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TOPIC: Shergars pmma progress dr n

Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1282983651


New member here, I\'ve been lurking around this and other PE sites for years though.

I\'m writing this in Manchester airports terminal 1 departure lounge. I am off to Prague to see Dr.N.

I don\'t know where to start really, I suppose a bit of background. I wanted to share my experience of getting PMMA done. It seems to me that PMMA is still in it\'s early days and when I found it, it all seemed too good to be true, but the accounts of others really encouraged me, so here I am, giving back. . I\'m from the UK I am a heavy smoker, but really want to quit soon, I drink more than I should really (who doesn\'t) but I get plenty of excercise. I eat very well, no junk food here, so overall, whilst I could stand to lose 20 lbs, I\'m in pretty good shape.

I have been disatified with my \"tallywhacker\" pretty much since puberty. It is longer than average on a good day but really thin.

I took pre op measurements last night but have forgotten to take them with me but I\'ll edit this post when I get back and put my stats in. EG base. tbc EG Mid. tbc EG below glands. tbc EL 6 BPEL 7

note, i screwed up my Girth measurements, i didnt have a proper tape, so i cut a piece of string then measured the string, the results arent accurate, for example, by base Girth came out at 5 1/2 inches, mad there is no waaaaaay i was that big pre op. pretty confident on my length measurements though, ive measured that many times

So I\'ve taken the plunge and am off to see Dr N. I\'m trying to be realistic about my expectations and have spent a lot of time weighing up the risks. But I\'m going for it. As for what exactly in getting, I\'m not really sure, I want to hear what the doc has to say, it seems her preference is for 30%, but she will do 10 or 20. Quantity wise, obviously, I want to go as big as possible, but not at the expense of aesthetics and lumps etc etc, so I\'m hoping for 20cc of 30% her results with that seem pretty good so far, and if the 30% gets me a few nodules I\'d hope they can be cleared up later. As I say though, I\'ll be going with what the doc recommends i think. Attached are my pre op shots. Wish me luck, I\'ll see you on the other side.

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1282990479

so, im about 3 hours post op.

i\'ve had 15cc\'s of 30% from a single insertion point on the top.

while i was doing my research, i didnt find much in the way of a blow by blow account of how the procedure is performed.
so i\'ll give my account.

i flew out of manchester at around 1pm, landed 2 hrs later in prague.
20 minutes and 40 Euros later i was in aurum clinc. i was met by Dr.N who is a very smiley, nice lady. her english isnt the best, but we managed to make ourselve understood.

i had a quick consultation, explaining what she can do, there were some health questions, allergies etc.
next thing i know im being led into a room by her assistant and anm given a nice fluffy dressing gown.
after getting nekid, and putting it on Dr N applies some anaethetic cream to my Cock. she leaves the room and comes back after ten or so minutes

next step is local anaethetic injections. three of them i think, they hurt a little, but no worse than any other injection.
i lie on the bed thing waiting to numb up and my Cock goes into full retreat
I am the very definition of a Grower and at full retraction i look like a new born baby down there. it wouldnnt usually have bothered me, but i was concerned that Dr N might think i was tiny, and would only want to give me a small amount of PMMA.
once i was fully numb i was led to anther room where Dr N put sheets over me leaving just my Cock exposed. at this point her dizzy assistant kept coming in out, was a bit embarrassing.

anyway. so Dr.N put the canula in in the middle of my base on the top. from there she seemed able to access all areas. if you\'ve ever watched a dr doing lipo suction on tv, the process isnt all that different, lots of shoving the canula back and forth with more force than i Expected. Obviously, i didnt feel a thing. that said though, as I write this, the local anaesthethic is just starting to wear off. we\'ll see how much pain i get.

as for my Dick, it\'s wrapped up now and im under instructions to leave it so for 48 hrs unless swelling starts to make things uncomfortable.

i\'m a bit nervous about this, as i cant see how things are looking, and presumably i have the best chances of moving product around during the first 48.

but i shall trust in dr N. it looks pretty uniform so far.

so 5 syringes later and i\'m wrapped up annd dressed and counting out 50 notes in Dr N\'s office.

i\'d be grateful for any advice about whether i should take a peek under the bandage, i\'\'ve got more bandage and tape with me.

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1282990946

Us guys who are in Europe and are considering PMMA greatly appreciate your posts!

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1282991153

you\'re welcome Beast

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1282999022

How are you feeling today? Things going well? How is the bruising?

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1282999988


curiosity got the better of me this morning, so i unwound the bandage. there was zero bruising and things looked fairly uniform.
my Cock looked very plump, and playing with it gave me a hard on. as i got hard i did notice some unevenness. nothing too bad i gave it a massage and wrapped it up again with maybe a 30% hard on.
ive been walking around prague today looking at the sites (beautiful city by the way)
im now at the airport and took myself off to the toilet to see whats going on. i unwrapped and took a look, im a lot more swollen and tender, the entry point has closed up already, so no more blood or seepage. i do have some soreness, which ive taken some ibuprofen for, without the ibuprofen though, it wouldnt have been that painful.

to summarise, my hardon last night was much bigger, but really squishy, which is to be expected. i\'m looking forwards to things settling down, then i can see where i am. i dont expect it to stay the size it currently is, but after my next session i wouls expet it too.

basically no worries or regrets yet, bit of excitement about my new size, and looking forward to the next few weeks.

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1283000081

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1283000111

sorry these pics are the wrong way round, i\'ve not got any photo editing software with me.

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1283001200

Awesome results man! I\'m quite a big fan of Dr N\'s low volume injections. She seems to get great aesthetics with it.

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1283001295

thebeast1 wrote: Awesome results man! I\'m quite a big fan of Dr N\'s low volume injections. She seems to get great aesthetics with it.

Same here. Personally I think DR C\'s work has gone backwards and I think it\'s because he injects so much at one time.

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1283001553

really good result..Im confused as why she says not to massage it at al and Dr C says looks like Dr N gets better results?? Any imputs from anyone else?

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1283001617

im really undercided wheather to go to Dr N or Dr C???
Im due out in a month

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1283003528

hi phillh. that looks like an impressive result. interesting too re- the point about whether to massage or not. following your journey with interest and wish you the best. thanks for posting and sharing your experience.

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1283003869

Hi guys. Thanks for the interest. I\'m still travelling. And currently I\'m a little turtled. Hence it just a massive fat blob in my pants. Not sore. But swollen.
I massaged a little when I took the wrap off this morning. The stuff didn\'t seem as moveable as I thought. Dr n said if I was going to massage, I should only roll it between my palms, like making a play dog sausage, or just pressure from thumbs on the top. She definitely didn\'t want me doing anything more drastic. I\'m wondering whether I should have unwrapped it at all. There was Zero swelling or brusing when I unwrapped but shortly after getting a hardon it started to swell and bruise. Who knows. Early days yet. To be honest. I\'m just pleased my Dick hasn\'t turned black and dropped off.

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Shergars pmma progress dr n 10 years 9 months ago #1283003897

I have to admit guys, there is a certain swagger in my walk now. I wondered if I might feel this massive pendulous thing swinging around in my pants. And I can a bit but not that much. But I\'m finding myself looking at girls thinking. Yeah I could fucking ruin that pussy. Whereas before I wouldn\'t be nearly so confident. We\'ll have to wait and see whether my confidence is misplaced.

It might also be the 6 pints I\'ve drank so far.

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