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TOPIC: Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything..

Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 8 months ago #1283346484

I just had the lengthening procedure done on Friday with Dr. Rosenthal. I have my follow up this morning, and head home tomorrow. So far it\'s been easy, with the hardest part being the IV (I hate needles). Of course we all know the real work is ahead of me.

I mentioned in another thread how I used to hang and had my BPEL to about 7 inches. Well, I\'ve lost most if not all of those gains. My pre-op measurements were:
4 inches Flaccid length
4.5 inches Flaccid width
5.5 inches Erect length
5 Inches Erect width

Basically, add .5 inches for BP measurements.

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 8 months ago #1283347537

Just got the suction bulb taken out. Gonna get some rest today, and catch the train back home tomorrow.

Saw another guy there today for his follow up. Poor guy was there to fix a botched Phalloplasty done overseas. Had the fat transfer that he said left his with scars and an uneven penis. Not sure how his procedure went, but wanted to wish this guy the best of luck.

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 8 months ago #1283349050

Thanks sfdude. Hope all goes well. Keep us apprised'.Godspeed.

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 8 months ago #1283357702

Congrats dude, when he pulled that suction tube out it hurt like a bitch!. Did he promote the grip stretching device? I think they may get a kickback from them.
I think your lost gains will bounce back really quick, like a month. then the work starts. and keep your incision clean and dry, dont touch it with your fingers or ever pick the scabs, you will only make you scar worse.

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 8 months ago #1283386375

So glad I saw this thread. Really looking at this same doctor for lig cut myself. Thanks for logging!

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 8 months ago #1283392547

It\'s healing well, and I already took a shower with the dressing. I know the doctor recommended waiting a month, but I think that\'s overkill for just lengthening. The general recommendations for similar incisions (tummy tuck, c-section) are to shower in days, not weeks. Anyways, I think I\'ll be ok, since the site remained dry because of the dressing. And I\'m still taking the antibiotics.

The incision is already looking to be healing to be just a \"fine line\". Little doubt that it will nearly unnoticeable after my pubes grow back.

The only problem I have is that my friend, who does not know about the procedure, has invited 3 young Thai girls to visit next weekend. Timing is always bad, it seems

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 8 months ago #1283393792

As my posts mentioned take it slow on Hanging as the healing internally takes time.. Hanging will be felt in the scar area... Take your time! good luck

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 8 months ago #1283399248

Good advice

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 8 months ago #1283433817

Thanks for reporting & happy healing. Lengthening reports are far and few and we could use all the honest testimony regarding this subject matter, again, thanks

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 8 months ago #1283448631

10 days out and everything is looking good. The wound from the drain incision stopped leaking after 4-5 days, and I stopped wearing the dressing about a day or two afterwards. My real concern at that point was that it might get irritated, but I was just lounging in PJs this weekend. And actually, the dressing was starting to irritate my skin around the incision, so I think it was a good decision to remove it. I still take it easy in the shower, making sure not to agitate the area.

It\'s itching a bit, like a typical healing wound, but no pain at all. In fact, the only pain so far as been to my wallet

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 7 months ago #1283616629

So, how are you doing so far? your about 3 weeks post op now, what Hanger did you buy?

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 7 months ago #1283617020

It\'s going well. I started Hanging with the LG Hanger yesterday. Did about 2 hours yesterday, and I\'m about to do my last Hanging session for today. It\'s much easier than the Bib, though I\'m only Hanging 5 lbs for now. We\'ll see how comfortable it is as the weight increases. Earlier I hung for 45 min with no problem. I also tried the stealth innerwear, which was just \"ok\".

Also, I started applying scaraway last week.

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 7 months ago #1283621629

About the LG Hanger: I like that there is no wrapping required yet (though I will have to wrap when the weight increases), and that it\'s pretty quick to to put on correctly. With the Bib, sometimes it took a few attempts to to get it on right. Also, when Hanging BTC the Bib would have the bolts digging into your cheeks, so the LG seems more comfortable in that regard. Walking around may be a bit easier too. I will say the Bib felt more secure; even at 5lbs, I have to reassure myself that the LG won\'t slip off.

So far, I\'m Hanging straight down and BTC. I kinda do my warm-ups SD, and then do mostly BTC afterwards. The challenges I see are just finding the place and time to get all the sets in. My GF knew about the procedure, but doesn\'t really ask questions. So, her \"what\'s that contraption?\" was satisfied with me saying\" I need to start traction today. It was a little awkward with her in the room, but I\'m over it now. Good thing is that she has a thick robe that I\'d use occasionally, and it completely covers the Hanger and the you can walk around the house without looking so weird

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 7 months ago #1283684240

SF, when you start going up in weight, get some of that cohesive tape, it sticks to itself but not to your skin, I even double up a strip that I wrap length wise over my glans
to keep from getting blisters. Do you have a vacuum pump with a gauge? with a gauge you can monitor the vacuum and give it a pump or 2 if needed during your session.

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Ask a guy who just had the lengthening procedure with Rosenthal anything.. 10 years 7 months ago #1283711853

Thanks. I have the tape, and will start using it as I move up in weight, maybe the end of this week. I\'m still Hanging 5 lbs, and will be moving up to 6 later today. As we all know, time is the hardest part. I\'ve been planning on 2 hours a day, split between morning and night. Reality is that I get around 30 min in the morning, 30-45 in the afternoon, and another 30-45 before I sleep. I did pull the extender out over the weekend. It will never replace the LG Hanger, but I used it for an hour here and there. It is comfortable, and keeps me stretched to within 1/8 of an Inch of my max stretch....would be a great ADS, if I thought I could conceal it.

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