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TOPIC: The Long Walk

The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277651756

Not by Stephen King. Continuing my sad tale here in hopes of receiving much needed advice and support.

So, 4 weeks out and the wound is clearing up nicely. Scar away strips are working wonderfully and I highly recommend them! (Have you tried these for your graft scar messageman?). My Flaccid state looks half decent at 3\" only after a stretch. When I workout it turtles up and disappears into a 1.5\" tiny thing and is pitiful to witness. My Erect state 4 weeks post Removal of Elist\'s implant seems to vary wildly at around 3.5-4.5\", 5\" bone pressed was my biggest measurement. I started at 5.5\" non bone pressed... I\'m too small to use the bib now so that\'s out of the question and instead have been Jelqing and stretching as often as possible. I\'d like to get to 6,5 or 7, retain my previous 5.5\" Girth then possibly gain an Inch with PMMA when I\'ve reached my length hopes. Is my length goal impossible or improbable?

I have some odd discoloration since the surgery I thought was bruising and it hasn\'t faded. Looks like dark birth marks on the shaft by the glans near the top of where the implant was. Will this go away? I also feel a ring around The same area where the top pf the implant was, I\'m guessing this may be scar tissue?

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277698868

Continuing my stretching an Jelqing, still no improvement. Same measurements and some soreness around the glands. Still haven\'t fully recouped fully from the Removal and I\'m uncertain about a few things regarding what\'s been left in there and what it\'ll be when I end up.

I\'ve decided I will stretch until I reach my length goal get lipo around the subpubescent area and kenelog shots to remove the buldge that is now present above my penis (im hardly overweight but it has grown and swollen since i decided to do this to myself). I will then get PMMA to round out the cone shape. Still very depressed about the whole situation and was hoping for some feedback from members that have gone trough the same ordeal. Please help me with any of my issues if you can

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277701431

I haven\'t had the implant myself but I would recommend updating this thread here as well:

Hope others chime in

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277701542

I haven\'t had the implant either,but wish you the best of luck.maybe PM some of those who have had the implant.All the best

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277712910

A thousand apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I (unbelievably) haven\'t seen your last few posts (in this thread) until now.
Regarding getting your length back...I truly believe it is possible gain your length back....what it all depends on is discipline, perseverance, and a little luck.
Have a strict regiment of manual stretching, Jelqing (do this as often as possible)...Get yourself and all-day-stretcher (that stays on).
I am not sure about the discoloration, nor the air pocket you speak of...
Above all... Remain optimistic..You may gain your length is a few months, or it may take a year...but I do believe it is possible. In a few years, you will look back on this time as a horrendous time... I know when I had my implant out, the next couple of months were some of the darkest of my entire life. But I did overcome it, and I am better for it.
I am confident you can too!
Please feel free to PM anytime if you have any concerns, questions, or just need to vent.

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277722497

No apologies necessary my friend Just been a hard go these past 5 weeks and I was dying for some sympathy, hah. Feeling a bit pathetic with this self-loathing.

My member is still very sore. Not sure if it\'s from the surgery, Jelqing or the stretching the latter of which I have done precious little of because of my nievity. I guess I may be over zealously stretching and I am sore after only an hour or so of stretching each session (with the head of my penis turning slightly red and bloodshot) therefore I only stretch once every other day. Maybe I need to lessen the tension and up the time? Should it be barely pulling or truly stretching when I use my ADS?

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277723687

Microphoncheck wrote: No apologies necessary my friend Just been a hard go these past 5 weeks and I was dying for some sympathy, hah. Feeling a bit pathetic with this self-loathing.

My member is still very sore. Not sure if it\'s from the surgery, Jelqing or the stretching the latter of which I have done precious little of because of my nievity. I guess I may be over zealously stretching and I am sore after only an hour or so of stretching each session (with the head of my penis turning slightly red and bloodshot) therefore I only stretch once every other day. Maybe I need to lessen the tension and up the time? Should it be barely pulling or truly stretching when I use my ADS?

When you write \"stretching\" , do you mean using your all-day-stretcher? Have you noticed any length gain at all?if you are injuring your penis in anyway, I believe it is best to lessen the tension. I would say it is better to stretch longer with less tension than to stretch a shorter time with more tension. How long are you manually stretching (ie tugging on your penis)?

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277730034

Manual stretch in shower for about a minute or two again right before I sleep for a minute or two and occasionally after I urinate. When I said stretching before I meant with my ADS. I can only leave it on for an hour or two then it starts to hurt and my penis is sore for days afterwards. I\'ll try to lessen the tension and lengthen the time I use my stretcher. Have to wait a day or so before I start again because I\'m sore right now from yesterday\'s stretch.

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277731995

Well not sure if this is good news or bad but I had a very Erect penis tonight and self-pleasures twice in a row... The second time I was over the 5\" mark bone pressed but I noticed how much more the pubic area gets pulled post op. Hopefully this is a hint of things to come and I can regain my Inch and then some as Messageman has done.

Question though: why does my pubic area pull out and it\'s somewhat firm? Is this scar tissue? Should I look to get kenelog shots?

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277732528

Your penis has been through a huge trauma.
I would say to continue to stretch, and give it time for the dust to settle before you make any decisions.
It took me about two to three months to get my length back. It sounds like you are on the right track!

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277736975

Yea maybe this is good, I\'ll try to regain my half-glass-full attitude I\'ve lost through this ordeal. Hopefully the pubic area will stop pulling and I can look like what I used to in the months and years to come. Like you\'ve said MM, it\'s a marathon, not a race

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277751333

I\'m an idiot, bone pressed on the top not on the sides. From the top of my shaft I\'m at 4.55\" now. Side measurement doesn\'t count. So, regardless, that\'s a .55\" improvement within 6 weeks! Whatever I\'m doing seems to be working a little. Most if not all of the swelling should be gone by now, my small spots of discoloration is fading slightly, the hardness on the top is still a little loose. I\'m not sure if it\'s capsules or stitches that have been left or what but on the top where my Circumcision point is the skin doesn\'t roll up to cover the head of the penis. I am also certain I have major amounts of scar tissue in my pubic area which will have to be dealt with someday.

Continuing my recuperation taking it a day at a time

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The Long Walk 11 years 10 months ago #1277938399

Well, no progress over the last 2 weeks, in fact somehow a bit of retraction. I think the scar tissue is still forming and taking hold. I\'m now just above 4.25\"... In a couple days I will be self injecting Kenalog shots in hopes of reducing the scar tissue blob that has formed. I\'m really starting to panic here. With all the stretching and Jelqing I\'m doing I shouldn\'t be getting smaller. My Flaccid gains are looking decent but I\'m getting smaller when Erect. What the hell?

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The Long Walk 11 years 9 months ago #1278045193

Just injected 1cc of Kenelog. Also taking Serracor-NK to help with the scar tissue breakdown. Crossing my fingers and hoping for the best...

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