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TOPIC: My adventure starts in 2 days...

My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277920480

Hi everyone,

Thank you so, so much to everyone who has contributed. I\'ve never posted in a forum until today but I feel I need to repay the community with my own experience.

I\'m booked in for this Wednesday with Dr C. I have flown all the way from Ireland and I\'m sat in a bar in San Diego feeling confused, nervous, excited etc... It does feel absolutely mental to think what I\'m about to do!

My starting stats are 6\" Erect length and 4.5\" Erect Girth. My Flaccid length is about 3 to 4 inches depending on mood, temperature etc. Actually I\'ve never measured Flaccid Girth. Possibly I\'ll do that later!

My motivation behind the surgery is Erect Girth for the benefit of myself and my partner during sex(i\'m currently single). I\"m not particularly bothered about length and I don\'t care how it looks Flaccid. I just want to enjoy sex and feel more confident. I\'ve had sex with about 100 women and its mostly been all good. As I\'m getting older (34 now) I\'m noticing that women are often a little looser. I\'ve had some very demoralizing moments where I simply can\'t feel anything during intercourse. Its quite awkward really, I barely touch the sides and it becomes difficult to stay Erect due to so little sensation. Moments like this have rocked my confidence so I\'m hoping that the increase in Girth can get me to where I want to me.

My goals are modest and realistic. I would like to gain 1\" of Erect Girth and I am happy to have 2,3,4 sessions if needed to get there. I\'ll go with whatever is recommended by Dr C but I\'m expecting to be guided towards 10% and I\'ll be very happy to proceed that way.

I understand the risks after extensive research in these forums. The most likely complication seems to be aesthetics and I feel that I\'ve taken this risk on board. Currently I hate my penis. Its thin, its curved, it has pearly penile papules on the head (aka PPP, look like little warts but apparently quite normal) - there is no redeeming feature to my penis! I feel that if I can make it thicker, the one thing I can focus on will be that it works. If it was an Inch thicker but with a lump or bump, I\'d accept that trade-off. Of course I\'m hoping for a thicker penis without any complications and it will be a win-win.

I\'ve added 3 photos - a Flaccid, an Erect and an Erect where I\'m reducing the curve by holding. Until today I had never really noticed the curve of my penis, let alone been bothered by it. Looking at the photos today I realize that the curve of my penis is slowly increasing. I have read a little on wikipidia and it seems that using an ADS extender/stretcher device will be of great benefit to me.

Wade has suggested that the PMMA may slightly reduce the curve by thickening the skin. I\'m wondering whether I could drink a lot of coffee and hold my penis straight for 48 hours after my PMMA in the hope of significantly reducing the curve?

I would love to hear from anyone who has any advice regarding the curve and/or what type of post care might be best if I\'m looking to reduce it. I\'m trying to pick up a stretcher device later today and I was considering using this immediately after PMMA. I was hoping that it might encourage everything to settle in a more \'straight\' position. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

OK so thanks again to everyone who has contributed and of course the guys who manage these forums and keep everything well organized.

If anyone has any specific advice for me based on my dimensions, curvature etc, of course I\'d absolutely love to hear from you.

Deep breath, 2 days to go.....

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277920807

Good luck letsgiveitago,I am flying in soon from the uk for my 1st round appointment the day after you......buzzin !!Try and relax and enjoy your time there and look forward to going home with your new tool!!

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277920937

Congratulations. I\'m scheduled for the 16th this month and I can\'t wait. I really want to watch your progress as well as a couple other ones here as I am very close to you dimensions. I\'m about 6-6.5 long depending on my weight and when fully hard, I am about 4.75 in Girth. I too am looking only to go to about 5.5 in Girth when all is said and done. I don\'t want a massive unnatural looking penis, just one that I\'m proud of and never embarrassed about again.

Good luck with your procedure!

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277923102

Welcome and good luck! Many here know exactly what you are going through! You are not alone and I truly believe that you will be in good hands with Dr C! And there has been others that backed out at the last min, so relax and you can make up your own mind at any time, including right before you lay down on the table!! Good luck with whatever decision you make!! Wade and Dr C out highly regarded by many here!

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277924066


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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277924441

Best of luck! Also, you may want to talk with M7. He\'s had extensive experience with curvature and correcting it, if it is an issue for you.
I hope everything comes out perfect for you. Please keep us posted on your experience.

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277924866

Hey Letsgive....Best of luck, brother!...You will be fine. You will have an impressive penis, given your current one.

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277925123

Good luck, I\'ll be flying in from Australia in a few weeks for my procedure... based on Dr advice, after 1 procedure I\'ll only be at your starting Girth so trust me, it could be worse.

I was planning on arriving from Australia at at 6:40am and then travelling all the way to Tijuana for an afternoon appointment... maybe a night of rest like you seem to be doing is a better idea.

Hope it goes well for you

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277941664

A big thank you to each individual for your supportive words. I can\'t tell you how much I appreciate it. Thanks especially to M7 who I spoke to on a separate thread. He clearly has a wealth of knowledge on the subject of curvature and has given me some great advice. Based on his suggestion, I\'m feeling reassured and ready to go.

I\'ve been up since 4am and my appointment is 4.30pm this afternoon. I\'ve been for a run and am feeling super excited.

I\'ve said this before but it just feels utterly surreal, absolutely completely bonkers!

I\'ve had a hilarious sequence of events. I decided that I would like to purchase a stretching device and i found a sex shop who could order it in for me. Just for the record, I won\'t be stretching or using any traction, but I hope that the device might help me to keep my penis straight(ish) during my post care. I\'m not expecting it to cure my curve, but I do hope it can help to ensure it doesn\'t get worse with the PMMA.

Anyway, my device won\'t be delivered to the sex shop until 1pm latest so I\'ve asked Christian to send the shuttle to the address of the sex shop. He said that the shuttle will pick me up from my \"hotel lobby at 1pm\". How random is this, that I\'m getting picked up from a sex shop by a taxi to take me to Mexico for a penis enlargement surgery!! The whole thing is so random and I\'ll look back in the future and just laugh at my crazy adventure out here in San Diego.

I\'ll post pics after the procedure.....

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277944376

Best of luck today! It will be over before you know it. Hopefully the driver knows to expect to see a sex shop and not a hotel so he doesn\'t just assume he has the wrong address!

The things men will go through to feel better about their penis...its amazing really.

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277960790

Hope all went well. Looking forward to any updates.

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 10 months ago #1277966695

Hope you had a good experience with the doc and have a terrific outcome.
Let us know how things went.

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 9 months ago #1277970347

Why don\'t you take a look at the photo below. This was me yesterday. Man that was a horrible feeling. I\'d started to wonder what kind of life I might be able to pursue if i lost my penis!

This was a challenging time but I managed to keep my cool just about. I saw Dr C.and Wade who were great, although alarmingly they did seem a little concerned. Dr C. wrote me a prescription for some cortisone pills and they both agreed to meet me the next day at my hotel in San Diego even though this was their day off. So fairplay to both of them, they clearly cared and I appreciated this. Unfortunately it did make me feel a little more concerned, as if I was not a \'typical\' case.

I think anyone considering this procedure should look at this picture below and be prepared that this is a possibility. I said before that I accepted the risks and I really meant it. I did not regret the procedure at any point, but was disappointed that I seemed to have worse swelling and bruising than anyone else I could find on PB. I\'m sure others have had very similar but i couldn\'t find anything quite as shocking when I was looking yesterday.

To anyone considering this procedure, please be prepared guys for what can happen out here. I disliked the appearance of my penis so much before that the risk of lumps and bumps was not enough to deter me from my quest for Girth. But if I had started with a great penis with good aesthetics and one that I had liked, I think that yesterday would have been a lot more traumatic.

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 9 months ago #1277970943

Day 3

First let me start by saying what a great team they are here. Dr C. and Wade are a magnificent partnership and seem to work very well together indeed. They are busy now and this procedure is really getting really popular. They seemed very focused when working on me and Wade has a great attention to detail. When I was troubled yesterday, they were very helpful.

Ok so it\'s looking much, much better now. I didn\'t take the cortisone and instead tried ibuprofen first. This made an unbelievable difference almost instantly. The bruising has dropped a little and its looking like a penis again.

I recieved 19cc at 10%. Dr C. took one look at my Foreskin and said that it simply had to be 10%. That was just fine with me.

I\'ll leave you guys with this thought. When I first came back to my hotel after the procedure I got an Erection having recently taken the Cialis. When I held this thing in my hand fully Erect, it felt incredible. It was simply huge. It was one of the most powerful sensations I had ever experienced. Feeling this big Dick that is attached to YOUR body!!! I was punching the air and shouting \'YES, YES\' !!!

I will remember that moment forever.

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My adventure starts in 2 days... 11 years 9 months ago #1277971671

Letsgiveitago wrote: When I first came back to my hotel after the procedure I got an Erection having recently taken the Cialis. When I held this thing in my hand fully Erect, it felt incredible. It was simply huge. It was one of the most powerful sensations I had ever experienced. Feeling this big Dick that is attached to YOUR body!!! I was punching the air and shouting \'YES, YES\' !!! I will remember that moment forever.

A similar thing happened to me after I had PLGA Scaffolds. When the bandage was taken off, I had about 6\" Flaccid, as it was very swollen and the scaffolds were obviously still hard. The trouble was, I got so turned on and excited by the though of finally having a big penis, that I got a rock hard Erection. The is very bad news when you have just been degloved and have stitches all around the top of your penis. I was in agony, but just couldn\'t get it to go down. Once it did die down, I couldn\'t resist having another look or feel and would straight away get Erect again.

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