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TOPIC: After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16

After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 9 months ago #1283091891

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After my first procedure with Dr. C I had some aesthetic issues I was unhappy with. I have pictures in another thread. I had a second procedure to fix those issues with a different doctor in South Korea using Lipen-PMMA product. After the second procedure, some areas were improved but it was still not how I wanted it aesthetically. I had a third procedure 12 days ago and I\'m starting to get worried. I have now spent over $7,000 all together and it looks like I\'ll need another procedure... I do not want to add any Girth, I just want a smoother penis. I\'m thinking about going back to Dr. C for the fourth and hopefully final procedure. This has been very stressful ever since I started and hope I can someday move on with my life.

Here are pictures after 12 days from my 3rd procedure of 4 x 3.2ml syringes of Lipen PMMA

1st Procedure - 26cc 30% and 10% Dr. C ($2,500)

2nd Procedure - 4 x 3.2ml Lipen(12.8cc) 15% PMMA 80% Dextran Dr. Cho ($2,400)

3rd Procedure - 4 x 3.2ml Lipen(12.8cc) 15% PMMA 80% Dextran Dr. Cho ($2,400)

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 9 months ago #1283097494

Do you know the percentage of the other 2 procedures, cause i know your first was 30%. Ever since 30% become the norm, it seems more and more people are having issues. I wonder if this why Dr N insists on using 10 cc per session. I remember when people we having 10% like 2 years ago there seemed to be less complications even tho the gain were not as great.

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 9 months ago #1283100767

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I believe doing it slower like Dr. N will result in a better final outcome. If I could do it again that\'s exactly how I would do it. This procedure is rarely one and done so it makes no sense to fill it as much is possible the first time and risk deformation. Some people are lucky and it works out fine but it\'s not worth the risk. I updated the percentage of PMMA. It is different product than Metacrill and has 15%PMMA and 80% Dextran.

I just went back and re-read a post from coolhandluke and I\'m going to relax now and be happy with where I\'m at it just give it more time to settle. It still looks and feels better than after my first procedure.

Here is the epic post that will get me through the tough times.

\"Greetings Jimmyjames,let me echo the same advice from the Phalloboard sage as you cleverly labeled hoodle10. Wait wait wait'.and wait some more! Myself and several other members have tackled the unpleasantries of penile enhancement. And When we look at PMMA enhancement the typical questions are is it permanent? Is it safe? how much does a treatment cost? which practitioner offers this treatment & what is his or her record like? Are there peer reviewed studies on this treatment that reflect the long term outcome of this enhancement procedure?I have a great love for art (paintings & sculptures) as much as I do for science. Its a skill to understand the medium an artist or scientist chooses to use, not all mediums behave the same. Here\'s an example, I use sunflower oil with my oil based paints, its a safer alternative. I\'ve only painted small canvas pieces, and sometimes when i\'m finished with a piece a room mate will accidentally move the finished painting, damaging the canvas or stack the finished paintings on top of each other. So i have the urge of restoring the original work, and when i attempt that hours and even a day after i retouch things i still won\'t know how the final finish will look. As I wait and find out usually 72hrs after the oil based paint dries the painting can or sometimes doesn\'t have the same flawless original appearance. When the restoration doesn\'t work out theres an unpleasant matte finish, very similar to when a woman places too much make up over her face. Other times, things work out great. Every artists learns how his canvas, paints, brushes, and oils behave after trial and error. I offered this analogy because it might be easier to understand than some science lab assay protocol. PMMA like paint, has an initial appearance, and as it cures, meaning as it bonds to the cells in your body it behaves another way. As these bonds grow weaker, the loss of collagen the visual appearance of PMMA evolves again. Sometimes you have a flawless beautiful finish in a PMMA enhanced penis, other times, because of your bodies immune system the PMMA material with look physically changed, but the integrity of the beads as we know so far isn\'t changing, the change is occurring because of your immune system. Its an incredible system, and i know how a woman\'s reaction to PMMA can be! After my second procedure, the first sexual encounter, the woman thought i had an STD and refused to fuck! Now, i can\'t get a woman off my Dick, she only moves off me due to exhaustion or she has to piss. Unless that Nodule hurts, or you have lymphadenopathy you have no reason to get any of the PMMA removed! Drop the paranoia, take a deep breath, and listen up!!! What you see right now, is NOT the permanent visual outcome. Take a look at my drudge report, i had disfigurements on my Dick, but now, you can\'t even tell if I had PMMA, it feels as close to natural as it can feel, i\'ve totally forgotten what my natural penis feels like. If you have any further questions PM me and we can chat on Viber. Turn off that emotional switch, it gets the best of us every time, get up and get out and hike a mountain, that will clear your thoughts. SaludCHL \"

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 9 months ago #1283104678

Is there any possibility for you to see a urologist just to ask about nodule removal? They might say to wait anyway, but for some of the nodules, maybe with a small incision they can take it out? I already had a urologist look at the nodule I had, but he said I had to go back to my original doctor (surgeon who did my peyronies surgery) since he knew more about my history... and just briefly said it\'s probably not that serious but \"it should definitely be looked at\". I don\'t know if or when I am gonna see that doc, but I\'ll post if I do. I am hoping the nodule is not bound to the internal skin..and it can just be squeezed out through a small incision. And, then the pathologist can analyze precisely what it is (pmma, fluid, WBCs, etc...) which will be useful I think.

But, I feel like I am in a catch-22. If I wait - it could bind to the skin more. Or, if I wait, it might go away. So, I don\'t know what to do. Nobody deals with this in the usa except some plastic surgeons who won\'t look at a penis because they are facial surgeons who deal with artefill in the face only (I already tried a few of them). I just want the nodule taken out before round 2 so the baseline is more of a true baseline...and so it doesn\'t grow in r2.

Are all your nodules hard, or are some softer? I have a clump bound to my circ scar area - feels very different than the hard nodule. Do yours feel bound to the skin (like thickened skin) or more like a marble? Does it change when you\'re erect? Mine actually gets rock hard and expands on erection - but not really visible flaccid.
\" i have removed the material from the lids by just making a tiny slit in a wrinkle and working the firm material out\" - Dr. Mayl

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 9 months ago #1283107622

My Dick is kinda lumpy like yours already and I\'ve had zero procedures

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 9 months ago #1283140439

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^ Do you have any pictures of your lumpiness?

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 9 months ago #1283146983

The Urologist I saw today said he wouldn\'t consider cutting anything or taking a lump out... he was very dismissive, though. He just was like - ok time for a prostate exam and give a urine sample. I was like...uh... i\'m not here for a uro exam. He said the lump is \"still healing\" and it\'s not worth doing anything to it (which, surprisingly, was actually in like w what people here say). The PA said a lot of guys come in w/ filler problems - but he was an idiot. He was like \"some guys put in wax - which is like what you have in there\" and I was like wtf PMMA is nothing like \"wax\".

Anyway, hopefully things will even out in 3-6 months when it is matured - miracle said it changed even beyond 6 months. If not, maybe some of the material can be squeezed out through small incisions.

I wanted to edit to add one thing - I was talking to a doctor about problems related to injectables like this & pentoxifylline came up. It\'s a prescription drug used to improve blood flow in the legs and stop cramping -- off label, it has been effective in stopping fibrosis after breast cancer radiation and in peyronie\'s disease (another fibrotic process). I wonder if pentox would stop or reverse the fibrotic process around the PMMA beads in a similar way...though the difference between breast cancer and peyronies is that the \"injury\" isn\'t going anywhere unlike the radiation or the peyronies..the beads are stuck there. Anyway, just a thought.

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 2 months ago #1285510728

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Here is where I\'m at 6 months after my last procedure with Dr. Cho. I\'m trying to decide if I should go back to Dr. Cho or make an appointment with Dr. Casavates. I\'m still waiting for reply from Dr. C. I don\'t really care for more Girth, I just want to make it more uniform and symmetrical. Dr. Cho is more expensive and after two procedures it still loks like this so that is why I\'m considering Dr. C again. Maybe even Dr. Camacho for the Erect procedure. Tough decisions... what do you think?

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 2 months ago #1285513676

Just wanted to know why you just didn\'t go back to dr. C for you second and third procedure. It gets cheaper with each visit and could of saved you a lot.

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 2 months ago #1285514770

I am not sure it looks bad really..I think it looks good for many women. Most PMMA penises will have some dips and bumps and that make you go back for more..

Make sure to tel Dr C what you have in there already and make sure to tell him your concerns..

Good Luck.

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 2 months ago #1285518982

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I didn\'t go back to Dr. C the first time because I was living in Korea and instead of spending the $1100 on a flight I thought that Dr. Cho could fix it easily. Unfortunately it\'s a lot harder fixing than I thought because Dr. Cho was not working on a blank slate so after two procedures with Dr. Cho it\'s still not perfect but it\'s better than it was after my first procedure with Dr. C. Also Dr. C. gave me the go ahead to see Dr. Cho because he believed he was more than competent to help me while in Korea.

I think that Dr. Cho could get it where it needs to be but I wonder how many CC\'s it will take and if it will just be cheaper to do with Dr. C since I\'ll be in the USA anyways. Dr. Cho is $600 per 3.2ml. So if I need 20 something CC\'s, it will be quite more than Dr. C.

My first procedure went wrong but I think it could have been my aftercare and the use of a sleeve that did not go well with my penis as it squeezed the product into places it shouldn\'t have. This time I would just wrap it instead. I know that Dr. C has done this 1000 times and he can most likely get it where I want to be. I just wished he would answer my emails in a more timely fashion as it\'s been almost 4 weeks since my original email, and I sent two follow ups and I still haven\'t heard anything. Once Dr. C gives me an CC\'s estimate I will decide what I should do.

Looking back I wish I would have taken coolhandlukes advice and just waited to see Dr. C for my second procedure. I was pretty upset after my first and was scared to show my penis to any girl whatsoever so I rushed into the second and third procedure. Sometimes patience is the key to get this right.

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 2 months ago #1285519092


I think either option is a good one, like you said Dr. C vouches for Dr. Cho, and both are very experienced. I believe you\'ll get to where you want to be on what will hopefully be your last round. And to be honest, the most recent pictures don\'t look that bad at all. I can see the aesthetic irregularities, but they seem like the kind that can eventually get corrected to the point that most untrained eyes wont suspect a thing.

And this thread also points out another important lesson: anticipating the need for future visits. Whatever route you take with Phalloplasty, be sure you possess both the flexibility in schedule & finances to endure possible future visits to correct unforeseen irregularities or complications. You\'re right, patience is key, and I hope a lot of readers benefit from this thread

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 2 months ago #1285519518

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well either way, you look to have a very large penis don\'t worry about the irregularities, they will be fixed before long. let us know what doctor you go with, dr cho seems to be just as good as dr c

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 2 months ago #1285520278

You can probably go to either one...but maybe Casavantes would be better since he & wade speak english better than Dr. Cho, and the product is cheaper. Also, you can stay a few days in the hotel so they can check up on it for a few days post rather than just the next day.

Camacho\'s procedure also might be good for you since the problems are more evident Erect, but I wish someone would post a review so we\'d have some idea. Camacho is 3k I think +/-.

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After 5 procedures, my penis is where I want it :) last page Update 1/05/16 10 years 2 months ago #1285575371

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Thanks for the replies!

I have decided to go back to Dr. Cho. Since he actually replies to my emails even though English is his 3rd language. He thinks I only need 2 syringes of 3.2ml to touch up the areas you see in the pictures. I will just keep going forward slowly until I get it right.

I will keep this thread updated with new pictures and reviews.

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