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TOPIC: One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help

One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279040247

I underwent PMMA yesterday. I initially intended to go for the 10% conservative approach but for various reasons eventually opted for the 30%. Now one day later it is extremely swollen. I was told to manipulate the product, but can\'t even feel it underneath the swelling. I am also supposed to keep my penis somehow \'stretched\' so that the material does not aggregate at the exposed part of the penis but other than watching porbpn and playing with this very swollen and painful corn dog. I was trying to figure out how to keep the penis extended for long periods of time without too muxg pressure (now and in the next few weeks??), and could only think of the xsleeve product (which I don\'t have with me here but do at home..). Any advice that can help now and with the final result?

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279041306

Please look at my thread. Post if you like.
Since you have such a new result, my suggestion is to massage the shit out of it in the next 24 hours regardless of the pain.

On the good side, even if it looks fucked up eventually it will look less fucked up.

The size will be nice.

Good luck, post some pictures if you can.

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279042456

Thanks. I am really concerned because I ended up getting the 30% and thus any issues I have now will later be compounded. Also, because I had a dermal graft inserted and removed in the past (long story), I believe that at the very tip no PMMA was used at all (still I do have a less pronounced ring) so I a, concerned it may end up looking unnatural but we will have to see. I started massaging but all it did was increase in I inflammation to the degree that it has become impossible for me to feel out any inconsistencies underneath. I am wondering if you (or anyone else) is using any of the stretching devices. Also, any advice from those who took the plunge with 30%!would be appreciated. I will try to post some photos soon. Bitw my Erect length is 6\" and Girth was only 4\" mid shaft, and I wou,d totally be satisfied withthe a 5\" Girth you started from .

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279042594

Ok here is a pic I just took. It\'s extremely swollen and bruised, partly due to massaging. Will post some more in case there is some interest later.

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279042955

congrats candy bars on your procedure and first post.. been a member for 2 years i see. Your results look pretty good so far. will be following your thread. What are your starting stats?

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279042984

I had 30% and love it. To keep it from retracting, I literally kept it pulled out by the head just holding on to it any time I was awake and wasn\'t massaging it. It was difficult and taxing, I only slept at 2 hour intervals, but as a result I basically don\'t retract anymore. The PMMA formed a sheath that keeps me from retracting. My advice, don\'t let it retract if you can help it.

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279043328


Thanks. Actually massaging it for the first 24 hours has made it so inflamed and sore that I can\'t even tel what is PMMA and what is the excess fluid. How did you deal with that? Also is pulling only supposed to influence Flaccid retraction or also the Erect result (i.e. if i didn\'t pull then my Erect result would be impacted as well?).

And re pulling it - how long did you continue to so that for?

I must say that I have only pulled on it occasionally and otherwise tried to maintain erections as that was something they suggested. I don\'t have any pulling device since they ran out. Not sure if you are taking about pulling for the first 48 hours or beyond. Re my stats - I think I was a bit under 6\" in length, but some stretching got me there. Erect Girth was 4\" so we will see what happens with that as a result of then PMMA.

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279043626

I did that for the first 48 hours. I just massaged through the swelling, feelin for unevenness.

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279047724

Thanks. I\'m actually quite concerned - the first day there was significantly less swelling than today, but it not the swelling I am worried about. What concenrns me is that today, after getting strong erectiins yesterday (which I was advised to try to achieve in order to feel out inconsistencies), I have started experiencing really strong pain (the kind that only percocet alleviated) but more importantly, my Erect length 1/2 a 2/3 of what it was yesterday and thenpenis has become extremely stiff and barely stretchable. In previous procedures (when my penis stiffened up like this) it took months to regain length. I not the same scale but collagen takes on,y 6 weeks to form, I am concerned that if this happens when I am unable to stretch or gain full size erections, that it could eventually mean a shorter penis. I know I am getting ahead if myself but if someone else experienced this sort of thing after the procedure then I would really be interested to know how it declined. Thanks again!

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279047759

Take a deep breath brother,
Everyone swells, just like u mostly,
Have regular hot showers or a bath even,
Try to keep Erect as moch as possible,
Nice light even strokes, stop, then stroke / play some more to get hard
Doesnt need to be a rock, but 60+% is fine matey
Don\'t be too rough
First 48 hrs is critical from my experience
I used arnica gel, antiseptic spray and lube
All the best

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279047958

I am really worried 36 hours post procedure and any attempt to pull or reach Erection causes it to get more swollen, tighter, more rigid and smaller. At this point it does not sterch and my Erection is tiny. I am even more worried about this after what you mentioned about 48 hours. Anyone else experienced that? I\'m really freaking out at this point.

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279048066

Let me be more precise - my normal Erect length is 6\". This morning (24 hrs post) I was able to get this both by stretching and Erection. Now 12 hours later (in which I really did not stretch or pull) the Erect length reaches 5\" max but this is also the stretched length, thus it seems to me that the material is \"setting\" at this level. Yesterday, I was concerned about consistency so I \"used\" my erections to massively massage the thing, turning it completely black and blue (I thought that was the main goal in stretching). Now I realize that should have focused a lot less on consistencyand a lot more or maintaining my size. I am really worried that this will cause this shortening to remain permanent. Not sure what I can still do 36 hours post procedure as it feels very tight and impossible to tug...

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279048432

Matey, I have never experienced length loss like u report,
I would get a hot bath happening over next few hrs,
Try to get best Erection possible, and pull and message for some length
And if not Erection, stretch anyway
But again not to rough on pulling and squeezing
Do a reverse \"OK\" grip and run along shaft
It\'s important u do this relaxed and more importantly correct,

I try not to sleep in first 48hrs, just keep my Dick in a semi to hard state,
Fuck sleep, got the rest of your life for that,

Good luck matey,
If u have the time, use it wisely on your Dick, and hot bath I would think
For as long and often as u can next 36 hrs

I hope someone else can also chime in to help u brother

Don\'t do anything silly, it can be sorted with further work,
And things will settle down over next few days, time for u to reasses then

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279048436

The material has set at a totally differentl level than yesterday feels like a tight rubber band. Can it be removed before it is too late? Does anyone know someone that can do it? I\'m pretty helpless at this stage???

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One day post PMMA procedure need some advice and help 11 years 7 months ago #1279048467

Call the Dr or nurse Wade at the clinic, matey if u concerned
Now, they can best help u

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