but I\'m trying not to let that control my every thought throughout my days. I decided to do this Girth procedure to hopefully gain peace of mind with myself.

Sorry for the long post, but I thought I should share a little about myself. I actually was planning on not documenting it at all until just about 10 minutes ago. I do want to thank everyone for all the time and energy you guys put into this forum along with the copious amounts of support.

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286154385

Good luck bud! Make sure to update us on your progress. Remember, swelling... then loss, then regrowth. =p

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286155624

good luck

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286156440

Hope it works out for you bro. You look like a decent candidate for PMMA. Remember your aftercare.

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286158606

So I\'m currently in the Grand Hotel, and man my Dick is sore. I hope that\'s fairly normal for most people. I\'ve been trying to massage it about every hour, and even went back to visit Wade so he could show me how to do it best again. Other than that they said everything looks good and normal.

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286158737

How long are the entry points oozing for normally?

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286159144

Mine wept for 2-3 days on round 2

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286159745

Is it normal to be very, very sore towards the base of the penis. As in it hurts too much to touch?

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286159786

Entry points can ooze for as many as 3-4 days. Try to keep the area sanitized. Soreness & mild pain isn\'t unusual, but it shouldn\'t be extreme pain. On a pain scale of 1-10, how would you describe the base area?

Good luck.

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286159803

I would say it\'s so sharp to the touch that it\'s at a 7. I\'m very worried about it. It\'s a thick ring going around the base of my penis and it\'s very, very sore.

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286165192

Mine oozed for 5-7 days.

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286165336

What\'s up dude. I\'m at the grand too. Let\'s grab lunch or somethin. U can text me 201-285-2545

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286165747

Dude don\'t put your phone number on a post!!!! lol

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286166743

U really think that\'s my phone number?
It\'s a text free account that I won\'t use after this weekend.

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Taking the plunge! 10 years 3 weeks ago #1286174872

Glad u decided to participate on the board. All best and keep us posted.

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