jonthomas wrote: So its day five now and this swelling is still horrible. It hasnt gotten any worse but it hasnt really gotten any better. Im really stressed out about the whole thing and its making me very very depressed. I took the prednisone, ive been taking ibuprofen regularly and ive been staying off my feet. Yet nothing really seems to change. I dont know if im going to have to get this drained or what. Wade seems to think it will just come down in time, but the thing is that i have to go back to work and school soon and i dont know how im supposed to be on my feet for 12 hours a day when i have this water sack dangling between my legs.
Prednisone or Ibuprofen are unlikely to help in my opinion. It\'s fluid as opposed to swollen tissue. It might take a while, but don\'t get in drained and don\'t let it worry you. By now I think it\'s safe to say it really is nothing more than fluid. I walked around with a seroma for 3 months! You could try wrapping it.
But don\'t let this depress you. At some point you need to get a grip and accept it for it is. It\'s not a major complication or anything that is going to cause problems. It\'s nothing more than an inconvenience and you can\'t let yourself get down about something like this. Imagine what guys who have actual surgery go through.
I hope it doesn\'t sound harsh, but in my experience you need to toughen up and not be pussy about this. I apologize for saying that but it comes from a place of experience. I stressed out big time after a couple of my surgeries, but I got through it by looking at it rationally and not allowing negative thoughts, that had no substance, take control. The facts are you have some fluid retention and that\'s it. The only solution is to wait it out. It\'s an inconvenience but not a problem.
Sorry if I sound unsympathetic and I assure you I\'m not, as I\'ve been through it myself. But what I learned is that you simply can\'t allow yourself to be worried about things without a good reason, but often fear of the unknown allows us to do just that. You\'ve never experience fluid retention and seeing it in your penis must be really frightening. But if you had experienced it or dealt with it before you\'d realize what a small set back it is.
Don\'t get it drained, just let it do so naturally.