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TOPIC: Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites

Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277695195

I am starting a thread on dealing with a minor complication I\'m having from my second round of PMMA injections. I have 4 small half BB sized nodules at sites where I was injected. They are slightly painful when pressure is applied (nothing I notice during sex), but that is not the issue. The problem is, if someone dodnt know that I\'ve had a procedure done on me, they might assume they are STD related, as they are bumps that look kind of suspicious. I have read about other guys having this issue, but I\'ve never seen a clear description of how exactly they are treated.

I have emailed Wade and am waiting for a response. I had read somewhere that they are pierced with an 18 gauge needle and that does the trick. They look like a pimple that might be popped, but no matter how hard i squeeze them, no dice (and this hurts like a BITCH). This is not a big deal like some other people have dealt with, but it nonetheless seems like something that commonly occurs, so I figured if we started a specific thread to deal with this complication, we could all discuss techniques to resolve them, preferably without a trip to Tijuana.

I\'m posting pics of mine, there are two on each side of the shaft. They aren\'t easy to see in the pics, but they\'re pretty easy to spot in real life (for me).

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277704129


I have 2 myself and a 3rd one that I think is a Nodule as it isn\'t where an entry point was. Mine are very tiny but probably just as hard as yours. I have not squeezed them and don\'t think I want to at this point.

I have occasionally put an all natural skin care product on them and massaged but I have not noticed any difference.

I seem to remember reading threads where they just went away over time, but having read almost every report on this forum, it\'s a blur as to who\'s threads they were.

Any responses / remedies are welcome for sure...

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277743303

I had some hardness/bumps at injection sites. I was confused about leaving them alone or trying to massage them out. Emailed Wade and he suggested leaving them alone and letting them resolve which they, almost completely, have. I imagine it has to do with where in the healing one is, but hope you get some guidance from Wade. Looks great and best of luck to you. B

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277753410

CHL\'s drudge report talks about nodules that corrected themselves overtime.

I would just relax and let them resolve...


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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277768487

I\'m with Darkstaff on this one, mine did also vanish, though they took quite a while. They\'re temporary and can be partially avoided by lots of pressing on the entry points during the days after injection.


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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277799237

Ok so last week I had a talk with wade about how to proceed with nodules. He advised me to come there if at all possible for treatment, and said although be could tell me what to do, he did not advise doing it yourself. That said, he told me what they do. They make a small hole with an 18 gauge needle, then using sterilized tweezers, pull out the excess tissue, which he said would be white and would poke out a little from the incision site (needle hole). He said be careful not to remove too much or you\'ll leave a pit or hole. He then said to put neosporin and let the wounds heal uncovered.

The following is just the slightest bit graphic.

Here is how it went: I poked a small hole, and saw nothing but blood. No white anything to grab, so I just started digging into the flesh with the tweezers and squeezing and ripping out tiny pieces of tissue. It hurt like a bastard and bled a lot. I worked on three of the four nodules, the ones that were most noticeable. One of them wasn\'t too bad so I left it alone. The one on the top left I got on the first try and seems to be resolved. The other two I had to work on a second time because I didn\'t remove enough. Those two are still healing and scabbed but I think I got them. I am postin pics and will post again in a few days when they\'ve had time to heal.

This was all done purely for aesthetics and this was my first attempt at a corrective procedure. We shall see the results but I know one the nodules is fixed and perfect now after 4 days healing. The other two have had less than 48 hours but I think they\'re also fixed. When I say this was purely aesthetic I did neglect that the nodules did hurt if you pinch they or press on them too hard. That said, even not fully healed I can say that issue is fully resolved. PMMA does not do well at the skin surface. I have a feeling from what I\'ve read and experienced, that is where you\'re going to run into issues. If PMMA is injected close to the surface, it\'s going to hurt and have an unnatural look and get a tissue reaction.

Anyway, that\'s my two cents and my report. I\'ll keep you posted.

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277800012

I thought I was tough!!! But a guy that cut his own Dick and dig around in it!! Not worthy...not worthy! Hope it heals nicely !!!

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277800199

I\'ve done self surgery on penis as well. It can be pretty scary! Congrats on your attempt and keep us posted.

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277806189

Hey Dance with Dragons....Man, am I impressed with your surgery skills...Good luck and keep us posted...

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277811564

You too, wow! To chicken here, I will have to leave the cutting for Dr C if I decide to do the cutting! But I hope it worked for you DD !! Happy healing!

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 10 months ago #1277814428

Quick update. Everything is healing well. Looks like the issue is going to be resolved.

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 11 years 8 months ago #1278429199

Final update on this topic. The nodules were completely resolved by the procedure I described here. Full healing took about 4 weeks. After the corrective procedure I performed, the wounds were scabbed for about 10 days, then took on a lighter, shiny skin tone for another two weeks or so, which eventually faded into being invisible. No more nodules, and no more pain either. The above procedure corrected both the pain and aesthetic issues arising from entry point nodules of varying sizes and severity. I am considering this case closed. I hope this helps anyone with a similar issue in the future.

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 9 years 10 months ago #1286855241

I did this after R2 and pulled out this red fleshy chunk of tissue or something. It went perfectly. It hurt a little too much, so I used EMLA this time for 1 hour before I started.

This time, I got all my stuff ready (betadine, EMLA on the penis, sterilized tweezers, gauze, needle in packet, alcohol swabs, gloves, etc...was a whole production here)

I wonder if numbing my Dick with EMLA actually made this harder because I couldn\'t really \"feel\" where I was sticking the tweezers and needle - and I had to do it visually alone (but so would a doctor).

I ended up with a Nodule that has been stabbed to death...but still there...damn.

I only have 2 nodules that are fully accessible, down from 6 (but the other 4 have some tissue below the surface - just can\'t get them now). I might have shrank it down just from poking it a dozen times... but it\'s hard to say. I\'d post a pic but it\'s covered in bactroban and gauze right now.

Damn I really wanted it healed for next weekend...hence, my plan to do this tonight at (almost) 3 weeks post. My upper right one is huge. Looks like a big zit - or people who don\'t know might judge it as a genital wart. I see it in the mirror every time I pee... just big damn zit-like thing.

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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 9 years 10 months ago #1286861283

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Hey Restoration,

What is your job again? With all the knowledge of meds, pills and tools I\'d say you\'re a qualified doctor :-) I hope you gave some good advice to dr C and Wade when they were at it.


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Small Nodules At PMMA Injection Sites 9 years 10 months ago #1286864931

I never said...

There\'s a reason I haven\'t wanted to say - but yes, there\'s plenty of medical stuff in my life... I mean, Kenalog & 25 gauge needles & bacteriostatic water don\'t just appear to people without medical access....but I am not qualified to give medical advice on this topic at all. So, for the last year I\'ve been on here I don\'t get into detail about it. There\'s also a reason I have so many physician friends!

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