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TOPIC: Thewingman's battle against retraction

Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279317810

Hey guys,

So, I\'ve been saying for awhile now that I would make a thread about my adventures and progress but never sat down to take the time, but after reading a couple posts, and seeing a couple pictures here, I thought that my story might really help some other people out. I\'m not going to explain my experience meeting the doc and Wade or my trip because every other story here is exactly how it happened to me. Everyone was super cool and just amazing. I\'m going to explain my results that at first left me a little discouraged, but after round two, left me extremely happy.

My first round I had a ton of retraction that caused a lot of distortion, to the point that I was really scared that I would forever have a deformed Dick. I was convincing myself that another round will fix everything, but I really was unsure. Thankfully, the second round fixed it and I\'m super happy. I\'m hopefully going to be going in for a full round 3 in the coming month so that I can fix some areas that are lower and all around make it look as perfect as possible.

The procedure has been one of the best things to happen to me. I have lived my life insecure and embarrassed of my \"small\" Dick, which really wasn\'t that bad. Now, I\'m way more confident and albeit, a lot more cocky than ever before.

Starting Stats

BPEL - 6.5\"
MSEG - 4.75\"
FL - 3.75\"
FG - 4\"

After round one

BPEL - 6.5\"
MSEG - 5.25\"
FL - 4.25\"
FG - 4.75\"

After round two

BPEL - 6.5\"
MSEG - 5.75\"
FL - 4.50\"
FG - 5.25\"

The first 4 pics show the progress from the \"Before\" stage, the \"Round 1\" state, and to the \"Round 2\" stage. The fifth pic is a comparison of the day of round 2 (6.25 Girth), five days later (6.0 Girth), and 8 weeks later (5.75 Girth). The final pic, might be considered \"porn\", and I don\'t know if that\'s okay, but mods feel free to delete it. I wanted to show the comparison of my before stats to my current stats and how much more I fill up a woman. Looking at the pics in the last pic just blows my mind.

She is the only one that knows about my procedure, and absolutely loves it! On a side note, I really want to say that the only regret, I guess if you can call it that is that I wish I never let the doc put in any 10%. I know everyone on here says they hate the 30% and love the 10%, but to me, and to this girl, we hate the 10%. It feels very squishy to us and very unnatural. I want to opt for only 30% for my round 3. I can feel exactly where the doc put the 10%, I have had several nodules form only in the 10%, and I have lost more size in the 10% area. Granted, I have not held or massaged other dicks to know the feel of other peoples, but I can say with certainty that my original Dick felt a lot more like the 30%.

Feel free to ask me any questions or say anything you want! If anyone with deformed dicks has any worries, look at my pics, it will get better and you will be so happy...well happy with your penis, I don\'t know about other aspects of your life!!!

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279318997

Congrats, looks like you and Dr C did a great job. Very good.

I also like 30%, feels much more solid and gives more Girth, in my case anyway.

On the 4th picture, how did that ring in the glans work for you and your girl? was it very painful when you first had it done? and it looks like you removed it? did the hole heel back up? Thx!!!

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279319002

Great results man, perfect look. It\'s literally your rock just huger haha.

You were pretty skinny looking with that length initially, especially that your base decreases. Everything looks much improved.

Congrats man

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279319063

I\'ve removed the pornography!

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279319094

Aren\'t Erect penises always pornography ; ) MPAA thinks so. I understand the rule, just a little commentary.

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279319430

hoddle10 wrote: I\'ve removed the pornography!

Sorry, I wasn\'t sure. I was just amazed at really what the Girth difference does for a girl. You know, size really does matter.

And, yeah for my length I was pretty skinny and always insecure but my large head always made up for it a little. I still have the piercing and wear it about half the time. It hurts some girls a little and others none. Being as I\'ve always felt small, I\'ve figured out ways to get very deep, and that\'s when the ring can hurt. I\'ve never had a torn condom because of it though.

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279321717

wow dude...very natural look too

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279322534

Your Dick looks better after PMMA! Great results!! More natural looking than when it was natural

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279329068

Mudball wrote: Your Dick looks better after PMMA! Great results!! More natural looking than when it was natural

Lmao, I don\'t know if I should just say thanks and be glad my Dick finally looks natural or hate my past 30 years of life with an unnatural looking natural Dick!

Serious though, thanks for the compliment.

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279329420

Amazing results. I really think your round 2 corrected many things from round 1. I have a question about round 2. Where do they put the PMMA? Does it go in the same place as in round 1? Does it feel similar to round 1? I am wondering if a round 2 won\'t help me the way that it appears to have helped you.

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279332199

buttercups wrote: Amazing results. I really think your round 2 corrected many things from round 1. I have a question about round 2. Where do they put the PMMA? Does it go in the same place as in round 1? Does it feel similar to round 1? I am wondering if a round 2 won\'t help me the way that it appears to have helped you.

Round 2 was exactly like round 1. They used different injecting points but very close to where the first ones were.

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279332206

It really improved your ring from round 1. Do you think that is typical or did you just get lucky in round 2?

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 6 months ago #1279334239

Well you were not deformed, but your results after PMMA look great !! Like a nose job or something, it just improved it. I would be very happy if I was you! Congrats !!

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 5 months ago #1279585426

I\'m going in for round 3 next week. I\'m going to be requesting all 30%. Does anybody know if it\'s cheaper to buy several Cialis from the pharmacy below Dr. C\'s office than it is to us from the doc?

I\'ve noticed after all of the swelling going down that my whole circ scar area has pretty much dissipated and is much smaller than my mid shaft. I hope to fill that area up as well as requesting my base be increased a lot. I hope to be fully healed with a 6 in mid shaft Girth and about a 6.25 in base. This really has become addicting as I first only wanted 5.5 in and now I need to have 6.

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Thewingman's battle against retraction 11 years 5 months ago #1279683914

Round 3 was yesterday. I think the results look great, but it\'s borderline too big. I opened the swelling goes down soon. I\'m currently 6.375 mid shaft.

Edit: Fixed image

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