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TOPIC: PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow

PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284068175

  • zzkgy
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Hi everyone, I just arrived at Tj this afternoon and going to have my first PMMA procedure with Dr.C tomorrow at 11:00. God I am excited and nervous, after 1 year of research, now its going to be the day. I am staying at the Grand Hotel and will keep you guys up with my result tomorrow after the procedure. Wish me best luck.

Pre op stats:
EL: 5.7\'\' EG: 3.85\'\'

EL: 5.7\'\' EG: 4.4\'\'

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284069054

Best of luck zzkgy. I remember that feeling of nerves and excitement very well indeed.

You\'re in safe hands, enjoy the ride...

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284070795

Good luck sir. The more reports the better. Keep us updated.

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284080067

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Get it done this morning, the process was pretty smooth, Dr.C and Wade are super nice and everything went well so far.
So I got 12cc*30% and 6cc*10% in total. The 30% was mainly used for the base as I mentioned it to the Dr that the base is thinner than the rest, and he suggested using 30% there and 10% on the rest. The procedure is almost painless. The only time of pain is the 4 numb shots, 2 on each side of the fat pad; and after that the little thing is completely numb and can\'t feel any pain or discomfort. The procedure took around 1 hour, and they took some pictures and talked over the post op cares and I was able to walk back to the hotel with no problem. Now its almost 10 hour after the procedure, there were bruising on the one of the injection point, and there is a ring right below the glans(they said its just water and will be absorbed given some time, I am not too worry about this as I saw many people here who had same problem 1 or 2 days after the surgery). Other than that, there wasn\'t much swelling, and no pain or discomfort on the penis. I do not have any post-op stats at this point(did not carry any tool for measuring, but it definitely looks thicker and a lot more heavier) and I will upload some photo after a few days when things are more stabilized. I am now going for another massage before sleep and good luck to everyone!

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284082410

Glad all was smooth. I think aftercare is pretty crucial. Be sure to follow Dr. C and Wade\'s instructions. All best to you.

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284085460

Good luck w/ the aftercare. it\'s important to massage & stretch. Keep us posted on your size gain. Some people have had smaller gains lately - but they said they got some new PMMA in so I\'m curious if you gain more.

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284099560

Good to see they\'re using smaller amounts than they use to. All the best.

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284100103

Smaller amounts aren\'t necessarily complication free... which was my assumption going for only 15cc 30% (plus two more cc later). I still have some lumps and ridges...and the circ scar gap. And, after all that I only gained 0.25, so I would\'ve let them give me 20+ if I had it to do over again...I think. Though, who knows - it could\'ve been worse. It looks okay now, just not thrilled w/ 0.25 after all that.

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284101773

Restoration wrote: Smaller amounts aren\'t necessarily complication free... which was my assumption going for only 15cc 30% (plus two more cc later). I still have some lumps and ridges...and the circ scar gap. And, after all that I only gained 0.25, so I would\'ve let them give me 20+ if I had it to do over again...I think. Though, who knows - it could\'ve been worse. It looks okay now, just not thrilled w/ 0.25 after all that.

Agree with that,

I had 15cc 30% round one, and whilst i had no nodules or ridges it was pretty uneven when it finally settled. but like Resto says, you just cant know why, if they only put 10cc would my results have been better? who knows. it seems sometimes PMMA gets injected in, and some lucky guy says yep, it looks and feels exactly like before, but its bigger. whilst other guys will get nodules, ridges, uneveness etc etc. the not knowing is frustrating to say the least. big respect to the likes of Briceb who are attempting to collate this data and find out just what the hell is what.

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284115454

I\'m scheduled for PMMA with Dr.C next week. You said you experienced some bruising and swelling? What was the pain like later after the procedure? Mild or borderline unbearable? Any increased pain with erections or urination? Just want to know what to expect so I can be mentally prepared. Thanks!

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284115621

PMMA will change the feeling of one\'s penis, guaranteed!!!! to what degree depends on many factors including how fuss one is about the feel of their penis. In my opinion, your penis will never feel EXACTLY like it felt before TWO sessions or more...Thin about it, you are trying to change your penis and that is exactly what you get. IT DOES NOT mean it will change to a bad or good state, but it will change.

If one reads most of the posts here, one can reach their own conclusion. I just wanted to share with new patients how I perceive this PMMA thing.

Having said that, in my case, my unit feels totally different than pre-op and I am accepting this fact and am happy with the results because my expectations were adjusted and I love my penis now.

So, read the many posts here and make your own conclusions and you are the one who will make the final decisions....

Good luck to us PMMA crazy guys......

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284115661

By change the feeling what do you mean? Sexual sensation? Aesthetics?

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284116374

FOR ME, there was a change of feel of the penis when Flaccid and when Erect (OK for me), of course there is a huge physical look and change in aesthetics too.

Probably, the Aesthetics issue is the biggest concern for many..

The sexual feeings for me have been better due to the extra friction...

The changes in the reactions and the pleasures of women to the increase in Girth has been nothing but spectacular...Again for me...

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 6 months ago #1284117284

Addressing the volume of use issue, I think that a good metric for how much to use would be the desired PMMA layer thickness after carrier fluid is adsorbed, prior to collagen growth. And this amount would vary based on initial patient size or surface area over which to distribute. Obviously for different concentrations the layer thickness also varies. My point is basically the doctor is trying to achieve a particular even distribution based on each person the amount needed varies. And how aggressive the approach is based on the patients goals. Basically a lot os hand waving.

But I think for guys who have done multiple rounds they could come up with a correlation between starting surface area and material and final collagen growth to determine their collagen growth response to concentration.

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PMMA Procedure with Dr.C tomorrow 10 years 5 months ago #1284247404

Just got back from Dr. C, can\'t say enough about how pleased I am with everything. Amazing staff, and I am completely blown away with the results so far. I\'ll get some pics but it\'s a completely different penis. Wish I would have done this long ago. Not only does it look so much fuller but my Flaccid length is easily an extra 2\". Very satisfied. I was worried about the pain but it was completely painless other than the numbing shot. It\'s all about the after care though if u want the best results. If ur not willing to follow thru with their after care instructions don\'t waste your time but if ur like me and follow by the book you should be extremely happy. Can\'t wait to use it now!

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