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TOPIC: Puell75 PMMA Progress Report

Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1283387398

Hi all. Great board. First, just want to say thanks to all who have reported their journey. I have learned so much and enjoyed reading many progress reports. I am going to see Dr. C early next week for PMMA, and will post pre procedure stats over the weekend.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1283392609

Good luck! Keep us posted.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 8 months ago #1283396735

Thanks BTB. Pre measurement are nbpel 5.25. BPEL. About 6.0
EG 4.6.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283546132

Hi All,
First, I must apologize because I was too nervous before procedure to get an Erection for pre procedure pics. Must have watched hour of internet porn to no avail. I guess I am getting old. I will try to retrieve the one I sent to Dr. C and get that up with some post pics. Today is 1 week from procedure and I think my experience is close to the others I have read except right now I am bit disappointed in results. I must say Dr. C and Wade are great. They really make you feel comfortable and relaxed. I was still nervous as hell getting naked in front of few guys and have them taking pictures of my junk. Also, I think others have posted that they have pain around ligament at base and I am still pretty tender at the base and at ligament, not bad but tender, especially when any downward pressure is on penis. I also may have lost some length but not much and it really may be just some swelling at base making it look shorter.
I am really quite happy with aesthetics, I got pretty pronounced indentation at circ scar area but Wade put sleeve on and it is there but not bad. I think when you retract, where ever your penis wrinkles is where you will have issues with that. Funny, because I told them I wanted them to be pretty aggressive, that I really wanted to gain some size and aesthetics weren\'t really a concern, so of course I think my results right now look good but my gains are minimal. I got 26 cc\'s, 20 at 30 percent and 6 at 10 percent. I have been watching my Dick shrink almost back to original size over the last 3 days, so I am pretty discouraged right now. I actually had light sex with wife last night and she couldn\'t tell anything was done, and keep in mind she doesn\'t know I got the procedure. I know many people think you should tell significant other and I have good marriage, but there are no guarantees in life and if in 10 years something happens and we get a divorce and she told anyone I would never forgive myself for not keeping my mouth shut. I measured on Saturday and had barely .5 Inch gain which has visually gone done even some more. I am really hoping collagen growth starts, because honestly, for about $3000.00 including travel costs if my wife can\'t tell it is bigger than I don\'t think it is worth it. I am hoping to take measurements today and some pics if I get any privacy at office today, then I will post the stats today.
Best wishes to everyone.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283547527

Puell75 wrote: Hi All,
First, I must apologize because I was too nervous before procedure to get an Erection for pre procedure pics. Must have watched hour of internet porn to no avail. I guess I am getting old. I will try to retrieve the one I sent to Dr. C and get that up with some post pics. Today is 1 week from procedure and I think my experience is close to the others I have read except right now I am bit disappointed in results. I must say Dr. C and Wade are great. They really make you feel comfortable and relaxed. I was still nervous as hell getting naked in front of few guys and have them taking pictures of my junk. Also, I think others have posted that they have pain around ligament at base and I am still pretty tender at the base and at ligament, not bad but tender, especially when any downward pressure is on penis. I also may have lost some length but not much and it really may be just some swelling at base making it look shorter.
I am really quite happy with aesthetics, I got pretty pronounced indentation at circ scar area but Wade put sleeve on and it is there but not bad. I think when you retract, where ever your penis wrinkles is where you will have issues with that. Funny, because I told them I wanted them to be pretty aggressive, that I really wanted to gain some size and aesthetics weren\'t really a concern, so of course I think my results right now look good but my gains are minimal. I got 26 cc\'s, 20 at 30 percent and 6 at 10 percent. I have been watching my Dick shrink almost back to original size over the last 3 days, so I am pretty discouraged right now. I actually had light sex with wife last night and she couldn\'t tell anything was done, and keep in mind she doesn\'t know I got the procedure. I know many people think you should tell significant other and I have good marriage, but there are no guarantees in life and if in 10 years something happens and we get a divorce and she told anyone I would never forgive myself for not keeping my mouth shut. I measured on Saturday and had barely .5 Inch gain which has visually gone done even some more. I am really hoping collagen growth starts, because honestly, for about $3000.00 including travel costs if my wife can\'t tell it is bigger than I don\'t think it is worth it. I am hoping to take measurements today and some pics if I get any privacy at office today, then I will post the stats today.
Best wishes to everyone.

Thanks for the detailed update, P. Try not to be discouraged, it seems like par for the course to lose almost all, if not all of your gains in the first week or two, and then it comes back. From all of the logs I have read it seems that if you measure size with post-op swelling, and measure 10 days post-op, your results after 6-8 weeks seems to fall between the two. I know that sounds like some \"voodoo math with pseudo-science\"... and maybe it is. But most of the logs of this procedure that I have read have followed that basic formula.
Keep us updated.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283548570

BTB, thanks for the encouraging words. I do remember reading about losing some at first, but I just didn\'t recall that many people reporting losing almost all original gains at first. I am just going to be patient and wait for the growth to kick in! I will get some pics up as soon as I get opportunity.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283548898

Good luck and take it from me, it\'s much better to be disappointed with size gain, than devastated by deformation.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283549059

hoddle10 wrote: Good luck and take it from me, it\'s much better to be disappointed with size gain, than devastated by deformation.

Truer words may have never been spoken.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283552024

It will probably come back, give it a little while. I reached a low point at 10 days, nearly back to real size, then it\'s come back maybe 2/10ths an Inch in the last few days. We were almost the same size and you had 3.5 more CCs of 30% than i did, so i\'d give it a little while.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283553165

Very true Hoddle. Glad to hear you are having similar experience Booked. Thanks for posting. I\'m going to be patient and chill. It was little disappointing wife noticed nothing, but I wasn\'t surprised as I saw it going back to original size. I got a chance to quickly measure so not super accurate but was at 4.7 with pretty weak Erection. Slightly above original. I will get pics up but really tough getting privacy with kids around and wifey.
Take care

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283604103

Ok, this is my 11 day post PMMA update. I have lost .25 Inch in length and I am at 4.7 Girth for .1 Inch gain. I need to be patient but I did email Wade asking about typical time lines for growth as they never told me what to expect and I never asked. Regret that one. Also, Booked, I if you read this does the ESL you use have the silicone cup that attaches to the glans? Is storage issue fixed so we can upload pics?
Thanks everyone for all the help.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283615338

Yep, that\'s the one. send me a PM if you have any trouble with it.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283621766

Thanks for getting back to me. I will PM you if I have any trouble with it.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283648354

Day 15 update. I am rather devastated. I believe I am first To get PMMA and actually end up with smaller Dick than before PMMA. I have lost little over .25 Inch in length and only gained .1 to .2 in Girth. I don\'t know why my body did not respond. I gave my medications to Dr C and he said they were fine. I, like many on this board have issues with my penis size so I am really feeling down right now. I am going to attempt to upload pics. The first pic is the one I sent to Wade and Dr C. It is only semi Erect as it was best I could do being nervous. The second is from this morning and it is about 80 percent Erect. Better than first but rather weak Erection. Ok, it keeps saying exceeding storage limit. I can\'t figure out how to resize the pics so I will keep working on it. Downloaded app to resize and still exceeding storage limit so that issue must still be going on. Sorry guys, I will upload pics as soon as their is storage room.

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Puell75 PMMA Progress Report 10 years 7 months ago #1283650143

I know this sucks right now, but from your own statement you are not getting rock hard erections . This in its self would explain small gains or even lose in length . Try to relax, maybe take a Viagra get a real hard Erection and then measure. We never measure our dicks when they are half hard unless it is when we are freaking out about not getting gains. Even though the growth is slow out of the gate, based on all other threads you will make some gains. Good luck, but mostly relax.

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