Bluemale wrote:
MustGetBigger wrote: PMMA has issues getting evenly past circ scar towards glans. Curious if Dr. Loria\'s material is easier to pass through that area and form evenly or if it is just filled in easier on your Dick. Maybe your Dick the skin is less tight in that area. Wish we had more people posting on here that came from Dr. Loria
I really wished there were more patients of loria posting here. It made the beginning of my recovery really mentslly difficult for me. I appreciated the advice and conversations I had with the moderators as well but they really scared the shit out of me. I believe they have solid reasons. I keep the dr posted on my recovery every few days. I know his reputation is not great here. Perhaps I can try to get him to come back on here and post. In a discussion as his office he wasn\'t a fan of the board because he felt it was very Pro. Dr.c. There is enough information about the shilling and other things that went on. No need to rehash. I will inquire about the filler now. Would the moderators be opposed to my trying to get him back on here to talk?
It\'s a difficult situation as I didn\'t want to scare you, though I knew I was going to have to post some things that would. I\'m a very empathetic guy and have been through PE procedures so feel really bad about posting in a way that will scare.
But ultimately you are just one guy and we\'ve got thousands of members, many of them are very easily influenced. So as much as I didn\'t want to scare you, I felt obliged to express my concerns. I desperately don\'t want more guys to have this done. I said in Irishfans thread that I was amazed that his didn\'t work out. It made no sense to me, but I was relieved as I knew it would stop our members running off to get it done.
If it was up to me (which it isn\'t) I wouldn\'t allow Loria procedure threads. I know 99% of the board will disagree and believe that everyone should be free to make their own decisions, but, in my experience, so often when it comes to penis enlargements, guys seem almost incapable of thinking sensibly. But I think
PhalloBoards does have some sort of moral responsibility. I\'ve expressed before my concerns over the direction in which things are going and I don\'t just mean regarding silicone. The reason this thread bothers me so much is because we\'ve seen with
PMMA just how easy it is for guys to throw caution to the wind. I\'ve spoken of my concerns regarding repeat sessions of high concentration and large volumes of
PMMA. So based on that you can imagine how opposed I am to massive quantities of an unknown silicone based mixture being injected!
In my opinion the
PMMA situation is now out of control, but at least that started with a foundation of thought that seemed rational based on lots of research. But how can having some unknown substance ever be considered rational and how can we ever research something when we don\'t even know what it is? I think what we are trying to achieve here loses credibility when we resort to having \"unknown mixtures\" injected.