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TOPIC: Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1

Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282486347

Here is my progress report. I took some notes and pictures throughout the first week and I\'m now day 8 post-procedure. I took a week to observe everything before I started, so later on in this post I\'ll jump back to my Day -1 (day before the procedure) journal). I\'ve had sex twice (yes, it was uncomfortable, but I finished eventually) and everything seems to be healing well. I don\'t recommend having sex that early, and neither does Wade. But my girlfriend is irresistable. What can I say? I have to admit, sex contributed to some additional swelling and the condom was pretty uncomfortable at the base. I still have a little soreness under pressure along the right side, but bruising is almost 100% gone. All in all, I\'m very impressed with Dr. C, his staff and the procedure in general.

A little about me: I don\'t believe I have penile dysmorphic disorder and statistically, I started out average or near the top of average on length and average on Girth depending on whether I used BPEL or not and which study I was looking at. No woman has ever complained that I was too small and I don\'t want to be enormous. My goal was just to be comfortably above average. In my case, I guess you could consider this my mid-life crisis. That\'s enough about me.

So, I researched for about 6 months before going ahead with my procedure. I decided on PMMA with Dr. C. I spoke to Wade and PM\'d a couple people on this website before going ahead. I spoke to Rosenthal, Reed, Loria via email and extensively viewed as many before and afters as possible. The biggest concern for me was lack of long term results. The best I could find were for PMMA, on this site. They went back 3-4 years at the time.

Without further ado, I will paste what I journaled on Day -1 (day prior to procedure) in this post, so be aware that the tone of my writing may change somewhat.

Here is my journal. After months of investigating the invasiveness, price, availability and success rates of surgery and the reputation of various doctors, I decided to take the leap and do PMMA. I read through a couple progress reports on this site and determined that this was not only the most economical, but the least likely to result in a disfigurement or potential 'failure to launch' later. The fact that PMMA gets inserted under the skin was a major selling point for me. No injection into penile structures was encouraging. I contacted Dr. Casavantes' office off and on to make arrangements and spoke with Lupita and Nurse Wade on different occasions, sometimes at length. They were professional and able to answer all my questions intelligently in a way I could understand. The fact that they have undergone procedures themselves gave me the last bit of confidence I needed.Here's what I paid about a month out for $694 (Rental car for 3 days, hotel for 3 days, round trip plane tickets from Indianapolis to San Diego ) Avanti Derma: $2500 (for 1st procedure) Shuttle: $175 (took the shuttle from my hotel to the doctor's office twice, but shared the last ride home)
Passport: $250 (with rush service)
Antibiotics: $8 (from the pharmacy downstairs from the doctor's office)As you can see, mucho cheapo. My flight went off without a hitch and I arrived the day prior to my procedure, confirmed everything with the shuttle and shaved the area to prep it.I recommend visiting the San Diego Zoo, if you have the $46 for a day pass (Active Duty Military gets in free). San Diego in general, is a beautiful city and traffic isn't too bad, either.

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282486422

Day 0 - Here is the paste from my journal:

Day of the procedure: I get up and shower again, hop in the shuttle and he takes me over the border. Driving in TJ is a little more aggressive than the states, but not too bad. I filled out the paperwork in the doctor's office and was impressed with the classiness of the environment. Some part of me expected this to take place in an abandoned warehouse or something (I don't know much about TJ, LOL). It was a full service doctor's office, with a complete and professional staff on the 11th floor of an office building overlooking a golf course.I spoke to Lupita, 'Mel and Wade all prior to getting into the procedure room. They offered me an Atavan, which I refused. I chickened out later, and took it, though. I did have to wait longer than I expected. I arrived at about 8:30 and was in a separate room doing paperwork and staring out the window for almost an hour before I was taken to the procedure room. their office overlooks a golf course.The procedure room is where you strip down, get your \"glamor shots\" taken, get your cortisone shot (anti-inflammation) and I took my atavan. The doctor met me here and answered my questions. I only had a few by this time, mostly about the percentages he was going to use. Turns out he has a standard work plan now: 30% metacrill along the shaft and base and 10% behind the glans. I was fine with that and, ultimately, he injected 19cc's of 30% and 3 cc's of 10% to complete the job.There were 3 people in the room during the procedure. The doctor worked the tools, 'Mel prepped the syringes and a third guy (I later learned his name was Christian) was the designated Dick holder. It worried me a little that Chrisitan was breaking out in a sweat, but his job was relatively minor, so I let it go.They started with 4 shots of Xylocaine to numb the area. Burned a little going in, but worked like a charm after that! I eventually got up the nerve to watch. It was brutal to see, so I could understand the Christian\'s nerves, but I didn't feel a thing, so, no worries.Afterward, the doc sat down to do my prescription and a little paperwork while Nurse Wade came in to show me how to massage it and inspect the work. He advised me to keep the area warm and gave me a silicon sleeve to help prevent retraction and keep it even. They advised me that light exercise would be helpful in the next couple of days and cut me loose after we traded some tattoo stories. I picked up the antibiotic (Ciprofloxacino) for $8 American downstairs.The shuttle came and picked me up after about a 15 minute wait. The hardest part of all my moving around here was getting back into the U.S.. I had a passport, so no issues there, but it took almost 2 hours to get through the traffic on the Mexican side. I took a nap and the driver read the newspaper. Once we were through that, it was a 5 minute ride back to my hotel.I walked around some outlet shops and went to the gas station with no discomfort at all. I even got a boner with a little help from the girlfriend. Did my massage occasionally, took my antibiotic and watched TV for the rest of the night. Too easy.

Note: You are given an antiseptic gel to clean your hands with before you massage. Use a little extra and it lubricates the massage a little, too. Doesn\'t burn at all.

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282486490

Day 1 Post Procedure:

The day after my procedure was follow up day. Everything went smoothly, except the shuttle drivers were very busy, so they were running late. Wade showed me a couple small nodules that I had missed, but said I was looking great overall. Very little bruising in his opinion, and mine, and he expected an excellent final result. I didn't see the doctor, but had no reason to. Everything was proceeding nicely. There was only one spot of seepage today, triggered by Wade's thorough examination. Other than that, I'm pretty healed up, externally.I got to split the shuttle ride home (all told it only cost me $75 today!) with a guy from Canada (shout out to him). Word of advice: Don't try and cross the border from Mexico to the U.S. on Easter weekend. It took another 2 hours or so and we got the border guard who was, apparently, on a crusade. He wanted to question why we were in Mexico, then question our answers. I told him we were just there to hang out.I got back to San Diego in time to catch the zoo again; finished what I came to see (Hippos and Big Cats). No restrictions on my movements or exercise, so I spent a good 2-3 hours walking around. Even though I wore jeans (loose fitting), I had no issues because of the sleeve Wade gave me. I wouldn\'t recommend the jeans, though. I think they contributed to me very minor soreness when I was sitting for any length of time. When I took a bathroom break, I stopped off in a stall to do a quick massage/Nodule check on my unit, but again, no issues, except for the poor kid who was waiting for me to leave the stall (I didn\'t know he was out there!).The only major change I noticed is that the filler material started feeling grainy under the skin, which makes sense if you understand what it is. A little discomfort here and there during massage because it's an unfamiliar and unsettling sensation, but you get over it. It's manageable. I am not taking any pain or inflammation meds.I fly tomorrow, so that will be the first day where my Dick is out of sight for an extended period. I plan to use my sleeve extensively and check it when I get a chance.

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282486530

Day 2 -

So, it's the morning of my flight. I've been sleeping good and wearing the sleeve Wade provided me at night. Still no complications or significant discomfort. My bruising, which was minor to begin with, is continuing to fade.Because I fly today, I wanted to take pictures beforehand to see if I did any damage flying. I don't know if I'll have any privacy when I get back home tonight to take more pictures, but I will at least have a baseline to discuss.

I had sex tonight, with a condom (Magnum, baby!), but I wouldn\'t recommend it. A little painful. Flying didn\'t seem to do any damage, even with all the sitting, but jeans were not the best choice, especially since it\'s harder to inconspicuously adjust my junk now.

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282486603

Day 8 -

So, here I sit, journaling in real time on this site. Swelling has gone down, and I think some of the carrier (the water that the PMMA is injected with) is starting to drain away as well. This is where some shrinkage starts, so I\'m not worried.

I\'ve noticed that my occasional turtle problem is gone now. I don\'t use a stretcher device, and the sleeve Wade gave me is on my bathroom sink. Don\'t need that either.

For a couple days after flying (and having sex), my swelling was unpleasant, and my Dick looked a little deformed because it swelled distal and proximal to the circ scar, but not at all in the middle. I used the sleeve to ensure that nothing settled in that position and now I\'m pretty evenly distributed. I massaged until day 4 or 5, just to be sure, but haven\'t noticed any changes.

I expect to continue losing water for another week or two, then the collagen should start coming in. I expect that by June 1st I\'ll be able to decide whether another round is required or not.

For me, I\'m not too worried about aesthetics. I mean, a Dick is a Dick. Outside of medical circles, no one is going to see it except my girl and she knows all about what I just did, so, whatever. My goals are moderate (5.5\" mid-shaft). It\'s possible (not likely) that I will get there, or close enough to be happy with 1 round. I\'m crossing my fingers, though!

P.S. No pictures today, as it would just be a picture of a regular Dick. Nothing medical to observe anymore really, so I don\'t feel obliged to show you my junk anymore.

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282486817

Hey - I was just wondering how you decided to stay in SD and not TJ. I am booked in TJ...for now... but it seems like almost nobody here does that. I just wanted to be closer to Dr. C for round 1 in case I had any problems. The office even said its best to stay in the grand the first night so that you can just walk over - though lupita did recommend SD (not sure why). Also, I don\'t want to sit on a bus while I turtle for 2 hours right after the procedure and everything gets screwed up. Anyway, those are my reasons for staying in TJ - not sure if they are good or not... but just wondering. I\'d rather stay in a nicer SD hotel, but maybe on later rounds.

Also, will he absolutely not do 10% for a full round - or lower CCs of 30? Wade said they\'ll decide when I get there... I don\'t want such high volume of 30% - maybe a lower volume of 30 or just 10 altogether. I\'ve had some other penis issues.

Why do they want you to do light exercise? Wouldn\'t that increase blood flow and swelling? Sorry for all the questions, I am going in very soon.

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282487431

Honestly, there was virtually no swelling in my case. Maybe it was the cortisone they gave me. To be clear, Wade didn\'t formally recommend exercise. I asked about walking around and he basically said, \"go for it\". It\'s always good to have blood flow to a damaged area, so light exercise (walking) is often recommended after a procedure. He said I should wait a day before I went to the zoo, for example (a couple hours of steady standing and walking), but had no problem with me stopping by the outlet mall.

The standard was 30% shaft, 10% near the glans, but Dr. C said he would do 10% throughout if you wanted to gain less than 1/2\" Girth. To which I replied, \"I\'ll take the 30% then, sir.\" He said the 20% was too \"controversial\", so he stopped offering it. I guess too many know-it-alls with opinions. LOL. The number of cc\'s is dependent on your anatomy and is determined by the doctor as he works. He keeps putting them in until it looks right, basically.

I prefer San Diego because, in my case, the consequence of getting into drama in Tijuana would have been severe, due to my job. I just minimized the risk as well as I could, not knowing anything but rumors about the place. I might stay at the Grand next time, though. After being there, it didn\'t look any more dangerous than, say, Chicago. Also, I did everything through Priceline, so that was probably the cheapest route to go.

I had no issue with Turtling on the trip back. The shuttle is actually a medical transport company. They operate a car or van with just you and a driver or, possibly one other patient from the same office. You can lay the seat back or whatever. And the sleeve they give you helps a lot as well. I haven\'t turtled since the procedure and that sleeve was my best friend for 72 hours after.

For the record, I believe Dr. C lives in San Diego. He just commutes to TJ. In the event of an after hours emergency, he would be closer in SD. Then again, you might not be able to reach him after hours anyway.

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282489359

Thanks a lot for replying to everything. I appreciate it. I heard some weird things about the safety in TJ too, so I figured I\'d just stay in the same bldg... and all I really need to do is buy food quickly outside of the hotel if I don\'t want room service. I guess I am going to be pretty bored in the hotel room, so I hope their internet is decent!

Good to know the sleeve is helping... I am having a hard time getting the ESl40 on and off...and I can\'t use the other kind of stretcher with the noose, he said. Maybe in R2 I will stay in SD... yeah, you\'re right Dr. C lives in SD - so ironically, you\'re closer to him there for after hours problems! Oh well. I haven\'t been Turtling too bad since I have been on Cialis & arginine for the last week or so - so I\'ll continue those through the procedure. Normally, it\'s pretty bad - and it affected another procedure I had on the penis. Did they say anything about Cialis / viagra? I don\'t have good EQ or morning wood (ever), so I sometimes just take it for the penile health benefits...and I usually get a bigger Flaccid hang w/ Cialis in my system... like once every 3 days.

There\'s a chart on here where a bunch of guys posted 0.5\" gains with 10% - i am surprised they said that it would be under 0.5\" if that\'s all they used. Hmm... Here it goes to the author - I can\'t recall where the original chart is.

Good luck with the healing process!

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282489556

When were the measurements taken? If they were taken right after the procedure, then it would be mostly water and the percentage of particles wouldn\'t matter. It makes sense to me that with more particles (higher percentage), there would be a more dramatic end result, as more particles require more collagen to encase them. Do they have this same chart for the 30% group? He could have just been trying to ensure my satisfaction. Most guys won\'t complain if they get a little bigger than they expected, after all!

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282489711

Thanks for the thorough progress reporting

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282490395

Hey - yeah the 30% group definitely got bigger. The chart was put together based on self-reports that kind of varied in time...I hope/think they were not all like a few days post. I looked up some of the individual names and it does vary when people reported... some didn\'t always post that far along, but some did... so the chart isn\'t perfect. Here\'s the 30% one. It gave more Girth overall. Some people like oberc and honzee had amazing 30% results (though oberc had it fixed in r2), but then jimmyjames and johnthomas had a lot of probs. Wade was basically like - the problems are the same, just bigger with 30%... and hoodle said other docs do 30% too - just less of it... so maybe that\'s one way to go. I\'ll ask them all about this soon. The people w/ the least problems seem to be those who retract the least...almost regardless of ccs or %. I think most people need a round 2 anyway. In another thread, we were talking about some people who never got resolution to problems from r1, even with a lot of follow ups.

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282546385

winman36 wrote: Day 0 - Here is the paste from my journal:

Day of the procedure: I get up and shower again, hop in the shuttle and he takes me over the border. Driving in TJ is a little more aggressive than the states, but not too bad. I filled out the paperwork in the doctor's office and was impressed with the classiness of the environment. Some part of me expected this to take place in an abandoned warehouse or something (I don't know much about TJ, LOL). It was a full service doctor's office, with a complete and professional staff on the 11th floor of an office building overlooking a golf course.I spoke to Lupita, 'Mel and Wade all prior to getting into the procedure room. They offered me an Atavan, which I refused. I chickened out later, and took it, though. I did have to wait longer than I expected. I arrived at about 8:30 and was in a separate room doing paperwork and staring out the window for almost an hour before I was taken to the procedure room. The procedure room is where you strip down, get your \"glamor shots\" taken, get your cortisone shot (anti-inflammation) and I took my atavan. The doctor met me here and answered my questions. I only had a few by this time, mostly about the percentages he was going to use. Turns out he has a standard work plan now: 30% metacrill along the shaft and base and 10% behind the glans. I was fine with that and, ultimately, he injected 19cc's of 30% and 3 cc's of 10% to complete the job.There were 3 people in the room during the procedure. The doctor worked the tools, 'Mel prepped the syringes and a third guy (I later learned his name was Christian) was the designated Dick holder. It worried me a little that Chrisitan was breaking out in a sweat, but his job was relatively minor, so I let it go.They started with 4 shots of Xylocaine to numb the area. Burned a little going in, but worked like a charm after that! I eventually got up the nerve to watch. It was brutal to see, so I could understand the Christian\'s nerves, but I didn't feel a thing, so, no worries.Afterward, the doc sat down to do my prescription and a little paperwork while Nurse Wade came in to show me how to massage it and inspect the work. He advised me to keep the area warm and gave me a silicon sleeve to help prevent retraction and keep it even. They advised me that light exercise would be helpful in the next couple of days and cut me loose after we traded some tattoo stories. I picked up the antibiotic (Ciprofloxacino) for $8 American downstairs.The shuttle came and picked me up after about a 15 minute wait. The hardest part of all my moving around here was getting back into the U.S.. I had a passport, so no issues there, but it took almost 2 hours to get through the traffic on the Mexican side. I took a nap and the driver read the newspaper. Once we were through that, it was a 5 minute ride back to my hotel.I walked around some outlet shops and went to the gas station with no discomfort at all. I even got a boner with a little help from the girlfriend. Did my massage occasionally, took my antibiotic and watched TV for the rest of the night. Too easy.

Note: You are given an antiseptic gel to clean your hands with before you massage. Use a little extra and it lubricates the massage a little, too. Doesn\'t burn at all.

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282566157

Update: It is April 29th. I have developed a large lump on the right side of my penis. It is unsightly, but not painful at all. It is clearly collagen growth, so I don\'t know if it will \"fill in\" and even over time or not. I\'ve contacted Nurse Wade via email and am waiting on a response. If/when I go for a second treatment, I will definitely be purchasing the stretcher they offer, if not sooner. As it stands, the collagen is denser then the normal tissue, so it can look strange if stretched when Flaccid, so I\'d like to avoid that. I think the stretcher may be the best option.

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282575651

winman36 wrote: my dick looked a little deformed because it swelled distal and proximal to the circ scar, but not at all in the middle. I used the sleeve to ensure that nothing settled in that position and now I\'m pretty evenly distributed. I massaged until day 4 or 5, just to be sure, but haven\'t noticed any changes.

Hey - I wonder if this is what I\'m experiencing. I had a very very high circ scar (middle of my penis practically 70s style) - and now I have this really weird swelling you can see in the pic linked below. Is this what it looked like:

Was it really that easy to get it back to normal on day 4-5? I am having a really hard time molding the PMMA...but I\'m on day 1, so it\'s just like water right now - seems too loose to stick anywhere.

Just curious also - you mentioned the stretcher... I have it - but was that something they said would help avoid lumps? I thought it was just to avoid the turtle effect (so you dont get valleys and peaks). I guess it could help lumps though. I have the thing, but it\'s really hard to deal with...very tight on the glans to put on and off constantly - and awkward on the leg. Thanks again! Sounds like we are pretty close in this fun

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Winman36's PMMA Journal-Intro and Day -1 10 years 10 months ago #1282583667

Hello Winnman.. Thanks for the very detailed experience you had in TJ and with PMMA. But I wanted to know why you thought it was a good idea to share this with your girlfriend? What if you guys break up and she tells everyone. A wife, I could understand that. But I wouldn\'t share the fact that I got PMMA to a girlfriend. They turn vicious and revengeful after a breakup.. Don\'t do anything to piss her off going forward. She\'ll tell everyone.

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