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TOPIC: Dr elist

Dr elist 10 years 9 months ago #1282939327

So here I am 2.5 years after the procedure I had w/ Dr Elist. Arriving home 1 week after the surgery I noticed a lump. After two weeks of arguing w/ him, his secretary with the accent and his Dr. on hand He determined that a stitch had popped. Well They offered to remove the implant for two grand. Wow. I had just paid 13,000 and now I get a Removal for even more. Well I had no time or money left so I stuck it out. Long story short, as w/ most stories here, scar tissue, retraction pain and finally just a weird looking Dick that pulls out my skin in the pubic area. I still fell pain and fortunately I\'m not pron to infections. I\'m ready to do something about it but I\'m not sure what is the best option. Sooo Input, feedback and suggestions are welcome and needed please.

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Dr elist 10 years 9 months ago #1282939659

i thought he offered to remove the implant free of charge? i didn\'t know u had to pay to get the implant removed as well.

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Dr elist 10 years 9 months ago #1282949031

sorry to hear about your problems.
I just had mine removed 3 months ago and I am doing good, got my lenght back and it looks ok, I have few small lumps of scar tissue.
I suggest that you start on serracor nk asap to soften and break and remove alot of scartissue , and you need a good strecher and I recommend penimaster pro.
Combination of serracor and streching you should be ok after 2-3 months, just remember to strech to the other direction of your curvature , you can also strech downwards and you will be fine.

Where did you get your implant removed ?

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Dr elist 10 years 9 months ago #1282950163

I haven\'t yet. It\'s still there. I was thinking of getting it replaced. The girl says she likes how chubby it is. To me though it\'s uncomfortable. If he has an improved method I\'d consider it. I really have\'t done my research lately. I\'m a busy man. I\'m worried after it being such a long time there will be really tough scar tissue. It doesn\'t seem as though I have lost any length. The implant pulls the surrounding skin up so it appears as though it\'s shorter. When I push back on the part of the implant in my pubic area it measures the same. W/ it out it may even be a touch longer. However, as stated above, It\'s been there for a while and the tissue has even folded the implant in places. I imagine the tissue will contort my Erection. Scary business.

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Dr elist 10 years 9 months ago #1282951605

bro the new implant have 2 mesh, the one you have dont even have a mesh.
No matter what you do, you cant keep this damn implant for long time, it will be brocken or infected , beside women thinks its too hard and its a hell feeling to walk around with.
Get it out while you dont have major complications , some Guys here have been through hell and some have lost thier erictions...
Good luck

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Dr elist 10 years 9 months ago #1283009007

I\'m new here, and I am beyond glad I came across this place while researching dr elist! I have been weighing the good and bad of this procedure for some time now, and had decided I was going to do it, was gonna call back next week and schedule an appointment. I was excited, couldn\'t sleep, figured I would look around some more. I\'m very, very glad I did. Screw that.. Sorry to hear it back fired on you man. That\'s awful..

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Dr elist 10 years 9 months ago #1283011398

tacman89 wrote: I\'m new here, and I am beyond glad I came across this place while researching dr elist! I have been weighing the good and bad of this procedure for some time now, and had decided I was going to do it, was gonna call back next week and schedule an appointment. I was excited, couldn\'t sleep, figured I would look around some more. I\'m very, very glad I did. Screw that.. Sorry to hear it back fired on you man. That\'s awful..

You truly dodged a bullet friend

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Dr elist 10 years 9 months ago #1283018830

messageman wrote:

tacman89 wrote: I\'m new here, and I am beyond glad I came across this place while researching dr elist! I have been weighing the good and bad of this procedure for some time now, and had decided I was going to do it, was gonna call back next week and schedule an appointment. I was excited, couldn\'t sleep, figured I would look around some more. I\'m very, very glad I did. Screw that.. Sorry to hear it back fired on you man. That\'s awful..

You truly dodged a bullet friend

He saved himself from the first 3 months of nightmare of pain and skin problems, the from infection, then recovery time of years lol + 15000 usd.... Smarter than me

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Dr elist 10 years 9 months ago #1283049239

tacman89 wrote: I\'m new here, and I am beyond glad I came across this place while researching dr elist! I have been weighing the good and bad of this procedure for some time now, and had decided I was going to do it, was gonna call back next week and schedule an appointment. I was excited, couldn\'t sleep, figured I would look around some more. I\'m very, very glad I did. Screw that.. Sorry to hear it back fired on you man. That\'s awful..

Get a book, research, put in the work yourself and find a girl that loves you.

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Dr elist 7 years 11 months ago #1295236211

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Moderator Edit:

This post serves no purpose and walks a thin line between criticism and defamation. For this purpose, the content of this entire post has been deleted.


It would be more appropriate if you shared your experience so others can learn from it. Simply bashing the doctor for the sake of bashing him is not what this forum is about. He\'s already earned whatever reputation he has through first-hand accounts, backed up credibly with photos, etc. You can follow suit, otherwise I\'m advising you no longer post in this fashion.

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Dr elist 7 years 11 months ago #1295236217

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Don\'t get the procedure!

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Dr elist 7 years 11 months ago #1295236504

Fullrun I hope your okay, you sound as though you might have had a bad experience. It would be worth posting your back story because without one your claims are uncredable and hold little value.

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Dr elist 7 years 11 months ago #1295237618

Yes, Fullrun, please start a thread about your experience with Dr. Elist. This will be much more beneficial to the board.

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Dr elist 7 years 6 months ago #1299974853

dcpimpin12 wrote: i thought he offered to remove the implant free of charge? i didn\'t know u had to pay to get the implant removed as well.

He charged me $2500 to remove mine plus my travel expenses and 5 day stay to get drain removed.

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Dr elist 7 years 6 months ago #1299974974

sun1 wrote:

He charged me $2500 to remove mine plus my travel expenses and 5 day stay to get drain removed.

Please tell us your story with details, we are here to help you out.

You can get your money back...

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