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TOPIC: Taking the Pmma Plunge

Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280448354

First off, hello to every member of this forum I want to gladly say thanks for all of the information throughout each of your journeys helping lead me to a final decision. January 23 will be my first round of PMMA injected into my unit. As of now I sit around at about 9.5 el and about 5.8 eg. Now I know that you guys might think that I don\'t need it but my decision is made and I\'m very excited about this. Will post more pics later here is an Erect picture of recent feel free to elaborate.

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280448409

Here\'s my first picture I think I will be able I accommodate a large amount of PMMA

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280448851

hello,and welcome,have you done any PE to get to this size,or are you naturally large ?

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280448905


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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280449077

what ?

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280449089

It\'s a question for HugeGains.

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280449176

@Conner thanks for the welcome yes I have done Girth PE but that\'s it. I\'m not telling my length secret I\'m actually preparing to patent my techniques and make money from it sooner then later. It\'s a very strenuous excersise use done only once a week for 5 hours.

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280449539

this has to be spam... he is already talking about making money.... wtf

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280449587

What\'s wrong with me talking about using a technique that I came up with own my on to present to the public for funds. All of these different \"Pro Extemders\", \"BathMates\", \"Cock Rings\" etc? These utilities where invented and these inventors are making millions! Please show skme respect to myforum DcPimpin it\'s only right.

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280449620

it is against forum rules to advertise. you are breaking the rules and ur new. that sounds scam to me.

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280449682

Advertising my friend would be posting a link to a certain or particular website in which I sale whatever I am saleing. I simply stated that I am convinced that I can become successful marketing my techniques. Not advertising anything in this forum dude. Once I\'m done with the copyrights and patens my techniques will be like every other supplement or Penis Enhancing tool. Smh

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280449722

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280450449

Saiyan22??!! I remember you from thunders!! lol

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280452957

yessssssssssss yesssssssssssss yesssssssssssssssssss

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Taking the Pmma Plunge 11 years 3 months ago #1280463364

In not sure who Sayan is but of you guys are \"saying\" it\'s me them please do a serious rain check. Now can we get back to the purpose of this forum my thread should be a PMMA concern.

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