Hi everyone and thanks so much for the board! I\'ve been searching this site for probably three years or so. Anyways after a few years and a one missed apt, because I bitched out. I finally took the plunge.
I decided this past Saturday it was time. Time was right and so was my money! So I made the call and left a message. I received a phone call Monday afternoon. After I must have called 3-4 times first lol!
First available was the 28th! Happy but at the same time, I knew that date was t going to work and I would prolly just bitch out again.
So Monday mid eve came around, and I got the call! Thursday at 5pm. I said \"this Thursday!\"

\"ill take it\"
A little about me.
34 Caucasian. 6.1\' 175lbs
Grower not a show stopper
bpel 6.25/6.4
nbpel 5.9
fl 3-3.75 or I can turtle up
fg 3.5
beg 4.7
mesg 5.0
So yea, I guess I\'m in the \"avg\" range.
But I never felt that way. when in locker rooms, after showers with the ex-wife and or latest gf. At the beach, so many 3 somes situations. All the girls I booked with my wingman but just never went all th way. So I played it off as im the \"director\" and would pass her off lol! I pretend i was to drunk :-/ Still had fun!
So my wingman had the FFT done in VA. His shit was huge and he deff had allot of fun with it. I think he paid 7k at the time (8yrs ago). And it just really wasnt heard of to much. So he as the \"big\" joke lol. I think now he\'s shriveled up, still has some gains and a minor noodle at the base.
Anyways another one of my very best friends opted for the same surgery (Fft) about 8 months ago. Even though i introduced him to this board and pmma. Hes already gone in for a refil as well. Story after story about his new Donky dick, is all I would hear.. So it sparked it in me again. I just broke up with my gf of three years, I haven\'t really been seeing anyone. So to avoid stage fright and feeling like ill have to wait a month before I\'m comfterable to have sex, and since I\'m in the gym with hot chicks everyday and moved a cross the street from the beach! its time to get my own!
BTW He\'s happy but he keep loosing size because he\'s loosing weight. He said hell come with me in the next 3/6 months when I come back.
Anyhoot.... Couldn\'t sleep more then an hour the night before I had to hop my flight. Woke up with 2nd thoughts. I\'m fairly healthy. I eat right, workout pretty good, juice press often, take my vitamins, and I don\'t drink much or smoke weed anymore. I\'m all about organic good was when I can, right....
So the thought of the plastic shit in my dick and there\'s no turning back scared the shit out of me.
So I called my friend \"donky dick\" and even bought wifi on the plane so we could chat the whole flight, and so I could hit the boards on here to make sure I\'m not missing anything.
Donky dick said. Look at it like this. You still fuck you ex gf imagine the next time. Imagine when your dating and you reach for those Magnums, or when your at the gym in sweats and you get that look, or the next time a chick reaches down your pants and you let her be ause your fat dick is there. He\'s like after round two, imagine the first time you give a chick lock jaw hahahahha ok so I was getting happy and relax.
Landed in SD. Took the shuttle service Dr. C offeres. That was cool. Guy waiting with my aka name right there. I got in the van. We picked up one more dude. We started to hit it off. So this was his 2nd time back. I told him in sweating, nervous as hell and asked him all kinds of questions. He was like look were hours from LA, EVERYONE I MEAN EVERYONE has this done! I was like no shit!?!? Yes it\'s all over the place! He was like just massage that dick good and your going to be very happy!
After that I popped a couple Xanax I brought with me and hit the office. They gave me my room # at the Grand Hotel right next door! I showered up, got a snickers (stress and chocolate:-) and took some before pics.
Went down to th me office signed in and in about 30 mins later I was undressed with three guys asking me questions and evaluating my junk. Dr. C is fucking awesome! Wayde is the fucking man. The assistant was also good! I thought I was gonna be shy, which I was a little at first, but totally fine within mins. We all laughed and joked threw the procedure: I asked tons of questions, I pointed out areas to ad more. They were so cool! Fucking loved it. They really care about your dick! I got 23cc of 30% base and mid and 4cc 10% below the glans and I think they squirted some a little lower to fade in good.
Not to painful, after the initial pain reducing shots. Also for those of you that are growers. I was worried that I was gonna turtle up and not get even fill and good distributions. Don\'t worry! When they numb your dick, it gets nice and relaxed you don\'t even feel it it hangs. Your good!
Before pics. I couldn\'t really get a full hard on was so tired. But he\'s a starting point for reference