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TOPIC: Bonehead's Progress

Bonehead's Progress 10 years 8 months ago #1283237841

Hey all. I posted of my PLGA scaffold experience in Serbia with Miro on V1. Can\'t find it on V2, here\'s a summary:

August 2009

No complications, small EG gain.

Decemeber 2010

Scrotal tissue method, as detailed in various successful PLGA \"studies\". Scaffolds too narrow and long, become deformed. Necrosis under the glans, loss of some Foreskin. Skin opens mid-shaft with scaffold visible. Miro instructs me to go home, you\'re fine, it will heal. I say no. Stay 6 weeks. Mid-shaft skin doesn\'t heal. Miro removes top right section of scaffold, and surrounding tissue, Circumcision, performs a free graft and flap procedure. It looks likely to heal so I leave. Miro says start pumping in 2 weeks. His slightly more honest assistant Vladimir corrects him and says 3.

Back in OZ. Free graft healing ok, everything attached. Top section of free graft detaches. Can\'t stretch or pump while it heals. 1 year passes. Fluid build-up under glans. Realise scaffolds still in tact.

Today is 3.5 years since I left Serbia. Still stretching, wrapping, scaffolds still gradually dissolving. Unit looks surprisingly ok, scarring along right of shaft, Circumcision looks a bit overzealous, but nothing to cry about. Never contacted Miro again, and never heard from him.

Gave up on PE until a few days ago, when I decided to see what\'s around. Now seriously considering PMMA, but not sure I\'m a suitable candidate, given the scar tissue. Have contacted Dr C to see what he thinks. If I did go ahead I would take it slow with multiple low volume injections.

Went to a Urologist recently who said I was lucky to make it out of Serbia alive.

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Bonehead's Progress 10 years 8 months ago #1283238132

And by the way, just found and read some of the V1 thread. Sorry for leaving people wondering like that. Talking about the experience became too much to deal with, I just wanted to forget about it. I guess that\'s the mindset of many guys who disappear or never post after complications. Will do the right thing by all in future.

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Bonehead's Progress 10 years 8 months ago #1283242167

Hey Bonehead, thanks for updating. I remember your story well. I actually emailed you a couple of times.

Did you actually gain anything from the second surgery? Seeing as the scaffold are still there to some extent, I\'d imagine you must of actually gained, even if it might not be permanent.

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Bonehead's Progress 10 years 8 months ago #1283243552

Hi Hoddle. There\'s a gain of 0.25\" under the glans, where a portion of the scaffold was removed oddly enough. But no gain further down. When squeezing along the length of the spongiosum, I can feel a slight \"cutting\" pain, indicating there\'s still material in there and it\'s proving very tough to shift, and possibly compressing shaft Girth. I\'ve spent long periods doing no exercises expecting the scaffold to simply resolve on its own. Lately I have been more aggressive with pumping, trying multiple pumps of different shapes sizes and bases, attempting to put pressure on all the areas a single pump won\'t. I\'m sure it will all come together eventually.

Thanks to you and others for helping me back those years ago, truly dark days, I was lucky, all things considered. Excited about PMMA, great to see so many positive documented results in my absence.

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Bonehead's Progress 10 years 8 months ago #1283247106

I think if I ever had any surgery with more than an injection point I\'d never pump again.

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Bonehead's Progress 10 years 8 months ago #1283272077

Bonehead you had me worried! A blast from the past and glad to hear your penis survived that whole ordeal.

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Bonehead's Progress 10 years 7 months ago #1283283325

Thanks Skeptical One. Hopefully it survives PMMA. Putting that course of action on hold for a while until I deal with these scaffolds once and for all.

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Bonehead's Progress 10 years 1 month ago #1285609636

Hey guys, time for an update. Now over four years since the second round of scaffolds were implanted and while there is progress they have still not dissolved. Pumping and ADS wasn\'t working so about 4-5 months ago, I began a vigorous manual stretching routine, and the scaffs finally started breaking up. The top layers of skin seemed adhered to the scaffs and I have gradually \"sheared\" them away. I will continue doing this for up to another 6 months, and will see a surgeon about possible degloving if I\'m still having issues. What\'s in there isn\'t hindering me physically anymore, but obviously I want it gone. Was very keen for PPMA, but now doubtful I\'ll be in the mood to deal with more potential issues when this bonehead scaffold marathon is over. Cheers.

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Bonehead's Progress 10 years 1 month ago #1285768364

hey bonehaed, sorry to hear about your issues with the scaffs. I was tempted to go down this path myself about 2 years ago, but I decided that the gains were exaggerated and that I would most likely not end up with much. It sounds like I probably avoided many of the problems you\'ve had to deal with.

I really hope things get better for you and you get to the point where the scaff marathon is over. PMMA may still be an option for you, just get plenty of advice about it. PMMA certainly seems to be the best non-invasive procedure that has the least problems/complications. I also hope you don\'t have to be de-gloved a second time. Best wishes.

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