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TOPIC: Cernunnos PMMA progress report

Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284101577

Hello Gents,

This is my first post as previously I was a total lurker reading and not contributing. I really appreciate all of the posts relating each member\'s (no pun intended) personal journey. I feel it only fair to share mine as this forum has given me the fortitude needed to follow my own path.

Like many others on here, I have suffered from personal image issues. I have never physically had any complaints from women and post divorce women 10 years younger (I am 38) are all over me and tell me the sex is great. BUT...when you already have self doubt and low self esteem in regards to anatomy it can make even the best sex seem lacking.

I am a typical case of retraction, where I show way worse than I am fully Erect. In bed this is not a huge issue since at 6.5\" EL and 4.5\" EG I am just below average. My main issue stems as far back as childhood where in a communal shower situation I was teased about my Flaccid size. I have carried this with me for a very long time.

I was in a 17 year relationship that towards the end turned into a sexless marriage and later found out about multiple affairs during a time where I was completely faithful. The combination of having to become an independent person after a long relationship (I hadn\'t gone on a first date since I was 19) and my preexisting shame of my size (porn is not great for that) made it very difficult to feel I was truly able to please a partner.

It certainly doesn\'t help that I have weirdo friends who like to go camping in remote locations and go skinny dipping/clothing optional hangouts. I usually am one of two guys who does not take off his swim trunks; at least not in cold mountain river water!

I felt like I had done so many accomplishments in life and after 3 college degrees, a great engineering job and a new start in life, yet one thing was holding me back. The confidence that comes from feeling ok with my own body.

I decided to go to Dr. C at Avanti Derma and just completed round 1 two days ago. First off I have to say that the staff there has done everything possible to make me feel at home and to take care of my needs. I showed up the day of the appointment and was so nervous I didn\'t eat. Wade had them go down and get some juice and a burrito for me. He refused my attempt to pay for it.

For me my goals are modest. I am not looking to have the hugest Cock around but rather want enough enhancement that I feel I am at least average compared to a partner\'s previous experience and to feel uninhibited in my own skin. For me the psychological gain is the most important. I am tired of having to carry my shame around with me; regardless if it is valid in a relative sense, for me it was too much.

OK no more poor me stories. This is about my new self and the happiness I am progressing towards.

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284101643


I\'m sure i can speak for plenty of us here when i say your reasons for being here are very familiar to us.
Great to hear your round one went well.

how much filler did you get? how are things shaping up?

I\'m a Dr. N Prague guy, so i cant offer any advice on the particulars of after care with Dr C, but i\'m sure someone will chime in if you need any info.

all I will add, is, take care of it, don\'t go throttling it do death in a massive jerk session, or find the nearest available slot to try it out in.

good luck and keep us posted.

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284101737


Sorry still trying to navigate the reply tools I thought I made a second post.

I got 21cc of 30% and 6cc of 10%.

My pre-procedure stats:

6.5\" EL, 4.5\" EG, 3.73\" FL, 4\" FG.

I haven\'t measured post procedure since I know most size is just swelling etc.

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284101755

Pre-procedure photos

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284101787

Early days but looking great so far, do whatever dr C et al told you I guess. good luck bro

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284101849

OK last posts for the afternoon. I have a journal publication that needs to be finished (damn I just want a beer and to sit in the sun). Here is my round 1 day before and after photos.

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284102491

Looking good. You\'re already above average length so couple of PMMA rounds and your gonna have a monster down there.

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284117088

Yeah seriously. Your testicles are huge too. Jealous of that. Anyway, you\'re probably above average to start with. 6.5 is at the least conservative estimate the upper end of average length, and 4.5 the lower end of average Girth. I saw a post on lpsg about measured porn stars that really opened my mind. Most of those guys are 6.5-7.5 in length. So feel good about yourself. If the surgery goes well and you come out with a 6.5x5.something Dick you\'ll be porn star size! Can you believe it? Good luck and keep us updated!

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284117111

Just got home this afternoon and after 72hrs the entry points seem to be closed up. There is a slight divot near one of them and I tried to work material near it but to no avail, so I thin this may be a good touch up area, but perhaps it will resolve. Has anyone seen a similar issue?

I notice that one side had a slightly longer time for entry point healing in general than the other and the entry points were less pronounced on the one side. Perhaps one side is easier or the cannula tip can dull through the process? In either event it is subtle and not a worry I think.

I have a bit of a bruise near the circ ring on the extra skin, I think I must have hurt its feelings with the stretcher. I haven\'t used one before so I may need to loosen it or be more careful with the tip cup install. (ESL40).

Alll in all I think I am really pleased so far.

So far FG went from 4\" to 5\". I am curious if 30% is PMMA and the rest carrier fluid how that relates to collagen growth

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284117211

Just wanted to add, thanks guys the support of the group is pretty awesome. I always thought I was too short and getting over that is taking time. It was only until I discussed it with a friend who presents well and is somewhat of a lothario that I found out I was a an Inch longer than him (but he is girthy by his admission which makes sense) and reading here that I realize the true average ranges. That alone eased a fair amount of anxiety.

But really I would rather be banging the walls and not trying to knock the bottom out of it if you know what I mean.

And nohidingstyle you crack me the fuck up. Yes big Balls, super great for accidentally dunking in toilet water and if they hang lower than your tip you get to piss on them if your aren\'t careful. But in doggy style they can serve as a clit blaster...And thanks for the info on porn star rods I would never have known.

I am just preparing myself for the psychological setback from the initial fluid loss. But also stoked to watch as time progresses. I can\'t say enough for what the procedure is doing for my self confidence.

Thanks again guys.

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284177759

So today was an interesting day. I woke up and felt that my size had shrunk to the smallest post op. Them worked all day, thinking my shaft was itching slightly.

When I went to the bathroom later in the day my Dick was huge (relative). Its like the collagen just kicked in. I measured and I am 5.5 MSEG, 5.25 EG at circ. I need to fill in near the circ and maybe the base. Basically looking to get 5.5 even.

But yeah super stoked!

EL is around 6\" so I probably need to stretch to get back my .5\"

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284193436

Thanks for sharing your experience. I was hoping to go see Dr. C this December, but it looks like March is going to be more realistic for me. PLEASE keep us updated. I can\'t stress how valuable this information is to those of us considering the procedure!

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 10 years 6 months ago #1284212076

At 11 days out I am pretty pleased with my gains. It has given me a bit of swagger and definitely improves confidence. I won\'t get to see my girl friend until October which is a blessing and a curse.

Obviously I want to play with my new size. it has totally firmed up and is stable. The EQ seems better at this point, although I think things are supposed to soften in time. It is much heavier and denser Flaccid or otherwise.

I am also stoked to have the healing time. The ligament is a bit sore (I am stretching also). and most importantly the entry points are forming bumps and are hard. The loos skin at the circ is a little puffy and leaves a slight ridge when Erect. The base to neck tapers which is not bad for my glans.

I definitely will go back and have the area just below the circ scar filled in and the based as well. Dr. C. and Wade both mentioned that this area was a trouble spot for me and probably would require a second round. So they spotted it before round 1. I think with it filled in it should be right where I wanted and some. Basically the ridge at the circ and the midsection provide filling stopping barriers.

I am using pregnancy stretch mark creme to make the skin mor elastic. The area below the circ is taught and I want to stretch and soften the skin before they touch up.

I wanted to be at 5-5.25\" from my 4.5\" so the fact that I am 5.5\"MSEG is awesome. I am worried about going overboard on round two and think I will make it more of an aesthetic trip, not looking to get more for now. I mean and Inch???

I am going to email wade and see what he says about the entry points. I don\'t want to have to explain them to my lady nor do I want to look like a caterpillar etc.

For me this has been wholly positive experience.

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Cernunnos PMMA progress report 8 years 9 months ago #1292303764

Hey, how\'s it going?

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